Checking the System Operation
This cruise control is equipped with a built in Diagnostic Mode which allows you to verify that all your connections are
made correctly and that each part of the Cruise Control is functioning properly. Before reassembling the dash use this
test procedure to confirm your installation. Check over your installation one or more times to verify all connections are
secure and that all wire are correctly plugged in and cable tied in place. Put the vehicle in park, or neutral, and make
sure you have the hand brake “ON”.
To enter diagnostic mode, follow this Sequence
• Turn the ignition switch OFF.
• Press and hold the “SET” button while you turn the ignition switch ON without starting the engine.
• (The “Cruise Control ON” indicator will come on “RED”)
• Release the “SET” button.
• Press the “ON/OFF” button to turn the Cruise Control “ON”
• (The “Cruse Control ON” indicator will change to “GREEN”).
1. Note the “Cruise Control ON” indicator on the dash as well as the diagnostic LED on the cruise control electronics
module will both now respond to the following tests.
2. Turn the ”ON/OFF” switch OFF and then back ON, the “Cruise Control ON” Indicator will change colour & the
diagnostic LED should light.
3. Press and release all the switches on the steering wheel command switch. The “Cruise Control ON” Indicator
will change to orange & the diagnostic LED should light each time a switch is pressed and go out when the switch
is released.
4. Press and release the brake pedal. The “Cruise Control ON” Indicator will change to orange & the diagnostic
LED should light each time a switch is pressed and go out when the switch is released.
{If you hold down the brake pedal for an extended period the lights will also go out}.
5. For manual Transmissions press and release the Clutch pedal {this test is only if you have fitted a switch to the
Clutch pedal}. The “Cruise Control ON” indicator will change to orange & the diagnostic LED should light each
time the pedal is pressed and go out when the pedal is released {if you hold down the clutch pedal for an extended
period the lights will also go out}.
6. For Automatic Transmissions shift the selector lever from park to reverse through neutral back to park, you
should see the {Cruise Control ON” Indicator change to orange & the diagnostic LED should light and go out as
you do this. When you return to neutral it will take a moment for the LED’s to go out as they will need to time out as
this circuit is still sensing the neutral position.
7. Turn the ignition to the OFF position and press the hold and “SET” button again while you turn the ignition key ON
but this time start the engine. Release the “SET” button when the engine starts.
8. Press and hold the “ACC” switch. In a few seconds, the engine RPM should begin increasing. Release the “ACC”
switch and the engine RPM should remain constant. Press and hold the “DEC” switch. The engine RPM should
slowly decrease until it returns to idle.
9. Press and hold the “ACC” switch again. In a few seconds, the engine RPM should begin increasing. Release the
“ACC” switch and the engine RPM should remain constant. Pressing the brake release will release the cruise
control immediately and the engine should return to idle.
10. If you wish to check that the cruise control is getting a speed signal drive the vehicle. At speeds above 15 KPH the
“Cruise Control ON” indicator will blink orange then green & the diagnostic LED should flash. The rate should
increase as speed increases.
11. Turn off the ignition switch to exit diagnostic mode. The Cruise Control will automatically reset to normal operation
the next time the ignition is switched on.
12. The Cruise Control has been factory calibrated and is now ready for a test drive to confirm its operation.
13. Refit the dash trims and rearm the SRS system following instructions on the first page of these instructions.
14. You should now test drive the Cruise control and check its functions using the Operation Manual as a guide.