1. Disconnect battery negative terminal.
2. Remove grille and front air dam, refer VS Service Manual Volume 1.
3. Mark screw hole locations for new position of inboard transmission oil cooler bracket,
one hole in front panel upper and one hole in front member lower, refer view A, and drill
3.9mm dia. holes.
4. Disconnect both oil cooler hoses from existing external tranmission oil cooler. Plug
or cover hose ends, to prevent loss of transmission oil.
NOTE: Do not allow contaminants to enter cooler hoses while detached from oil cooler.
5. Remove existing oil cooler from two mounting brackets.
6. Remove inboard mounting bracket. Fix bracket at new location using self tapping
screws (SP2058) and torque screws 1,0 - 3,0Nm.
NOTE: Outboard oil cooler bracket does not require removal.
7. Clean all contaminants, oil and dirt from around holes left from previous oil cooler
inboard mounting bracket screws. Apply metal primer, Dulux Epoxy Primer Surfacer
(DEPS) 410-39790 (Black) or equivalent neatly around holes.
8. Fit new larger oil cooler (92041215) to mounting brackets with nuts (11065574).
Torque nuts 5,0 - 12,0Nm.
9. Reconnect oil cooler hoses to new oil cooler using two new clamps (11093191) on each
hose end. Position the two clamps together 1,0 - 2,0mm from end of hose and tighten
in correct sequence, refer view B. Clamp furthest from hose end is to be tightened first.
After tightening, clamps must have less than 4,0mm between tabs, refer view B.
10. Check transmission oil level (cold) before starting engine.
11. Reconnect battery negative terminal.
12. Run engine, select all gears through transmission. Check oil cooler hose connections
to oil cooler for leaks. Check transmission oil level when at operating temperature,
top up if neccessary.
NOTE: Transmission should require top up of oil due to new larger capacity oil cooler.
13. Reinstall grille and front air dam, refer VS Service Manual Volume 1.
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