General Information Page 1–2
Page 1–2
1 General Information
With the following exception, VY Regu lar Cab and Crew Cab General Information carries over from MY 2003 VY Series
• General Description
• General Index
For information not contained within this Section, refer to Section 1 General Information in the MY 2003 VY and V2
Series Service Information Supplement, Body Structure Repair.
1.1 General Description
This Supplement contains body structure repair information for the following vehicles, and is to be used in conjuncti on
with the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series Service informati on Supplement, Body Structure Repair:
• MY 2003 VY Regular Cab,
• MY 2004 VY Regular Cab,
• MY 2004 VY Crew Cab, and
• MY 2004 VY AWD Crew Cab.
These vehicles are design ed to meet or exceed all frontal, offset frontal and side impact standards. It is imperative
therefore, that any repairs to the body structure do n ot compromise:
• the vehicle’s compliance with relevant statutory regulations,
• the performance of the body s tructure, or
• the vehicle’s safety systems – including the occupant protection system.
All repairs are to be performed in accord ance with this Supplement, which provides replacement procedures for the
serviced body panels and structural members. If several adjoining parts are replaced at the one time, modify the
replacement procedures acco rdingly.
Hang-on panels such as the engine hood are not covered and reference should be made to the appropriate Section in
the MY 2004 VY Series Service Information.
Prior to beginning repair work on a vehicle, the repairer should become familiar with Section 1 through Section 3 in this
Supplement and the MY 2003 VY and V2 Ser ies Service information Supplement, Body Structure Repair, Section 00 in
the MY 2004 VY Series Service Information and an y appropriate regulations covering repairs, welding and joinin g motor
vehicles and accepted industry practices.
As collision damage differs in each case, this Supplement can only be a guide for the repairer. The best repair procedure
for each vehicle will need to be determine d according to the judgements of a qualified trade’s person.
The information contained in this Sup plement is correct at the time it was approved. Ho wever, as the motor vehicle
industry is constantly updating and improving vehicle construction techniques, the repairer must use his/her acquired skill
in determining the appropriate procedure for replacing panels.
Figure 1 – 1 sho ws the Regular Cab a nd Crew Cab body structures covered b y this Supplement.