Body Rear, Regular Cab Page 10A–1
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Section 10A
Body Rear, Regular Cab
Before performing any Service Operation or other procedure described in this Section, refer to Section 2
Precautions, and Section 00 Warnings, Cautions and Notes in the MY 2004 VY Regular Cab and Crew Cab
Service Information for correct w orkshop practices with regard to safety and/or property damage.
The body structure of VY Regular Cab and
Crew Cab vehicles has been developed using
complex design and d evelopment techniques.
In addition to meeting all required standards,
the vehicle body is also a critical part of the
overall safety systems. It is therefore
imperative the repair procedures described in
this Supplement are adhered to during all
vehicle body repairs.
1 General Information ...............................................................................................................................2
1.1 Body Rear Components........................................................................................................................................ 2
2 Service Operations.................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel – Replace....................................................................................................................... 3
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Replace................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Rear Body Upper Outer Panel Assembly – Replace........................................................................................... 6
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Replace................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Rear Body Upper Inner Panel Assembly – Replace............................................................................................ 9
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Replace................................................................................................................................................................... 9
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1 General Information
This Section describes replac ement procedures for the rear components of the VY Crew Cab body structure. Removal of
bolt-on and mechanical comp onents is not covered. Reference must be made to the appropriate Sectio ns in the MY
2004 VY Regular Cab and Cr ew Cab Service Information.
For removal of the rear subframe assembly refer to Section 1B, 2.2 Subframe Assembly in the MY 2003 VY Regular Cab
Service Information.
When repairing the rear of the vehicle, care
must be taken to ensure the structure is
returned to its original production
It is imperative that the correct body
adhesives, sealers, deadeners and cavity
waxes are used when repairing the body
structure of VY Regular Cab vehicles. Refer
to Section 3A, 5 Body Sealing, Adhesives &
Deadeners and 6 Cavit y Wax for details of t he
correct materials and their commercially
available equivalents.
1.1 Body Rear Components
The shaded components in Figure 10A– 1 are those dealt
with in this Section.
The components and assemblies shown in Figure 10A– 2
are the parts serviced for VY Regular Cab vehicles which
form the basis of the repair procedures in this Section. F or a
detailed view of the body components, refer to
Section 3A Body Construction, Regular Cab.
Always refer to an Authorised Dealer for spare
parts availability configurations.
Figure 10A– 1
Figure 10A– 2
1 Rear Body Lower Panel
2 Rear Body Upper Outer Panel Assembly 3 Rear Body Upper Inner Panel Assembly
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2 Service Operations
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel – Replace
1 Remove the adjacent bolt-on panels and components
as described in the appropriate Section of th e MY
2004 VY Regular Cab and Crew Cab Service
Figure 10A– 3
2 Spot cut the welds, four places on both sides,
attaching the rear body lower panel to the rear end
lower panel and the front floor extension.
3 Spot cut the welds, three places, attaching the body
lower panel to the front floor extension.
Figure 10A – 4
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4 Grind off the MIG welds (1), attaching the lower panel
to the rear body upper outer panel assembly.
5 Remove the lower panel from the vehicle and repair
any damage to adjacent parts as required.
6 Check and rectify the alignment of the body as
required, refer to Section 3A, 3 Body Dimensions.
Figure 10A – 5
Spot welding is the preferred method for
attaching of panels and should b e used whenever
possible. Where the spot welding equipment
available will not access the required weld
position, a plug weld should b e performed.
The same number and position of spot welds (or
plug welds) should be used when replacing the
panel, as was used during manufacture, in order
to maintain the original structural strength of the
1 As required, mark the new panel with drilling locations in preparation for pl ug welding. Drill holes as requ ired.
2 Prepare all mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to Section 3A,
5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Dea deners.
3 Clamp the rear body lower panel in position on the vehicl e.
4 MIG weld (1), around the lower panel to the outer
Figure 10A – 6
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Page 10A–5
5 Spot or plug weld the body lower panel to the front
floor extension.
6 Spot or plug weld, four places on both sides, the rear
body lower panel to the rear end lower panel and the
front floor extension.
7 Refinish and paint panels and other components as
required. Refer to Section 3, 1.3 Paint Refinishing in
the MY2003 VY and V2 Servi ce Information
Supplement, Body Structure Repair.
8 Apply joint sealer (Item 3) as required. Refer to
Section 3A, 5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Deadeners.
9 Apply cavity wax (Item 8) as required to the inside of
any box sections or areas inaccessible to paint, refer
to Section 3A, 6 Cavity Wax.
10 Install the remaining components as described in the
appropriate Section of the MY 2004 VY Regu lar Cab
and Crew Cab Service Information. Figure 10A – 7
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Page 10A–6
2.2 Rear Body Upper Outer Panel Assembly
– Replace
1 Remove the adjacent bolt-on panels and components
as described in the appropriate Section of th e MY
2004 VY Regular Cab and Crew Cab Service
2 Remove the rear end lower panel, refer to
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel – Repl ace.
Figure 10A – 8
3 Grind off the MIG welds (1 and 2), on each side of the
vehicle, attaching the rear body u pper outer panel
assembly to the side body inner panel.
4 Spot cut the welds on each side of the vehicle,
attaching the rear body upper outer panel assembly to
the rear body upper inner panel and the side body
inner panel, refer to Figure 10A – 10.
If the rear body upper inner panel is also to be
removed, spot cut and grind off onl y the relevant
Figure 10A – 9
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Page 10A–7
Figure 10A – 10
5 Remove the outer reinforcement pane l assembly then repair any damage to adjacent parts as requir ed.
6 Check and rectify the alignme nt of the body as required, refer to Section 3A, 3 Bod y Dim ensions.
Spot welding is the preferred method for
attaching of panels and should b e used whenever
possible. Where the spot welding equipment
available will not access the required weld
position, a plug weld should b e performed.
The same number and position of spot welds (or
plug welds) should be used when replacing the
panel, as was used during manufacture, in order
to maintain the original structural strength of the
1 As required, mark the new panel with drilling locations in preparation for pl ug welding. Drill holes as required.
2 Prepare all mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to Section 3A,
5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Dea deners.
3 Apply Acrylic Spot Weld Sealer (Item 2) as required, refer to Section 3A, 5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Deadeners.
4 Spot or plug weld on each side of the vehicle, the rear body upper outer reinforcement pa nel assembly to the rear
body upper inner panel a nd the side body inner panel.
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Figure 10A – 11
5 MIG weld (1 & 2), around the outer reinforcement.
6 Install the rear end lower panel, refer to
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel – Repl ace.
7 Refinish and paint panels and other components as
required. Refer to Section 3, 1.3 Paint Refinishing in
the MY2003 VY and V2 Servi ce Information
Supplement, Body Structure Repair.
8 Apply Joint Sealer (Item 3) as required. Refer to
Section 3A, 5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & D eadeners.
9 Apply Cavity Wax (Item 8) as required to the inside of
any box sections or areas inaccessible to paint, refer
to Section 3A, 6 Cavity Wax.
10 Install the remaining components as described in the
appropriate Section of the MY 2004 VY Regu lar Cab
and Crew Cab Service Information.
Figure 10A – 12
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2.3 Rear Body Upper Inner Panel Assembly
– Replace
1 Remove the adjacent bolt-on panels and components
as described in the appropriate Section of th e MY
2004 VY Regular Cab and Crew Cab Service
2 Remove the rear end lower panel, refer to
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel – Repl ace.
3 Remove the rear body outer reinforc ement panel
assembly, refer to 2.2 Rear Body Upper Outer Panel
Assembly – Replace.
Figure 10A – 13
4 From inside the vehicle, spot cut the welds o n each
side of the vehicle, attaching the rear body upper i nner
panel to the side body inner p anel assembly.
Some of these welds may have already been
removed with the rear body upper outer panel
5 Remove the rear inner panel from the vehicle and
repair any damage to adjacen t parts as required.
Figure 10A – 14
Spot welding is the preferred method for
attaching of panels and should b e used whenever
possible. Where the spot welding equipment
available will not access the required weld
position, a plug weld should b e performed.
The same number and position of spot welds (or
plug welds) should be used when replacing the
panel, as was used during manufacture, in order
to maintain the original structural strength of the
1 As required, mark the new panel with drilling locations in preparation for pl ug welding. Drill holes as requ ired.
2 Prepare all mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to Section 3A,
5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Dea deners.
3 Clamp the rear body upper inner panel in position on the ve hicle.
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Page 10A–10
4 From inside the vehicle, spot or plug weld on each
side of the vehicle, the rear body upper inner panel to
the side body inner panel assembly.
5 Clean up the welds and a pply primer to any bare
6 Install the rear body upper outer reinforcement panel,
refer to 2.2 Rear Body Upper Outer Panel Assembly –
7 Install the rear end lower panel, refer to
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel – Repl ace.
8 Refinish and paint panels and other components as
required. Refer to Section 3, 1.3 Paint Refinishing in
the MY2003 VY and V2 Servi ce Information
Supplement, Body Structure Repair. Figure 10A – 15
9 Apply Joint Sealer (Item 3) as required. Refer to Section 3A, 5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Deadeners.
10 Apply Cavity Wax (Item 8) as required to the inside of any box sections or areas inaccessible to paint, refer to
Section 3A, 6 Cavity Wax.
11 Install the remaining compon ents as described in the appropriate Section of the MY 2004 VY Regular Cab an d
Crew Cab Service Information.