Body Rear, Crew Cab Page 10B–8
Page 10B–8
2.3 Rear Body Upper Inner Panel Assembly
– Replace
1 Remove the adjacent bolt-on panels a nd components
as described in the appropriate Section of th e MY
2004 VY Regular Cab and Crew Cab Service
2 Remove the rear body lower panel assembly, refer to
2.1 Rear Body Lower Panel Assembly – Replace.
3 Remove the rear body upper outer panel assembly,
refer to 2.2 Rear Body Upper Outer Panel Assembly –
Figure 10B – 11
4 From inside the vehicle, spot cut the welds o n each
side of the vehicle, attaching the rear body upper i nner
panel to the side body inner p anel.
Some of these welds may have already been
removed with the rear body upper outer panel
5 Remove the rear body upper inner panel assembly
from the vehicle and repair any damage to adjacent
parts as required.
6 Check and rectify the alignme nt of the bod y as
required, refer to Section 3B, 3 Body Dimensions.
Figure 10B – 12
Spot welding is the preferred method for
attaching of panels and should be used whenever
possible. Where the spot welding equipment
available will not access the required weld
position, a plug weld should be performed.
The same number and position of spot welds (or
plug welds) should be used when replacing the
panel, as was used during manufacture, in order
to maintain the original structural strength of the
1 As required, mark the new panel with drilling locations in preparation for plug welding. Drill holes as required.
2 Prepare all mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to Section 3B,
5 Body Sealing, Adhesives & Dea deners.
3 Clamp the rear body upper i nner panel in position on the vehicle.