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Section 9
Before performing any service operation or other procedure described in this Section, refer to Section 2
Precautions in this Supplement and Section 00 Warnings, Cautions and Notes in the MY2005 WL Service
Information for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property damage.
The structure of the body shell has been
developed using complex design and
development techniques. In addition to
meeting all required standards, the vehicle
body is also a critical part of the overall safety
systems. It is therefore imperative the repair
procedures described here are adhered to
during all vehicle body repairs.
1 General Information ...............................................................................................................................2
1.1 Roof Components.................................................................................................................................................. 2
Without Sunroof..................................................................................................................................................... 3
With Sunroof ..........................................................................................................................................................3
2 Service Operations.................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Roof Panel – Replace Without Sunroof ............................................................................................................... 4
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Replace................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Roof Panel Assembly – Replace With Sunroof...................................................................................................8
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Replace................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Roof Front Header Panel – Replace ................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Roof Bow Panels – Replace................................................................................................................................ 13
2.5 Roof Rear Panel – Replace ................................................................................................................................. 14
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1 General Information
This Section describes the replacement procedures for the roof structure. The componen t s covered include the roof
panel and the roof header, bo w and re ar panels.
Removal of trim and bolt-on components is not covered. Reference must be made to the appropriate Sections of the
MY2005 WL Service Information.
The roof panel is both spot welded and glued in place with structural adhesive. This material cannot be so ftened by
heating or other normal mean s and the panel can only be removed by cutting and/or grinding.
A sunroof option is available that is fitted on the production line. To cater for this option, a unique roof structure is fitted
which features a housing asse mbly in place of the roof bow panel. A stainless steel front drain tube is also fitted within
the hinge pillar cavity which effects the service procedures for the hinge pillar, refer to Section 7 Body Sid e.
When repairing the roof structure, care must be taken to ensure it is returned to its original prod uction configuration.
It is imperative that the correct body adhesives,
sealers, deadeners and cavity waxes are used
when repairing the body structure. Refer to 3 for
details of the correct materials and their
commercially available equivalents.
1.1 Roof Components
The shaded components shown are those dealt with in this
The components and assemblies shown in below are the
serviceable parts that form the basis of the repair
procedures in this Section. For a detailed view of the body
components, refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
Figure 9 – 1
Always refer to an Authorised Retailer for spare
parts availability configurations.
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Without Sunroof
Figure 9 – 2
1 Roof Panel
2 Roof Front Header Panel
3 Roof Bow Panel
4 Roof Bow Panel No. 2
5 Roof Rear Panel
With Sunroof
Figure 9 – 3
1 Roof Panel Assembly
2 Roof Front Header Panel 3 Roof Rear Panel
The roof panel assembly includes a housing
assembly that is not serviced separately.
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2 Service Operations
2.1 Roof Panel – Replace Without Sunroof
1 Remove the adjacent trim and components as described in the appropriate Section of the MY2005 WL Service
2 Remove the windshield and rear window, refer to Section 1A6 Station ary Windows in the MY2005 WL S ervice
3 Spot cut the welds attaching the roof panel to the front
header panel and rear pan el.
Figure 9 – 4
4 Using a cutting tool such as an air chisel or a ngle
grinder, cut through the roof panel along the side of
the roof channel.
As the roof panel is securely glued to the
body side panel along the channel, it cannot
be removed by simply spot cutting the welds.
If the roof front header panel, roof bo w panel
and roof rear panel are to be retained, take
care not to cut them off with the roof panel.
Alternatively, if one or more are to be
replaced, it is easier to cut off those being
replaced along with the roof panel.
Figure 9 – 5
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5 Use a heat gun to soften the anti-flutter adhesive
between the roof panel and h eader panel, roof bow
panels and rear panel, by heat ing the areas shown.
Figure 9 – 6
6 Cut through the softened adhesive between the roof
panel and header panel, roof bow panels and rear
panel, using a suitable too l.
7 Remove the roof panel from the vehicle.
Figure 9 – 7
8 Using an angle grind er, air chi s el or other suitable tool,
remove the remaining strip of roof panel from the body
side panel, along with the adhesive ben eath the strip.
9 Repair any damage to adjacent parts.
10 Check and rectify the alignme nt of the bod y as
required, refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
Figure 9 – 8
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Spot welding is the preferred method for
attaching of panels and should be used
whenever possible. Where the spot welding
equipment available will not access the
required weld position, a plug weld should be
The same number and position of spot welds
(or plug welds) should be used when
replacing the panel, as was used during
manufacture, in order to maintain the original
structural strength of the vehicle.
When welding a relatively flat panel such as
the roof panel, due care must be taken to
minimise the heat absorbed by the panel
which could lead to panel distortion.
1 Clean the remaining Anti-flutter adhesive fro m the surfaces of the roof front header panel, roof bo w panel and roof
rear panel.
2 Prepare the mating surface areas for welding. Dress the channel flange ar ea, the windshield header rail and the
roof rear frame, so they are flat and free from imperfections.
3 Treat the front and rear mating surfaces with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as requir ed.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
4 Mark the new roof panel with drillin g locations, where plug welding is necessary. Drill holes as required.
5 Apply Structural adhesive (Item 6) (1) to the mating
surfaces of the roof panel and door opening frame.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
6 Apply a bead of Anti-flutter adhesiv e (Item 5) to the full
length of the groove in the front header pa nel (section
A-A) and the groove in the rear panel (sectio n C-C),
refer to Figure 9 – 10.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
7 Apply two full length bea ds of Anti-flutter adhesive to
the grooves in the roof bow panels (section B-B).
Figure 9 – 9
Figure 9 – 10
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8 Position the roof panel on the vehicle and clamp in place.
Take care to minimise the heat absorbed by
the panel in order to reduce heat distortion.
In some cases, especially if plug welding, it
may be advantageous to begin welding from
the middle of the run and weld alternatively
to the front and rear. This may reduce panel
9 Spot or plug weld the roof panel to the door opening
frame on both sides of the vehicle.
Figure 9 – 11
10 Spot or plug weld the roof panel to the header panel
and the rear roof panel.
11 Apply Joint Sealer (Item 3) as required.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
12 Refinish and paint panels and other components as
required. Refer to Section 3 Body Construction .
13 Apply Cavity Wax (Item 8) as required to the inside of
any box sections or areas inaccessible to paint.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
14 Replace the front and rear windscreens as de scribed
in Section 1A6 Stationary Windows in the MY2005 WL
Service Information.
15 Replace the adjacent trim and components as
described in the appropriate Section of the MY2005
WL Service Information.
Figure 9 – 12
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2.2 Roof Panel Assembly – Replace With
1 Remove the adjacent trim and components as described in the appropriate Section of the MY2005 WL Service
2 Remove the windshield and rear window as described in Section 1A6 Stationary Windo ws in the MY2005 WL
Service Information.
3 Spot cut the welds attaching the roof panel assembl y
to the front header panel and rear panel.
Figure 9 – 13
If the header and support panels are to be
retained, take care not to cut them off with
the roof panel. Alternatively, if one or more
are to be replaced, it is eas ier to cut off tho se
being replaced along with the roof panel.
4 Using a cutting tool such as an air chisel or a ngle
grinder, cut through the roof panel along the side of
the roof channel.
As the roof panel is securely glued to the body
side panel along the channel it cannot be
removed by simply spot cutting the welds.
Figure 9 – 14
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5 Use a heat gun to soften the anti-flutter adhesive
between the front header panel and roof panel by
heating the areas shown.
Figure 9 – 15
6 Cut through the softened adhesive between the roof
panel, roof front header panel and ro of rear panel
using a suitable tool.
7 Remove the roof panel from the vehicle.
Figure 9 – 16
8 Using an angle grind er, air chi s el or other suitable tool,
remove the remaining strip of roof panel from the body
side panel, along with the adhesive ben eath the strip.
9 Repair any damage to adjacent parts.
10 Check and repair, if necessary, the alignm ent of the
body shell. Refer to the dimen s ions available in
Section 3 Body Construction.
Figure 9 – 17
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The same number and position of spot welds
(or plug welds) should be used when
replacing the panel, as was used during
manufacture, in order to maintain the original
structural strengt h of the vehicle.
When welding a relatively flat panel such as
the roof panel, due care must be taken to
minimise the heat absorbed by the panel
which could lead to panel distortion.
Spot welding is the preferred method for
attaching of panels and should be used whenever
possible. Where the spot welding equipment
available to the repairer will not access the
required weld position, a plug weld should be
1 Clean the remaining Anti-flutter adhesive fro m the surfaces of the front header panel and the rear panel.
2 Prepare the mating surface areas for welding. Dress the windshield he ader rail and the roof rear frame, so they are
flat and free from imperfections.
3 Treat the front and rear mating surfaces with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as requir ed.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
4 Mark the new roof panel with drillin g locations, where plug welding is necessary. Drill holes as require d.
5 Apply a bead of Anti-flutter adhesiv e (Item 5) to the full length of the groove in the front header panel (section A-A)
and the groove in the rear roof panel (section B-B), refer to Figure 9 – 18. Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
Figure 9 – 18
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6 Apply Structural adhesive (Item 6) (1) to the mating
surfaces of the roof panel and door opening frame.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
7 Position the roof panel on the vehicle and clamp in
Figure 9 – 19
Take care to minimise the heat absorbed by
the panel in order to reduce heat distortion.
In some cases, especially if plug welding, it
may be advantageous to begin welding from
the middle of the run and weld alternatively
to the front and rear. This may reduce panel
8 Spot or plug weld the roof panel to the door opening
frame on both sides of the vehicle using the same
number of welds as per original build.
Figure 9 – 20
9 Spot or plug weld the roof panel to the front header
panel and the rear panel.
10 Apply Joint Sealer (Item 3) as required.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
11 Refinish and paint panels and other components as
required. Refer to Section 3 Body Construction .
12 Apply Cavity Wax (Item 8) as required to the inside of
any box sections or areas inaccessible to paint.
Refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
13 Replace the front and rear windscreens as de scribed
in Section 1A6 Stationary Windows in the MY2005 WL
Service Information.
14 Replace the adjacent trim and components as
described in the appropriate Section of the MY2005
WL Service Information.
Figure 9 – 21
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2.3 Roof Front Header Panel – Replace
Following removal of the roof panel, as required spot cut the welds attaching the roof front header panel as shown in the
following diagram.
When installing a roof front header p an el, eit her spot weld the part to the vehicle or mark and drill the new part with holes
in preparation for plug welding. The number of spot or plug welds must match the number shown in the appropriate
Before fitting the part, prepare the mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required,
refer to, Section 3 Body Construction.
The two spot welds (1) are removed with the roof panel.
Remove the five spot welds (2) from each side of the vehicle
to remove the roof front header panel.
Figure 9A – 22
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2.4 Roof Bow Panels – Replace
Following removal of the roof panel, as required spot cut the welds attaching the roof bow panels as sh own in the
following diagrams.
When installing a roof bow panel, either spot weld the part to the vehicle or mark and drill the new part with holes in
preparation for plug welding. The number of spot or plug welds must match the number shown in the appropriate
Before fitting the part, prepare the mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required,
refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
The spot weld (1) is removed with the roof panel.
Remove the two spot welds (2) from each side of the vehicle
to remove the roof bow panel.
Figure 9A – 23
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2.5 Roof Rear Panel – Replace
Following removal of the roof panel, as required spot cut the welds attaching the roof rea r panel as shown in the
following diagrams.
When installing a roof rear panel, eith er spot weld the part to the vehicle or mark and drill the new part with holes in
preparation for plug welding. The number of spot or plug welds must match the number shown in the appropriate
Before fitting the part, prepare the mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required,
refer to Section 3 Body Construction.
The two spot welds (1) are removed with the roof panel.
Remove the five spot welds (2) from each side of the vehicle
to remove the roof rear panel.
Figure 9A – 24