Precautions Page 2–3
Page 2–3
2 Cavity Foam
During manufacture of the vehicle, cavity foam blocks are fitted within the hinge, centre and body lock pillars, and the
rocker panel, refer to Figure 2 – 1.
Application of cavity foam in locations C and D
will be introduced early 2004.
This foam material, when subjected to a temperature of approximately 160°C, expands up to 10 times its original size to
seal the cavity and reduce noise transmission.
The use of this material poses no health and
safety risk to a repairer, unless it is heated to
temperatures associated with using oxy /
acetylene equipment or welding, as toxic
fumes will be emitted which must not be
Prior to welding or heating in the areas shown, the foam must first be removed – usually by cutting it out with a knife.
If a panel or section is replaced, or repair work is performed where the foam is removed, it must be replaced with a
commercially available equivalent, such as those listed, using the following procedures prior to final trim assembly.
Brand Product
Sista Multi Purpose Foam
Ramset Expandable Polyurethane Foam
The hinge pillar inner panel assembly and
quarter panel inner assembly service parts are
supplied with uncured foam blanks. These must
not be removed as they act as a support for the
aerosol cavity foam.
Always read and follow the directions and safety
instructions with the product prior to usage.
Selleys Space invader