This Section details the sealers, adhesives and deadeners used in the MY 2003 VY Series Utility body shell. It is
imperative that the correct materials are used and the directions on the product always are followed.
NOTE. When replacing any sealer, adhesive or deadener, ensure the finish meets that of the original application.
IMPORTANT: The commercially available products listed below will meet the required standards. Other products
may be available that meet the performance characteristics, however before their use, the product manufacturer
should be contacted to check its suitability.
Weld Through Primer (Item 1)
Although not us ed in manuf ac ture, Weld- Through Primer is r eco mm ended f o r all s er vice r epair lap and f lange j oints
where Acrylic Spot Weld Sealer (Item 2) is not used. Weld Through Primer aids in corrosion protection of the joint.
Acrylic Spot Weld Sealer (Item 2)
Used in joints that require sealing additional to Joint Sealer (Item 3). It is applied to the joint flange prior to the
mating of panels. Refer to Figures 3C-13 – 3C-17.
Joint Sealer (Item 3)
Primarily used for sealing joints to achieve a watertight seal. It seals notches, cut-outs and holes. Joint sealer
should be applied after priming, prior to application of the top coat. Refer to Figures 3C-18 – 3C-24.
Hand Putty (Item 4)
Hand putty, also known as caulking compound, is used in the areas marked * in Figure 3C-24.
Adhesive - Anti-Flutter (Item 5)
W hile used as a filler between an inner and outer panel to reduce panel flex, Anti-Flutter adhesive also aids rigidity
and assists in dispersing loads over a larger area. Refer to Figure 3C-25 for locations.
Adhesive - Structural (Item 6)
Critical to the strength and rigidity of the vehicle, the correct adhesive must be used for service repairs. Using an
adhesive that is too weak will reduce the performance of the joint. Using an adhesive that is too strong can also
effect the performance of the joint, compromising the vehicle’s crash performance and safety system’s operation.
This adhesive is a 2-part system. Refer to Figures 3C-26 & 3C-27 for locations.
Spray-on Deadener (Item 7)
This deadener is sprayed onto the body shell after painting. It is used in the wheel-wells and on the under side of
the floor pan. A minimum thickness of 1.5 mm is required in these applications. Refer to Figure 3C-28 for locations.
Floor Deadener Panels
Deadener panels are sold pre-cut as Service Parts. They are installed with the coloured side up and diamond
embossed side down. The panels are installed prior to painting. Some are heat fused to the body shell. Refer to
Figure 3C-29 – 3C-31 for locations.