8. Rough cut the damaged front wheelhouse panel
and f ront s ide rail, leaving enough mater ial to allow
the final cut lines to be completed.
9. Cut the front side rail half way through its depth,
mid way between the two crossmember mounting
bolt holes shown A.
10. Step the cut forward by 50 mm as shown, so that
the load is not concentrated through a single line.
11. Ac c ur ately trim the f r ont wheelhouse panel, 50 mm
rearward of the top front side rail cut.
12. Repair any damage to adjacent areas.
13. Check and rectify the alignment of the body as
required, refer to 3. BODY DIMENSIONS in
Section 3A (Sedan), 3B (Wagon), 3C (Utility) or
3D (Coupe).
Figure 4-48
NOTE 1: Spot welding is the preferred method for attaching of panels and should be used whenever possible.
Where the spot welding equipment available will not access the required weld position, a plug weld should be
NOTE 2: The s ame number and pos ition of s pot welds (or plug welds) should be used when replac ing the panel,
as was used during manufacture, in order to maintain the original structural strength of the vehicle.
1. Using a suitable tool, modify the edge of the
rem aining section of the front wheelhouse panel to
form a joggle, to facilitate lap jointing. The joggle
should be towards the outside of the vehicle (1).
2. Accurately step cut the required section (2) from a
new front side rail assembly and clamp or tack
weld the new section in position.
3. Clamp the radiator lower support (3) in position.
Ensure the alignment of the front side rail
and lower support is correct, refer to
3. BODY DIMENSIONS in Section 3A (Sedan),
3B (Wagon), 3C (Utility) or 3D (Coupe).
4. Butt-weld the stepped longitudinal sections
together. The weld should extend around the
entire periphery of the cut.
5. Spot or plug weld the radiator lower support (3) in
place. Refer to 2.4 RADIATOR LOWER
Figure 4-49