The cockpit module is a production line sub-assembly consisting of the instrument panel, heater & A/C module
assembly, steering column, pedal assembly, wiring, etc. mounted to the dash panel assembly.
During production, the cockpit module is fitted to the vehicle in one operation. It is lowered through the windshield
opening and the dash panel as s embly is fitted into a channel k nown as the glue-tr ac k , which is par t of the f r ont f loor
panel extension and hinge pillar inner panel assembly.
The glue track is filled with a special silicone adhesive prior to the cockpit module being installed. The dash panel
assem bly aligns with several dim ples and f our bolts secur e it to the vehicle: two through the hinge pillar and two in
the plenum area. Once the adhesive cures, the dash panel assembly becomes an integral part of the body
The dash panel assembly is clearly visible from within the engine compartment. It is the gloss-black body panel
forming the plenum chamber below the windshield and continuing to the floor panel. The glue-track can be seen
where the dash panel assembly joins the hinge pillars and floor.
The s ilicone adhesive is a specif ic type fo r this application and is suited for the high temperatures generated within
the engine c om partm ent. It has exc ellent bonding, sealing and longevity characterist ics. T his tec hnique has been in
use for many years.
The components of the cockpit module, e.g. instrument panel, steering column, heater & A/C module assembly,
etc. c an be s ervic ed in the nor mal manner. The dash panel as s embly can also be serviced, however due to the f ac t
it is ‘glued-in’, the correct procedures must be followed.
For replacement and repair of the dash panel assembly refer to Section 1E, COCKPIT MODULE in the MY 2003
VY and V2 Series service information.