Figure 7A-130
7. Spot cut the welds attaching the hinge pillar inner
panel assem bly to the f ront wheelhouse panel and
front floor panel extension, refer to weld group A.
8. If the dash panel assem bly was not removed, spot
cut the eight welds attaching the adhesive
channels to the hinge pillar inner panel assembly,
refer to weld group B.
9. If required, remove any remaining spot welds
where the wheelhouse panel upper side rail
attached the front wheelhouse panel and hinge
pillar inner panel assembly .
10. Cut the adhesive between the dash panel
assembly and hinge pillar inner panel assembly.
11. Remove the hinge pillar inner panel as s embly from
the vehicle and as required, clean off any
remaining adhesive and ensure the adhesive
channels are removed.
12. Repair any damage to adjacent parts as required.
Figure 7A-131
NOTE 1: Spot welding is the preferred method for attaching of panels and should be used whenever possible.
Where the spot welding equipment will not access the required weld position, a plug weld should be performed.
NOTE 2: The same number and pos ition of s pot welds (or plug welds) s hould be used when replacing the panel,
as was used during manufacture, in order to maintain the original structural strength of the vehicle.
1. If an alternate removal method was used, referring to Figure 7A-130, either:
- Cut the replacement section to match the cut at the top of the hinge pillar, or
- Spot cut the welds attaching the hinge pillar inner upper panel to the hinge pillar inner lower panel.
2. Mark the new panel and drill holes in preparation for plug welding where required.
3. Prepare all mating surfaces and treat with Weld Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to
4. If the dash panel assembly was removed, it will be installed later, proceed to Step 7.
5. If the dash panel assembly was NOT removed, prepare the adhesive channels on the replacement section
and the dash panel assembly, refer to Section 5 COCKPIT MODULE.
6. Mix the dash panel silicone adhesive refer to Section 5 COCKPIT MODULE. Apply the adhesive to fill the
adhesive channels on the replacement section.
NOTE: Only the correct material described in Section 5 COCKPIT MODULE is to be used.
7. If the full hinge pillar inner panel assembly is being replaced, apply structural adhesive (Item 6) to the
mating surfaces of the hinge pillar inner panel assembly and quarter panel inner extension, refer to