12. Spot cut any welds remaining around the
wheelhouse as required (most would have been
rem oved with the rear quarter panel) , attaching the
door opening frame assembly (1) to the quarter
panel inner assembly (2).
13. Rem ove the replacem ent section from the vehicle,
then repair any damage to adjacent parts as
14. Check and rectify the alignment of the body as
required, refer to 3. BODY DIMENSIONS in
Section 3B.
Figure 7B-89
NOTE 1: Spot welding is the preferred method for attaching of panels and should be used whenever possible.
Where the spot welding equipment will not access the required weld position, a plug weld should be performed.
NOTE 2: The same number and position of s pot welds ( or plug welds) s hould be used when replacing the panel,
as was used during manufacture, in order to maintain the original structural strength of the vehicle.
1. Cut the r eplacement lock pillar section f rom a new door opening f rame ass embly, accurately m easuring the
position of cuts, to match the removed section.
2. Manufacture a reinforcement (1), or cut a piece
from ex ces s pillar s ection, approx im ately 80 mm in
length to matc h the inside face only of the cut lock
pillar section.
3. Prepare the mating surfaces and treat with Weld
Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to
in Section 3B.
4. Clam p the reinf orcement f irm ly behind the cut face
of the lock pillar section of the door opening fram e
assembly on the vehicle and spot or plug weld in
Figure 7B-90
5. Using the same technique, manufacture or cut a
section of reinforcement panel (1), approx.
100 m m long, to f it inside the existing rock er panel
at the point of the cut.
6. Prepare the mating surfaces and treat with Weld
Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to
in Section 3B.
7. Clamp the manufactured reinforcement panel
inside the rock er panel s ection of the door opening
frame assembly on the vehicle and plug weld in
position. Position welds at a maximum spacing of
35 mm.
8. Mark the replacement section with drilling locations
in preparation for plug welding. Drill holes as
9. Prepare all mating surfaces and treat with Weld
Through Primer (Item 1) as required, refer to
in Section 3B.
Figure 7B-91