1. Remove the appropriate door from vehicle as previously described.
2. Carefully grind the MIG weld from around the hinge flap.
3. Remove the hinge and grind any remaining MIG weld as required.
NOTE: Do not cut into the door opening frame panel.
1. Rem ove any trim and co m ponents fr om behind the pillar area as required. Ref er to the appropr iate Sections
in the MY 2003 VY & V2 Series II Service Information.
2. Construct two spacers (1) from timber, 10 mm
3. Tape the spacers in the positions shown near the
dimples in the flange of the r ocker panel, either for
the front or rear doors.
NOTE: If both front and rear door hinge flaps require
replacing, begin with the rear door.
4. If not already done so, fit the hinge flaps onto the
door assembly.
5. With the aid of an assistant, place the door
assembly in position on the vehicle and adjust its
position with shims as required. Refer to 4. BODY
MARGINS in Section 3A (Sedan), 3B (Wagon),
3C (Utility) or 3D (Coupe) for specifications.
NOTE: Position the rear of the door approximately 3
mm higher than specified to allow for the additional
weight of the door hardware and trim components.
6. Tack weld the upper and lower hinge flaps to the
door opening frame assembly .
7. Rem ove the spac er block s and shim s and recheck
the door alignment. Rectify as required.
8. Complete welding the hinge flap, refer to 8-17,
A – except Coupe, or B – Coupe.
Figure 8-16
Figure 8-17
9. Remove the door assembly from the hinge as previously described.
10. Grind or sand the weld to provide a smooth finish.
11. Refinish and paint the hinge flaps and surrounding area as required. Refer to Section 3, 1.3 PAINT
12. Apply a smooth bead of Joint Sealer (Item 3) around all sides of the flap before the top paint coats to
maintain corrosion protection under the flap, refer to 5. BODY SEALING, ADHESIVES & DEADENERS in
Section 3A (Sedan), 3B (Wagon), 3C (Utility) or 3D (Coupe).
13. Apply Cavity W ax (Item 8) as required to the ins ide of any box s ections or areas inacces sible to paint, refer
to 6. CAVITY WAX in Section 3A (Sedan), 3B (Wagon), 3C (Utility) or 3D (Coupe).