WARNING: This vehicle has a Supplemental
Restraint System (SRS). Refer to the SRS
Component Location View in order to determine
whether you are performing service on or near the
SRS components or the SRS wiring. When you are
performing service on or near the SRS components
or the SRS wiring, refer to the SRS On-Vehicle
Service Information. Failure to follow CAUTIONS
could result in possible air bag deployment,
personal injury, or otherwise unneeded SRS system
CAUTION: Always use the correct fastener in the
proper location. When you replace a fastener, use
ONLY the exact part number for that application.
HOLDEN will call out those fasteners that require a
replacement after removal. HOLDEN will also call
out the fasteners that require thread lockers or
do not use supplemental coatings (paints, greases,
or other corrosion inhibitors) on threaded fasteners
or fastener joint interfaces. Generally, such
coatings adversely affect the fastener torque and
the joint clamping force, and may damage the
fastener. When you install fasteners, use the correct
tightening sequence and specifications. Following
these instructions can help you avoid damage to
parts and systems.
When servicing the compressor, keep dirt or foreign
material from getting on or into the compressor parts
and system. Clean tools and a clean work area are
important for proper service. The compressor
connections and the outside of the compressor should
be cleaned before any "On-Vehicle" repair, or before
removal of the compressor. The parts must be kept
clean at all times and any parts to be reassembled
should be cleaned with Trichloroethane, naphtha,
kerosene, or equivalent solvent, and dried with dry air.
Use only lint free cloths to wipe parts.
The operations described below are based on bench
overhaul with compressor removed from the vehicle,
except as noted. They have been prepared in order of
access ibility of the comp onents. When th e compre ssor
is removed from the vehicle for servicing, the oil
remaining in the compressor should be discarded and
new compressor oil added to the compressor.
Compressor malfunction will appear in one of four ways:
noise, seizure, leakage or low discharge pressure.
Resonant compressor noises are not cause for alarm;
however, irregular noise or rattles may indicate broken
parts or excessive clearances due to wear. To check
seizure, de-energize the magnetic clutch and check to
see if the drive plate can be rotated. If rotation is
impossible, the compressor is seized. Low discharge
pressure may be due to a faulty internal seal of the
compressor, or a restriction in the compressor. Low
discharge pressure may also be due to an insufficient
refrigerant charge or a restriction elsewhere in the
system. These po ssibilities should be ch ecked prior to
servicing the compressor. If the compressor is
inoperative, but is not seized, check to see if current is
being supplied to the magnetic clutch coil terminals.
The compressor oil used in the HFC-134a system
compressor differs from that used in R-12 systems.
Also, compr essor oil to be us ed varies acco rding to the
compressor model. Be sure to avoid mixing two or
more different types of oil.
If the wrong oil is used, lubrication will be poor and the
compressor will seize or malfunction.
DKV-14G Type Compressor
DKV-14G is equipped with five-vane rotary compressor.
These vanes are built into a rotor which is mounted on a
When t he shaft r otates, the van es buil t into the cylinder
block assembly are operated by centrifugal force.
This changes the volume of the spare formed by the
rotor and cylinder, resulting in the intake and
compression of the refrigerant gas. The discharge
valve and the valve stopper, which protects the
discharge valve, are built into the cylinder block
assembly. There is no suction valve but a shaft seal is
installed between the shaft and head; a trigger valve,
whic h app li es bac k pr ess ur e to th e v ane s, is i ns talled in
the cylinder block and a refrigerant gas temperature
sensor is installed in the front head.
The s pecified q uantity of c ompressor o il is contained in
the compressor to lubricate the various parts using the
refrigerant gas discharge pressure.