Identifying the problem
When Switching from 2WD to 4WD
1. Flashing of the 4WD indicator changes from 2
times per second (2Hz) , to 4 times per second
When a high synchronization load is encountered,
the motor actuator will make up to 3 attempts to shift
the tran sfer gear. The 4WD indicator lamp will flas h
at 2Hz whi le th e m oto r actuator attemp ts the s hift. If
after the 3rd att empt, the shift is not co mpleted, the
4WD indicator lamp will begin to flash at 4Hz and
the motor actuator will return to 2WD mode.
A high synchronization load occurs:
• At severe low temperatures.
• A high rotational difference in speed occurs
between the front wheels and the front axles
during cornering .
Solution 1: Attempt to select 4WD mode again at
a lower speed or when the vehicle is stationary.
2. The 4WD indicator continues flashing at 2Hz for
more than 11.5 seconds.
When there is rotational difference in speed
between the front wheels and axles, the front
wheels and the front axles may have difficulty
engaging. The flashing of the 4WD indicator lamp at
2Hz will indicate that the transfer case is shifting into
the 4WD mode. Shifting into 4WD mode is
impossible if a high rotational difference in speed
occurs between the front whe els and the front axles
during cornering, resulting in the indicator flashing
for an extended period.
Solution 2: If the vehicle is moving, drive the
vehicle straight while accelerating and
decelerating, and if the vehicle is at a stop,
move the vehicle forward an d backward fo r 2 to
3 met res.
When Switching from 4WD to 2WD
1. The 4WD indicator lamp continues to flash 2
times per second.
When switching from 4WD to 2WD, the 4WD
indicator lamp continues to flash until both shifting of
the transfer gear and disconnecting the front wheels
are completed. When drive line is subject to a high
torque load, the shifting transfer gear and
disconnecting of the front wheels are impossible.
In this case , remo val o f the torque load on t he d rive
line makes the shifting transfer gear and
disconnecting front wheels possible.
Solution 3: If the vehicle is moving, drive the
vehicle straight while accelerating and
decelerating, and if the vehicle is at a stop,
move the vehicle forward an d backward fo r 2 to
3 met res.
2. When the 4WD indicator lamp flash pattern changes
from 2Hz to 4Hz.
Check the position of the transfer lever. Is it in the
“4L" position? Shifting from 4WD to 2WD while at
“4L" will not occur.
Solution 4: Push the 4WD switch ON (to 4WD),
then shift the transfer lever to the “High"
position and then push the 4WD switch OFF (to
engage to 2WD).