Hydraulic Brakes
Filling Master Cylinder Reservoir
CAUTION: Use only specified brake fluid. Do not
use any fluid which contains a petroleum base. Do
not use a container which has been used for
petroleum based fluids or a container which is wet
with water. Petroleum based fluid will cause
swelling and distortion of rubber parts in the
hydraulic brake system. Water mixed with brake
fluid lowers the fluid boiling point. Keep all fluid
containers capped to prevent contamination.
Always fill the master cylinder reservoir when the
engine is cold.
Never allow the brake fluid to come in contact with
the painted surfaces.
The master cylinder reservoir must be kept prop erly
filled to ensure adequate reserve and to prevent air
and moisture from entering the hydraulic system.
However, because of expansion due to heat
absorbed from the brakes and the engine, the
reservoir must not be overfilled. The brake fluid
reservoir is on the master cylinder, which is located
under the hood on the left side of the cowl.
Thoroughly clean reservoir cap before removal to
avoid getting dirt into reservoir. Remove the
diaphragm. Add fluid as required to bring level to
the “MAX" mark on the reservoir tank. Use “DOT 3"
Hydraulic Brake Fluid. If the fluid cap diaphragm is
stretched, return it to the original position before
Deterioration of Brake Fluid
Using any other brake fluid than specified or brake fluid
with mineral oil or water mixed in will drop the boiling
point of brake fluid. It ma y, in turn, result in v apor lock or
deteriorated rubber parts of the hydraulic system. Be
sure to change the brake fluid at specified intervals.
If the rubber parts are deteriorated, remove all the
system parts and clean them with alcohol. Prior to
reassembly, dry the cleaned parts with air to remove the
alcohol. Replace all the hoses and rubber parts of the
Leakage of Brake Fluid
With engine idling, set shift lever in the neutral position
and continue to depress brake pedal at a constant pedal
application force.
Should the pedal stroke become deeper gradually,
leakage from the hydraulic pressure system is possible.
Make sure by visual check that there is no leak.
Bleeding Brake Hydraulic System
A bleeding operation is necessary to remove air from
the hydraulic brak e system whenever air is introduced
into the h ydraulic system. It may be necessary to bleed
the hydraulic system at all four brakes if air has been
introduced through a low fluid level or by disconnecting
brake pipes at the master cylinder. If a brake pipe is
disconnected at one wheel, only that wheel cylinder/
caliper needs to be bled. If the pipes are disconnected
at any fitting located between the master cylinder and
brakes , then the brake system served by the
disconnected pipe must be bled.
1. For 4–Wh eel Antilock Brake System (ABS)
equipped vehicle, be sure to remove the ABS main
fuse 60A located at the relay and fuse box before
bleeding air. If you attempt to bleed air without
removing the main fuse, air cannot be let out
thoroughly, and this may cause damage to the
hydraulic unit. After bleeding air, be sure to replace
the ABS main fuse back to its original position.
2. Set the parking brake completely, then start the
NO TE: The vacuum booster will be damaged if the
bleeding operation is performed with the engine off.
3. Remove the master cylinder reservoir cap.
4. Fill the master cylinder r eserv oir with brake fluid.
Keep the reservoir at least half full during the air
bleeding operation
5. Always use new br ake fluid for replenishment.
6. In replenishing brak e fluid, take care that air bubb les
do not enter the brake fluid.
When the master cylinder is replaced or ov erhauled,
first bleed the air from the master cylinder , then from
each wheel cylinder and caliper following the
procedures described below.
Bleeding the Master Cylinder
7. Disconnect the rear wheel brake pipe (1) from the
master cylinder.
Check the fluid level and replenish as necessary. If
replenished, leave the system for at least one
8. Depress the brake pedal slowly once and hold it
9. Completely seal the delivery port of the master
cylinder with your finger, where the pipe was
disconnected then release the brake pedal slowly.
10. Release your finger from the delivery port when the
brake pedal returns completely.
11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 until the brake fluid
comes out of the delivery port during step 8.
NO TE: Do not allow the fluid level in the reservoir to go
below the half–wa y mark.
12. Reconnect the brake pipe (1) to the master cylinder
and tighten the pipe.
13. Depress the brake pedal slowly once and hold it
14. Loosen the rear wheel brake pipe (1) at the master