Service Precaution
General Description
Engine Diagnosis
Cylinder Head Cover LH
Cylinder Head Cover RH
Common Chamber
Exhaust Manifold LH
Exhaust Manifold RH
Crankshaft Pulley
Timing Belt
Cylinder Head
Valve Stem Oil Controller , Valve Spring
and Valve Guide
Piston, Piston Ring and Connecting Rod
Crankshaft and Main Bearings
Rear Oil Seal
Engine Assembly
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head and Associated Parts
Inspection and Repair
Valve Spring, Oil Controller, Valve, Valve
Valve Spring, Oil Controller, Valve, Valve
Guide and Associated Parts
Inspection and Repair
Valve Clearance Adjustments
Camshaft and Associated Parts
Inspection and Repair
Crankshaft and Associated Parts
Inspection and Repair
Inspection and Repair
Piston and Connecting Rod
Piston, Connecting Rod and Associate
Inspection and Repair
Cylinder Block
Cylinder Block and Associated Parts
Inspection and Repair
Main Data and Specification
Special Tool
Service Precaution
CAUTION:Always use the correct fastener in the
proper location. When you replace a fastener, use
ONLY the exact part number for that application.
ISUZU will call out those fasteners that require a
replacement after removal. ISUZU will also call out
the fasteners that require thread lockers or thread
use supplemental coatings (Paints, greases, or other
corrosion inhibitors) on threaded fasteners or
fastener joint interfaces. Generally, such coatings
adversely affect the fastener torque and the joint
clamping force, and may damage the fastener . When
you install fasteners, use the correct tightening
sequence and specifications. Following these
instructions can help you avoid damage to parts and
General Description
Engine Cleanliness And Care
An automobile engine is a combination of many
machined, honed, polished and lapped surfaces with
tolerances that are measured in the thousandths of a
millimeter (ten thousandths of an inch). Accordingly,
when any internal engine parts are serviced, care and
cleanliness are important. Throughout this section, it
should be understood that proper cleaning and protection
of machined surfaces and friction areas is part of the
repair procedure. This is considered standard shop
practice even if not specifically stated.
DA liberal coating of engine oil should be applied to all
friction areas during assembly to protect and lubricate
the surfaces on initial operation.
DWhenever valve train components, pistons, piston
rings, connecting rods, rod bearings, and crankshaft
journal bearings are removed for service, they should
be retained in order.
DAt the time of installation, they should be installed in
the same locations and with the same mating
surfaces as when removed.
DBattery cables should be disconnected before any
major work is performed on the engine. Failure to
disconnect cables may result in damage to wire
harness or other electrical parts.
DThe six cylinders of this engine are identified by
numbers; Right side cylinders 1, 3 and 5, Left side
cylinders 2, 4 and 6, as counted from crankshaft
pulley side to flywheel side.
General Information on Engine Service
The following information on engine service should be
noted carefully, as it is important in preventing damage
and contributing to reliable engine performance:
DWhen raising or supporting the engine for any reason,
do not use a jack under the oil pan. Due to the small
clearance between the oil pan and the oil pump
strainer, jacking against the oil pan may cause
damage to the oil pick–up unit.
DThe 12–volt electrical system is capable of damaging
circuits. When performing any work where electrical
terminals could possibly be grounded, the ground
cable of the battery should be disconnected at the
DAny time the intake air duct or air cleaner is removed,
the intake opening should be covered. This will
protect against accidental entrance of foreign
material into the cylinder which could cause extensive
damage when the engine is started.
Cylinder Block
The cylinder block is made of aluminum die–cast casting
for 75°V–type six cylinders. It has a rear plate integrated
structure and employs a deep skint. The cylinder liner is
cast and the liner inner diameter and crankshaft journal
diameter are classified into grades. The crankshaft is
supported by four bearings of which width of No.3 bearing
on the body side is different in order to support the thrust
bearing. The bearing cap is made of nodular cast iron and
each bearing cap uses four bolts and two side bolts.
Cylinder Head
The cylinder head, made of aluminum alloy casting
employs a pent–roof type combustion chamber with a
spark plug in the center. The intake and exhaust valves
are placed in V–type design. The ports are cross–flow
Valve Train
Intake and exhaust camshaft on the both side of banks
are driven through an camshaft drive gear by timing belt.
The valves are operated by the camshaft and the valve
clearance is adjusted to select suitable thickness shim.
Intake Manifold
The intake manifold system is composed of the aluminum
cast common chamber and intake manifold attached with
six fuel injectors.
Exhaust Manifold
The exhaust manifold is made of nodular cast iron.
Pistons and Connecting Rods
Aluminum pistons are used after selecting the grade that
meets the cylinder bore diameter. Each piston has two
compression rings and one oil ring. The piston pin is made
of chromium steel is offset 1mm toward the thrust side,
and the thrust pressure of piston to the cylinder wall varies
gradually as the piston travels. The connecting rods are
made of forged steel. The connecting rod bearings are
graded for correct seze selection.
Crankshaft and Bearings
The crankshaft is made of Ductile cast–iron. Pins and
journals are graded for correct size selection for their
Engine Lubrication
The oil discharged by a trochoid–type oil pump driven by
the crankshaft is fed through full–flow oil filter and to the oil
gallery provided under the crankshaft bearing cap. The oil
is then led to the crankshaft journals and cylinder head.
The crank pins are lubricated with oil from crankshaft
journals through oil holes. Also, an oil jet is fed to each
cylinder from crankshaft juornals on the connecting rod
for piston cleaning. The oil pan flange is dealed with liquid
packing only; do not deform or damage the flange surface
during removal or installation.
Engine Diagnosis
Hard Starting
1. Starting Motor Does Not Turn Over
Troubleshooting Procedure
Turn on headlights and starter switch.
Condition Possible cause Correction
Headlights go out or dim
Battery run down or under charged Recharge or replace battery
yTerminals poorly connected Clean battery posts and terminals
and connect properly
Starting motor coil circuit shorted Overhaul or replace
Starting motor defective Overhaul or replace
2. Ignition Trouble — Starting Motor Turns Over But Engine Does Not Start
Spark Test
Disconnect an igniton coil from any spark plug. Connect
the spark plug tester J–26792 (ST–125), start the engine,
and check if a spark is generated in the spark plug tester .
Before starting the engine, make sure that the spark plug
tester is properly grounded. To avoid electrical shock, do
not touch the part where insulation of the igniton coil is
broken while the engine is running.
Condition Possible cause Correction
Spark jumps across gap Spark plug defective Clean, adjust spark gap or replace
Ignition timing incorrect Refer to Ignition System
Fuel not reaching fuel injector(s) or
engine Refer to item 3 (Trouble in fuel
Valve timing incorrect Adjust
Engine lacks compression Refer to item 4 (Engine lacks
No sparking takes place Ignition coil disconnected or broken Connect properly or replace
Electronic Ignition System with
module Replace
Poor connections in engine harness Correct
Powertrain Control Module cable
disconnected or defective Correct or replace
3. Trouble In Fuel System
Condition Possible cause Correction
Starting motor turns over and spark
occurs but engine does not start
Fuel tank empty Fill
oes no
.Water in fuel system Clean
Fuel filter clogged Replace filter
Fuel pipe clogged Clean or replace
Fuel pump defective Replace
Fuel pump circuit open Correct or replace
Evaporative Emission Control
System circuit clogged Correct or replace
Multiport Fuel Injection System faulty Refer to “Electronic Fuel Injection”
4. Engine Lacks Compression
Condition Possible cause Correction
Engine lacks compression Spark plug loosely fitted or spark
plug gasket defective Tighten to specified torque or replace
Valve timing incorrect Adjust
Cylinder head gasket defective Replace gasket
Valve incorrectly seated Lap valve
Valve stem seized Replace valve and valve guide
Valve spring weakened or broken Replace
Cylinder or piston rings worn Overhaul engine
Piston ring seized Overhaul engine.
Engine Compression Test Procedure
1.Start and run the engine until the engine reaches
normal operating temperature.
2.Turn the engine off.
3.Remove all the spark plugs.
4.Remove ignition coil fuse (15A) and disable the
ignition system.
5.Remove the fuel pump relay from the relay and fuse
6.Engage the starter and check that the cranking speed
is approximately 300 rpm.
7. Install cylinder compression gauge into spark plug
8.With the throttle valve opened fully, keep the starter
engaged until the compression gage needle reaches
the maximum level. Note the reading.
9.Repeat the test with each cylinder.
If the compression pressure obtained falls below the
limit, engine overhaul is necessary.
Limit; 1000 kPa (145 psi)
Rough Engine Idling or Engine Stalling
Condition Possible cause Correction
Trouble in fuel injection system Idle air control valve defective Replace
Throttle shutting off incomplete Correct or replace
Throttle position sensor circuit open
or shorted Correct or replace
Fuel injector circuits open or shorted Correct or replace
Fuel injectors damaged Replace
Fuel pump relay defective Replace
Mass Air flow (MAF) Sensor circuit
open or poor connections Correct or replace
MAF Sensor defective Replace
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
Sensor circuit open or poor
Correct or replace
MAP Sensor defective Replace
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
Sensor circuit open or poor
Correct or replace
ECT Sensor defective Replace
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor
circuit open or poor connections Correct or replace
IAT sensor defective Replace
Knock Sensor (KS) cable broken or
poor connections Correct or replace
KS defective Replace
KS Module circuits open or ground Correct or replace
KS Module defective Replace
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) circuit
open or shorted Correct or replace
VSS defective Replace
Trouble in emission control system Powertrain Control Module defective Replace
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
Valve circuit open or poor
Correct or replace
EGR Valve faulty Replace
Canister purge valve circuit open or
poor connections Correct or replace
Canister purge valve defective Replace
Evaporative Emission Canister
Purge control valve defective Replace
Trouble in ignition system Refer to “Hard Start”
Condition CorrectionPossible cause
Others Engine lacks compression Refer to “Hard Start”
Valve incorrectly seated Lap valve
Air Cleaner Filter clogged Replace filter element
Valve timing incorrect Readjust
Idle air control valve broken Replace
Fast idle solenoid defective Replace
Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve
defective or clogged Replace
Rough Engine Running
Condition Possible cause Correction
Engine misfires periodically Ignition coil layer shorted Replace
Spark plugs fouling Clean or install hotter type plug
Spark plug(s) insulator nose leaking Replace
Fuel injector(s) defective Replace
Powertrain control module faulty Replace
Engine knocks periodically Spark plugs running too hot Install colder type spark plugs
Powertrain control module faulty Replace
Engine lacks power Spark plugs fouled Clean
Fuel injectors defective Replace
Mass Air flow Sensor or Intake
Airflow Sensor circuit defective Correct or replace
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
Sensor or Manifold Absolute
Pressure Sensor circuit defective
Correct or replace
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
Sensor or ECT Sensor circuit
Correct or replace
Powertrain Control Module faulty Replace
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
or IAT Sensor circuit defective Correct or replace
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) or
TPS circuit defective Correct or replace
Knock Sensor (KS) or KS circuits
defective Correct or replace
KS Module or KS Module circuits
defective Correct or replace
Condition Possible cause Correction
Hesitation on acceleration Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
adjustment incorrect Replace throttle valve assembly
TPS circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
Excessive play in accelerator linkage Adjust or replace
Mass Air flow (MAF) Sensor circuit
open or poor connections Correct or replace
MAF Sensor defective Replace
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
Sensor circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
MAP Sensor defective Replace
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
Knock Sensor (KS) Circuit open or
poor connections Correct or replace
KS defective Replace
KS Module circuits open or shorted Correct or replace
KS Module defective Replace
IAT Sensor defective Replace
Hesitation at high speeds Fuel tank strainer clogged Clean or replace
(Fuel pressure too low) Fuel pipe clogged Clean or replace
Fuel filter clogged Replace
Defective fuel pump system Check and replace
Fuel Pressure Control Valve leaking Replace
Hesitation at high speeds
(Fuel injector not working normally) Power supply or ground circuit for
Multiport Fuel Injection System
shorted or open
Check and correct or replace
Fuel Injector defective Replace
Cable of Multiport Fuel Injection
System circuit open or poor
Correct or replace
Condition CorrectionPossible cause
Hesitation at high speeds Powertrain Control Module defective Replace
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) cable
broken or poor connections Correct or replace
TPS defective Replace
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
Sensor circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
ECT Sensor defective Replace
Mass Air flow (MAF) Sensor circuit
open or poor connections Correct or replace
MAF Sensor defective Replace
MAP Sensor cable broken or poor
connections Correct or replace
MAP Sensor defective Replace
IAT Sensor circuit open or poor
connections Correct or replace
IAT Sensor defective Replace
KS circuit open or poor connections Correct or replace
KS defective Replace
KS Module circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
KS Module defective Replace
Throttle valve not fully opened Check and correct or replace
Air Cleaner Filter clogged Replace filter element
Power supply voltage too low Check and correct or replace
Engine Lacks Power
Condition Possible cause Correction
Trouble in fuel system Fuel Pressure Control Valve not
working normally Replace
Fuel injector clogged Clean or replace
Fuel pipe clogged Clean
Fuel filter clogged or fouled Replace
Fuel pump drive circuit not working
normally Correct or replace
Fuel tank not sufficiently breathing
due to clogged Evaporative
Emission Control System circuit
Clean or replace
Water in fuel system Clean
Inferior quality fuel in fuel system Use fuel of specified octane rating
Powertrain Control Module supplied
poor voltage Correct circuit
Throttle Position Sensor cable
broken or poor connections Correct or replace
Throttle Position Sensor defective Replace
Mass Air flow Sensor not working
normally Replace
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
not working normally Replace
Intake Air Temperature Sensor not
working normally Replace
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
Sensor circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
ECT Sensor defective Replace
Powertrain Control Module defective Replace
Trouble in intake or exhaust system Air Cleaner Filter clogged Replace filter element
Air duct kinked or flattened Correct or replace
Ignition failure ———— Refer to Hard Start Troubleshooting
Heat range of spark plug inadequate Install spark plugs of adequate heat
Ignition coil defective Replace
Condition CorrectionPossible cause
Engine overheating Level of Engine Coolant too low Replenish
Fan clutch defective Replace
Incorrect fan installed Replace
Thermostat defective Replace
Engine Coolant pump defective Correct or replace
Radiator clogged Clean or replace
Radiator filler cap defective Replace
Level of oil in engine crankcase too
low or wrong engine oil Change or replenish
Resistance in exhaust system
increased Clean exhaust system or replace
defective parts
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
adjustment incorrect Replace with Throttle Valve ASM
TPS circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
Cylinder head gasket damaged Replace
Engine overcooling Thermostat defective Replace (Use a thermostat set to
open at 82°C (180°F))
Engine lacks compression ———— Refer to Hard Start
Others Tire inflation pressure abnormal Adjust to recommended pressures
Brake drag Adjust
Clutch slipping Adjust or replace
Level of oil in engine crankcase too
high Correct level of engine oil
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve
defective Replace
Engine Noisy
Abnormal engine noise often consists of various noises
originating in rotating parts, sliding parts and other mov- ing parts of the engine. It is, therefore, advisable to locate
the source of noise systematically.
Condition Possible cause Correction
Noise from crank journals or from
crank bearings
(Faulty crank journals and crank
Oil clearance increased due to worn
crank journals or crank bearings Replace crank bearings and
crankshaft or regrind crankshaft and
install the undersize bearing
bearings usually make dull noise that
becomes more evident when
Crankshaft out of round Replace crank bearings and
crankshaft or regrind crankshaft and
install the undersize bearing
Crank bearing seized Crank bearing seized. Replace crank
bearings and crankshaft or regrind
crankshaft and install the undersize
Troubleshooting Procedure
Short out each spark plug in sequence using insulated
spark plug wire removers. Locate cylinder with defective bearing by listening for abnormal noise that stops when
spark plug is shorted out.
Condition Possible cause Correction
Noise from connecting rods or from
connecting rod bearings
(Faulty connecting rods or
Bearing or crankshaft pin worn Replace connecting rod bearings
and crankshaft or regrind crankshaft
pin and install the undersize bearing
connecting rod bearings usually
make an abnormal noise slightly
higher than the crank bearing noise,
which becomes more evident when
Crankpin out of round Replace connecting rod bearings
and crankshaft or regrind crankshaft
pin and install the undersize bearing
engine is accelerated) Connecting rod bent Correct or replace
Connecting rod bearing seized Replace connecting rod bearings
and crankshaft or regrind crankshaft
pin and install the undersize bearing
Troubleshooting Procedure
Abnormal noise stops when the spark plug on the cylinder
with defective part is shorted out.
Condition Possible cause Correction
Piston and cylinder noise
(Faulty piston or cylinder usually
k bid hil
Piston clearance increased due to
cylinder wear Replace piston and cylinder body
es a com
thumping noise which increases Piston seized Replace piston and cylinder body
when engine is suddenly accelerated
but diminishes
as the Piston ring broken Replace piston and cylinder body
engine warms up) Piston defective Replace pistons and others
Troubleshooting Procedure
Short out each spark plug and listen for change in engine
Condition Possible cause Correction
Piston pin noise
(Piston makes noise each time it
goes up and down)
Piston pin or piston pin hole worn Replace piston, piston pin and
connecting rod assy
Troubleshooting Procedure
The slapping sound stops when spark plug on bad cylin-
der is shorted out.
Condition Possible cause Correction
Timing belt noise Timing belt tension is incorrect Replace pusher or adjust the tension
pulley or replace timing belt
Tensioner bearing defective Replace
Timing belt defective Replace
Timing pulley defective Replace
Timing belt comes in contact with
timing cover Replace timing belt and timing cover
Valve noise Valve clearance incorrect Replace adjusting shim
Valve and valve guide seized Replace valve and valve guide
Valve spring broken or weakened Replace
Valve seat off–positioned Correct
Camshaft worn out Replace
Crankshaft noise Crankshaft end play excessive
(noise occurs when clutch is
Replace thrust bearing
Engine knocking Preignition due to use of spark plugs
of inadequate heat range Install Spark Plugs of adequate heat
Carbon deposits in combustion
chambers Clean
Fuel too low in octane rating Replace fuel
Wide Open Throttle enrichment
system failure Refer to Section 6E
Selection of transmission gear
incorrect Caution operator of incorrect gear
Engine overheating Refer to “Engine Lacks Power”
Others Water pump defective Replace
Drive belt slipping Replace auto tentioner or drive belt
Abnormal Combustion
Condition Possible cause Correction
Trouble in fuel system Fuel pressure control valve defective Replace
Fuel filter clogged Replace
Fuel pump clogged Clean or replace
Fuel tank or fuel pipe clogged Clean or replace
Fuel injector clogged Clean or replace
Fuel pump relay defective Replace
Power supply cable for fuel pump
broken or poor connections Reconnect, correct or replace
Mass Air flow (MAF) sensor circuit
open or defective Correct or replace
MAF Sensor defective Replace
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
Sensor circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
MAP Sensor defective Replace
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
Sensor circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
ECT Sensor defective Replace
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
adjustment incorrect Readjust
TPS defective Replace
TPS connector poor connections Reconnect
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) cable
poor connections or defective Correct or replace
VSS loosely fixed Fix tightly
VSS in wrong contact or defective Replace
Powertrain Control Module cable
poor connections or defective Correct or replace
Trouble in emission control system Heated Oxygen (O2) Sensor circuit
open Correct or replace
O2 Sensor defective Replace
Signal vacuum hose loosely fitted or
defective Correct or replace
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
Valve circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
EGR Valve defective Replace
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
Sensor circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
Canister Purge Valve circuit open or
shorted Correct or replace
Canister Purge Valve defective Replace
ECT Sensor defective Replace
Positive Crankcase Ventilation
(PCV) valve and hose clogged Correct or replace
Evaporator system Refer to Section 6E
Trouble in ignition system ———— Refer to “Engine Lacks Power”
Condition CorrectionPossible cause
Trouble in cylinder head parts Carbon deposits in combustion
chamber Remove carbon
Carbon deposit on valve, valve seat
and valve guide Remove carbon
Engine Oil Consumption Excessive
Condition Possible cause Correction
Oil leaking Oil pan drain plug loose Retighten or replace gasket
Crankcase fixing bolts loosened Retighten
Oil pan setting bolts loosened Retighten
Oil pan gasket broken Replace gasket
Front cover retaining bolts loose or
gasket broken Retighten or replace gasket
Head cover fixing bolts loose or
gasket broken Retighten or replace gasket
Oil cooler adapter cracked Replace
Oil cooler center bolt loose Retighten
Oil cooler O–ring broken Replace
Oil cooler piping loose or broken Retighten or replace
Oil filter adapter cracked Replace
Oil filter attaching bolt loose or rubber
gasket broken Retighten or replace oil filter
Oil cooler broken Replace
Crankshaft front or rear oil seal
defective Replace oil seal
Oil pressure unit loose or broken Retighten or replace
Blow–by gas hose broken Replace hose
Positive Crankcase V entilation V alve
clogged Clean
Engine/Transmission coupling failed Replace oil seal
Oil leaking into combustion
chambers due to
oor seal in valve
Valve stem oil seal defective Replace
system Valve stem or valve guide worn Replace valve and valve guide
Oil leaking into combustion
chambers due to poor seal in cylinder
Cylinders and pistons worn
excessively Replace cylinder body assembly and
sPiston ring gaps incorrectly
positioned Correct
Piston rings set with wrong side up Correct
Piston ring sticking Replace cylinder body assembly and
Piston ring and ring groove worn Replace pistons and others
Return ports in oil rings clogged Clean piston and replace rings
Positive Crankcase Ventilation
System malfunctioning Positive Crankcase V entilation V alve
clogged Clean
Condition CorrectionPossible cause
Others Improper oil viscosity Use oil of recommended S.A.E.
Continuous high speed driving
and/or severe usage such as trailer
Continuous high speed operation
and/or severe usage will normally
cause increased oil consumption
Fuel Consumption Excessive
Condition Possible cause Correction
Trouble in fuel system Mixture too rich or too lean due to
trouble in fuel injection system Refer to “Abnormal Combustion”
Fuel cut function does not work Refer to “Abnormal Combustion”
Trouble in ignition system Misfiring or abnormal combustion
due to trouble in ignition system Refer to “Hard Start” or “Abnormal
Others Engine idle speed too high Reset Idle Air Control Valve
Returning of accelerator control
sluggish Correct
Fuel system leakage Correct or replace
Clutch slipping Correct
Brake drag Correct
Selection of transmission gear
incorrect Caution operator of incorrect gear
Excessive Exhaust Gas
Recirculation (EGR) flow due to
trouble in EGR system
Refer to “Abnormal Combustion”
Lubrication Problems
Condition Possible cause Correction
Oil pressure too low Wrong oil in use Replace with correct engine oil
Relief valve sticking Replace
Oil pump not operating properly Correct or replace
Oil pump strainer clogged Clean or replace strainer
Oil pump worn Replace
Oil pressure gauge defective Correct or replace
Crankshaft bearing or connecting
rod bearing worn Replace
Oil contamination Wrong oil in use Replace with correct engine oil
Oil filter clogged Replace oil filter
Cylinder head gasket damage Replace gasket
Burned gases leaking Replace piston and piston rings or
cylinder body assembly
Oil not reaching valve system Oil passage in cylinder head or
cylinder body clogged Clean or correct
Engine Oil Pressure Check
1.Check for dirt, gasoline or water in the engine oil.
a.Check the viscosity of the oil.
b.Change the oil if the viscosity is outside the
specified standard.
c.Refer to the “Maintenance and Lubrication” section
of this manual.
2.Check the engine oil level.
The level should fall somewhere between the “ADD”
and the “FULL” marks on the oil level dipstick.
If the oil level does not reach the “ADD” mark on the
oil level dipstick, engine oil must be added.
3.Remove the oil pressure unit.
4.Install an oil pressure gauge.
5.Start the engine and allow the engine to reach normal
operating temperature (About 80°C).
6.Measure the oil pressure.
Oil pressure should be:
392–550 kPa (56.9–80.4 psi) at 3000 rpm.
7.Stop the engine.
8.Remove the oil pressure gauge.
9.Install the oil pressure unit.
10.Start the engine and check for leaks.
Malfunction Indicator Lamp
The instrument panel “CHECK ENGINE” Malfunction In-
dicator Lamp (MIL) illuminates by self diagnostic system when the system checks the starting of engine, or senses
Condition Possible cause Correction
illuminate at the starting of engine
Bulb defective Replace
e a
e s
ng o
ne MIL circuit open Correct or replace
Command signal circuit to operate
self diagnostic system shorted Correct or replace
Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
cable loosely connected,
disconnected or defective
Correct or replace
PCM defective Replace
Condition CorrectionPossible cause
“CHECK ENGINE” MIL illuminates,
and stays on Deterioration of heated oxygen
sensor internal element Replace
Heated oxygen (O2) sensor
connector terminal improper contact Reconnect properly
O2 sensor lead wire shorted Correct
O2 sensor circuit open Correct or replace
Deterioration of Engine Coolant
Temperature (ECT) sensor internal
ECT sensor connector terminal
improper contact Reconnect properly
ECT sensor lead wire shorted Correct
ECT sensor circuit open Correct or replace
Throttle position sensor open or
shorted circuits Correct or replace
Deterioration of crankshaft position
sensor Replace
Crankshaft position sensor circuit
open or shorted Correct or replace
Vehicle speed sensor circuit open Correct or replace
Manifold absolute pressure sensor
circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
Intake air temperature sensor circuit
open or shorted Correct or replace
Fuel injector circuit open or shorted Correct or replace
PCM driver transistor defective Replace PCM
Malfunctioning of PCM RAM
(Random Access Memory) or ROM
(Read Only Memory)
Replace PCM
Cylinder Head Cover LH
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Drain engine coolant from faucet bottom of radiator.
3.Remove engine cover from the dowels on the
common chamber.
4.Remove air cleaner duct assembly (3) and air cleaner
element (4).
(1) Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose Connector
(2) Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(3) Air Cleaner Duct Assembly
(4) Air Cleaner Element
(5) Mass Air Flow Sensor
NOTE: Disconnect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor
connector, intake air temperature (IA T) sensor connector,
and positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) hose before
hand the air cleaner duct assembly is removed.
5.Disconnect following wiring connectors and bonding
DManifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor
DVacuum Switching Valve (VSV) for Induction Air
Control Valve (IACV) actuator
DIgnition coils for left bank
DFuel injectors for left bank
DIdle air control (IAC) valve
DThrottle position sensor (TPS)
DBonding cable
DOthers as necessitated
6.Disconnect following vacuum hoses:
DBrake master VAC
DVSV for IACV actuator
DDuty solenoid valve
7.Disconnect radiator upper and lower hoses
8.Remove engine harness from the cylinder head
9.Remove the upper fan guide.
10.Remove cooling fan and clutch assembly.
11.Remove drive belt by pushing down the auto
tensioner using spanner as illustrated.
(1) Crankshaft Pulley
(2) Generator
(3) Auto Tensioner
(4) Idle Pulley
(5) Cooling Fan Pulley
(6) Power Steering Oil Pump
(7) Drive Belt
(8) Air Conditioner Compressor
12.Remove power steering oil pump pulley.
13.Remove fan pulley and bracket assembly.
14.Remove idle pulley assembly.
15.Remove auto tensioner assembly.
16.Remove crankshaft pulley using 5–8840–0133–0
crankshaft holder.
17.Remove timing belt covers from the right bank side to
the left bank side in order.
18.Remove ignition coil assemblies for the left side bank.
(1) Ignition Coil Connectors
(2) Bolts
(3) Ignition Coil Assemblies
19.Remove cylinder head cover assembly.
1.Install cylinder head cover.
DClean the sealing surface of cylinder head and
cylinder head cover to remove oil and sealing
materials completely.
DApply sealant (TB-1207B or equivalent) of bead
diameter 2-3 mm at eight place of arched area of
camshaft bracket on front and rear sides.
DThe cylinder head cover must be installed within 5
minutes after sealant application to prevent
premature hardening of sealant.
DTighten bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 9 N·m (0.9 Kg·m/78 lb in)
2.Install ignition coil assemblies and tighten the fixing
bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 4 N·m (0.4 Kg·m/35 lb in)
3.Install timing belt covers from left bank side to right
bank side, and tighten the fixing bolts and nut to the
specified torque.
Torque : 19 N·m (1.9 Kg·m/14 lb ft)
4.Install crankshaft pulley and tighten the fixing bolt
using 5–8840–0133–0 crankshaft holder to the
specified torque.
Torque : 167 N·m (17.0 Kg·m/123 lb ft)
5.Install auto tensioner assembly and tighten the fixing
bolts to the specified torque.
Torque :
Shorter Bolt : 20 N·m (2.0 Kg·m/14 lb ft)
Longer Bolt : 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
6.Install idle pulley and bracket assembly and tighten
the fixing bolt to the specified torque.
Torque : 52 N·m (5.3 Kg·m/38 lb ft)
7.Install fan pulley and bracket assembly and tighten
the fixing bolts and nut to the specified torque.
Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft)
8.Install power steering oil pump pulley and tighten the
fixing bolt to the specified torque.
Torque : 78 N·m (8.0 Kg·m/58 lb ft)
9.Install drive belt by pushing down the auto tensioner
using spanner as shown in the removal step of drive
10.Install cooling fan and clutch assembly and tighten
the fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/87 lb in)
11.Install upper fan guide and clip both side and tighten
the fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 4 N·m (0.4 Kg·m/35 lb in)
12.Install engine harness and tighten the fixing bolts of
the retaining clip and bracket to the specified torque.
Torque : 4 N·m (0.4 Kg·m/35 lb in)
13.Connect radiator upper and lower hoses and clip
them securely.
14.Connect vacuum hoses of those which were
disconnected in the removal step.
15.Connect wiring connectors and bonding cable of
those which were disconnected in the removal step.
16.Install air cleaner element and air cleaner duct
assembly, and clip the both end securely.
17.Connect Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor connector,
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor connector and
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hose.
18.Install engine cover mating with the dowels.
Cylinder Head Cover RH
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Remove battery from the vehicle.
3.Drain engine coolant from faucet bottom of radiator.
4.Remove engine cover from the dowels on the
common chamber.
5.Remove air cleaner duct assembly (3) and air cleaner
element (4).
(1) Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose Connector
(2) Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(3) Air Cleaner Duct Assembly
(4) Air Cleaner Element
(5) Mass Air Flow Sensor
NOTE: Disconnect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor
connector, intake air temperature (IA T) sensor connector,
and positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) hose before
hand the air cleaner duct assembly is removed.
6.Disconnect following wiring connectors and bonding
DExhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve
DFuel injectors for right bank
DIgnition coils for right bank
DBonding cable
DOthres as necessitated
7.Disconnect radiator upper and lower hoses.
8.Remove engine harness from the cylinder head
9.Remove the upper fan guide.
10.Remove cooling fan and clutch assembly.
11.Remove drive belt by pushing down the auto
tensioner using spanner as illustrated.
(1) Crankshaft Pulley
(2) Generator
(3) Auto Tensioner
(4) Idle Pulley
(5) Cooling Fan Pulley
(6) Power Steering Oil Pump
(7) Drive Belt
(8) Air Conditioner Compressor
12.Remove fan pulley and bracket assembly.
13.Remove idle pulley assembly.
14.Remove auto tensioner assembly.
15.Remove crankshaft pulley using 5–8840–0133–0
crankshaft holder.
16.Remove timing belt covers for right bank side.
17.Reomve timing belt covers for right bank side.
(1) Ignition Coil Connectors
(2) Bolts
(3) Ignition Coil Assemblies
18.Remove ignition coil assemblies for the right side
19.Remove cylinder head cover assembly.
1.Install cylinder head cover.
DClean the sealing surface of cylinder head and
cylinder head cover to remove oil and sealing
materials completely.
DApply sealant (TB-1207B or equivalent) of bead
diameter 2-3 mm at eight place of arched area of
camshaft bracket on front and rear sides.
DThe cylinder head cover must be installed within 5
minutes after sealant application before the sealant
DTighten bolts in turn to the specified torque.
Torque : 8.8 N·m (0.9 Kg·m/78 lb in)
2.Install ignition coil assemblies and tighten the fixing
bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 4 N·m (0.4 Kg·m/35 lb in)
3.Install timing belt cover and tighten the fixing bolts and
nut to the specified torque.
Torque : 19 N·m (1.9 Kg·m/14 lb ft)
4.Install crankshaft pulley and tighten the fixing bolt
using 5–8840–0133–0 crankshaft holder to the
specified torque.
Torque : 167 N·m (17 Kg·m/123 lb ft)
5.Install auto tensioner assembly and tighten the fixing
bolts to the specified torque.
Torque :
Shorter Bolt : 20 N·m (2.0 Kg·m/14.8 lb ft)
Longer Bolt : 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/28.8 lb ft)
6.Install idle pulley assembly and tighten the fixing bolt
to the specified torque.
Torque : 52 N·m (5.3 Kg·m/38.4 lb ft)
7.Install fan pulley and bracket assembly and tighten
the fixing bolts and nut to the specified torque.
Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16.2 lb ft)
8.Install drive belt by pushing down the auto tensioner
using spanner as shown in the removal step of drive
9. Install cooling fan clutch assembly and tighten the
fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/88.5 lb in)
10.Install upper fan guide and clip both side and tighten
the fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 4 N·m (0.4 Kg·m/35.4 lb in)
11.Install engine harness and tighten the fixing bolts of
the retaining clip and brackets to the specified torque.
Torque : 4 N·m (0.4 Kg·m/35.4 lb in)
12.Connect radiator upper and lower hoses and clip
them securely.
13.Connect wiring connectors and bonding cable of
those which were disconnected in the removal step.
14.Install air cleaner element and air cleaner duct
assembly, and the clip both end securely.
15.Connect Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor connector,
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor connector and
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hose.
16.Install engine cover mating with the dowels.
Common Chamber
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove the air cleaner duct assembly.
(1) Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose Connector
(2) Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(3) Air Cleaner Duct As sembly
(4) Air Flow Sensor
3. Disconnect accelerator pedal cable from throttle
body and cable bracket.
4. Disconnect vacuum booster hose from common
5. Disconnect connector from manifold absolute
pressure sensor, idle air control valve, throttle
position sensor, solenoid valve, electric vacuum
sensing valve, and EGR valve.
6. Disconnect vacuum hose on canister Vacuum
Switching Valve (VSV) and positive crankcase
ventilation hose, fuel rail assembly with pressure
control valve bracket.
7. Remove ventilation hose from throttle valve and
intake duct and remove water hose.
8. Remove the four throttle body fixing bolts.
9. Remove exhaust gas recirculation valve assembly
fixing bolt and nut on common chamber and
remove EGR valve assembly.
10. Remove two bolts from common chamb er rear side
for remove fuel hose bracket.
11. Remove com mon chambe r four b olts an d four nuts
then remove the common chamber.
(1) Common Chamber
(2) Throttle Valve Assembly
(3) Bolt
1. Install throttle body and tighten bolts to the
specified torque.
Torque : (Bolt size M8)
25 N.m (2.6 kg·m/18 lb ft)
2. Install fuel hose bracket and tighten bolts to
specified torque.
Torque : 10 N.m (1.0 kg·m/89 lb in)
3. Install common chamber and tighten bolts and n uts
to the specified torque.
Torque :
Bolt : 18 N.m (1.8 kg-m/13 lb ft.)
Nut : 18 N.m (1.8 kg·m/13 lb ft)
4. Install ventilating hose to throttle valve and intake
5. Install exhaust gas recirculation valve assembly
and tighten bolt and nut to specified torque.
Torque : 25 N.m (2.5 kg·m/18 lb ft)
6. Connect vacuum hoses on canister VSV and
positive crankcase ventilation valve. Tighten bolts
for fuel rail assembly with pressure control valve
bracket to specified torqu e.
Torque : 25 N.m (2.5 kg·m/18 lb ft)
7. Connect each connector without fail.
8. Connect vacuum booster hose.
9. Connect accelerator pedal cable.
10. Install air cleaner duct assembly.
(1) Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose Connector
(2) Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(3) Air Cleaner Duct As sembly
(4) Air Flow Sensor
Exhaust Manifold LH
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Remove air cleaner duct assembly.
(1) Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose Connector
(2) Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(3) Air Cleaner Duct Assembly
(4) Air Cleaner Element
(5) Mass Air Flow Sensor
3.Disconnect heated oxygen (O2) sensor connector.
4.Remove exhaust front pipe three stud nuts from
exhaust side and two nuts from rear end of exhaust
front pipe.
(1) O2 Sensor
(2) Exhaust Front Pipe LH
5.Remove heat protector two fixing bolts then the heat
6.Remove a bolt on engine LH side for air conditioner
(A/C) compressor bracket and loosen two bolts for
A/C compressor then move A/C compressor to front
7.Remove exhaust manifold eight fixing nuts and
remove exhaust manifold from the engine.
1.Install exhaust manifold and tighten exhaust manifold
fixing nuts to the specified torque with new nuts.
Torque: 57 N·m (5.8 Kg·m/42 lb ft)
2.Install heat protector.
3.Install exhaust front pipe and tighten three stud nuts
and two nuts to the specified torque.
Torque :
Stud nuts: 67 N·m (6.8 Kg·m/49 lb ft)
Nuts: 43 N·m (4.4 Kg·m/32 lb ft)
(1) O2 Sensor
(2) Exhaust Front Pipe LH
4.Set A/C compressor to normal position and tighten
two bolts and a bolt to the specified torque.
Torque : 40 N·m (4.1 Kg·m/30 lb ft)
5.Reconnect O2 sensor connector.
6.Install air cleaner duct assembly.
Exhaust Manifold RH
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Remove torsion bar. Refer to removal procedure in
Front Suspension section.
3.Remove exhaust front pipe three stud nuts and two
nuts then disconnect exhaust front pipe.
(1)Exhaust Front Pipe RH
(2)Heated Oxygen (O2) Sensor
4.Remove heat protector two fixing bolts then the heat
5.Remove exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) pipe fixing
bolt and nut from exhaust manifold, remove a nut
from EGR valve and a bolt from rear side of cylinder
head for bracket of EGR pipe then remove the EGR
(1)EGR Valve
(2)EGR Pipe
6.Remove exhaust manifold eight fixing nuts then the
exhaust manifold.
1.Install exhaust manifold and tighten bolts to the
specified torque.
Torque : 57 N·m (5.8 Kg·m/42 lb ft)
2.Install the EGR pipe, tighten bolt and nut on exhaust
manifold to specified torque.
Torque : 28 N·m (2.9 Kg·m/21 lb ft)
Tighten nut to EGR valve to the specified torque.
Torque : 44 N·m (4.5 Kg·m/33 lb ft)
Tighten the bolt for EGR pipe bracket to specified
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
3.Install heat protector
4.Install exhaust front pipe and tighten three stud nuts
and two nuts to the specified torque.
Stud nuts: 67 N·m (6.8 Kg·m/49 lb ft)
Nuts: 43 N·m (4.4 Kg·m/32 lb ft)
5.Install the torsion bar and readjust the vehicle height.
Refer to installation and vehicle height adjustment
procedure for Front Suspension.
Crankshaft Pulley
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Remove air cleaner assembly.
(1) Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose Connector
(2) Intake Air Temperature Sensor
(3) Air Cleaner Duct Assembly
(4) Air Cleaner Element
(5) Mass Air Flow Sensor
3.Remove radiator upper fan shroud from radiator.
4. Move serpentine belt tensioner to loose side using
wrench then remove serpentine belt.
(1) Crankshaft Pulley
(2) Cooling Fan Pulley
(3) Tensioner
(4) Generator
(5) Air Conditioner Compressor
(6) Power Steering Oil Pump
(7) Serpentine Belt
5.Remove cooling fan assembly four fixing nuts, then
the cooling fan assembly.
6.Remove crankshaft pulley assembly using
5-8840-0133-0 crankshaft holder, hold crankshaft
pulley then remove center bolt and pulley.
1.Install crankshaft pulley using 5-8840-0133-0
crankshaft holder, hold the crankshaft pulley and
tighten center bolt to the specified torque.
Torque : 167 N·m (17.0 Kg·m/123 lb ft)
2.Install cooling fan assembly and tighten bolts/nuts to
the specified torque.
Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft) for fan pulley
and fan bracket.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/88.5 lb in) for fan and
clutch assembly.
3.Move serpentine belt tensioner to loose side using
wrench, then install serpentine belt to normal
4.Install radiator upper fan shroud.
5.Install air cleaner assembly.
Timing Belt
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Remove air cleaner assembly.
3.Remove radiator upper fan shroud from radiator.
4.Move drive belt tensioner to loose side using wrench
then remove drive belt.
(1)Crankshaft Pulley
(2)Cooling Fan Pulley
(5)Air Conditioner Compressor
(6)Power Steering Oil Pump
(7)Drive Belt
5.Remove cooling fan assembly four nuts, then the
cooling fan assembly.
6.Remove cooling fan drive pulley assembly.
7.Remove idle pulley assembly.
8.Remove serpentine belt tensioner assembly.
9.Remove power steering pump assembly.
10.Remove crankshaft pulley assembly using
5–8840–0133–0 crankshaft holder, hold crankshaft
pulley remove center bolt, then the pulley.
11.Remove right side timing belt cover then left side
timing belt cover.
12.Remove lower timing belt cover
13.Remove pusher.
CAUTION:The pusher prevents air from entering
the oil chamber. Its rod must always be facing
(1)Up Side
(2)Down Side
(3)Direction For Installation
(4)Locking Pin
14.Remove timing belt.
1. Do not bend or twist the belt, otherwise its core
could be damaged. The belt should not be bent at
a radius less than 30 mm.
2. Do not allow oil or other chemical substances to
come in contact with the belt. They will shorten
the life.
3. Do not attempt to pry or stretch the belt with a
screw driver or any other tool during installation.
4. Store timing belt in a cool and dark place. Never
expose the belt direct sunlight or heat.
NOTE: For correct belt installation, the letter on the belt
must be able to be read as viewed from the front of the
(1) Crankshaft Timing Pulley
(2) RH Bank Camshaft Drive Gear Pulley
(3) Water Pump Pulley
(4) Idle Pulley
(5) LH Bank Camshaft Drive Gear Pulley
(6) Tension Pulley
(7) Alignment Mark on Oil Pump.
(8) Alignment Mark on Timing Belt
(9) Alignment Mark (notch) on Crankshaft Timing
(10) Alignment Mark (groove) on Crankshaft Timing
(1) Timing Belt
(2) Engine Rotation Direction
(3) Cylinder Head Side
1.Install timing belt.
1. Align the mark (notch) of crankshaft timing pulley
(2) with mark on oil pump (1).
Align the mark (groove) on the crankshaft timing
pulley (3) with alignment mark (white dots line) on
the timing belt (4).
NOTE: When timing marks are aligned, No.2 piston will
be on Top Dead Center.
(1) Alignment Mark on Oil Pump
(2) Groove on Crankshaft Timing Pulley
(3) Alignment Mark on Crankshaft Timing Pulley
(4) Alignment Mark on Timing Belt
2. Align the alignment mark on the RH bank
camshaft drive gear pulley (2) to the alignment
mark of the cylinder head cover RH (3).
3. Align the alignment mark (white line) on the timing
belt (1) with alignment mark on the RH bank
camshaft drive gear pulley (2) (on the left side as
viewed from the front of the vehicle) and put the
timing belt on the camshaft drive gear pulley.
Secure the belt with a double clip or equivalent
(1) Alignment Mark on Timing Belt (White line).
(2) Alignment Mark on Camshaft Drive Gear
(3) Alignemnt Mark on Cylinder Head Cover RH.
4. Align the alignment mark on the LH bank
camshaft drive gear pulley (2) to the alignment
mark of the cylinder head cover LH (3).
5. Align the alignment mark (white line) on the timing
belt (1) with the alignment mark on the LH bank
camshaft drive gear pulley (2).
When aligning the timing marks, use a wrench to
turn the camshaft drive gear pulley, then set the
timing mark between timing belt and camshaft
drive gear pulley and put the timing belt on the
camshaft drive gear pulley.
Secure the belt with a double clip or equivalent
NOTE: It is recommended for easy installation that the
belt be secured with a double clip or equivalent clip after
it is installed the timing belt to each pulley.
(1) Alignment Mark on Timing Belt (White line).
(2) Alignment Mark on Camshaft Drive Gear
(3) Alignemnt Mark on Cylinder Head Cover LH.
6. Install crankshaft pulley temporarily and tighten
center bolt by hand (do not use a wrench).
Turn the crankshaft pulley clockwise to give some
belt slack between the crankshaft timing pulley
and the RH bank camshaft drive gear pulley.
2.Install pusher and tighten bolt to the specified torque.
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
1. Install the pusher while pushing the tension pulley
to the belt.
2. Pull out pin from the pusher.
NOTE: When reusing the pusher, press the pusher with
approximately 100Kg to retract the rod, and insert a pin
(1.4 mm piano wire).
(1) Up Side
(2) Down Side
(3) Direction for Installation
(4) Locking Pin
3. Remove double clips or equivalent clips, from
timing belt pulleys.
Turn the crankshaft pulley clockwise by two turns.
3. Install timing belt cover.
Remove crankshaft pulley that was installed in step
1 item 5.
Tighten bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 19 N·m (1.9 Kg·m/14 lb ft)
(1) Timing Belt Cover RH
(2) Timing Belt Cover LH
(3) Timing Belt Cover Lower
(1) Timing Belt Cover
(2) Rubber Bushing
(3) Sealing Rubber
(4) Cylinder Body
4.Install crankshaft pulley using 5–8840–0133–0, hold
the crankshaft pulley and tighten center bolt to the
specified torque.
Torque : 167 N·m (17.0 Kg·m/123 lb ft)
5.Install fan pulley bracket and tighten fixing bolts to the
specified torque.
Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft)
6.Install power steering pump assembly and tighten to
the specified torque.
Torque :
M8 bolt : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft)
M10 bolt : 46 N·m (4.7 Kg·m/34 lb ft)
7.Install cooling fan assembly and tighten bolts/nuts to
the specified torque.
Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft) for fan pulley
and fan bracket.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/88.5 lb in) for fan and
clutch assembly.
8.Move drive belt tensioner to loose side using wrench,
then install drive belt to normal position.
(1) Crankshaft Pulley
(2) Cooling Fan Pulley
(3) Auto Tensioner
(4) Generator
(5) Air Conditioner Compressor
(6) Power Steering Oil Pump
(7) Idle Pulley
(8) Drive Belt
9.Install radiator upper fan shroud.
10.Install air cleaner assembly.
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Remove crankshaft pulley.
DRefer to removal procedure for Crankshaft Pulley in
this manual.
3.Remove timing belt.
DRefer to removal procedure for Timing Belt in this
4.Remove cylinder head cover LH.
DRefer to removal procedure for Cylinder Head
Cover LH in this manual.
5.Remove cylinder head cover RH.
DRefer to removal procedure for Cylinder Head
Cover RH in this manual.
6. Remove twenty fixing bolts from inlet and exhaust
camshaft bracket on one side bank, then camshaft
7.Remove camshaft assembly.
8.Remove fixing bolt for camshaft drive gear pulley.
9.Remove three fixing bolts from camshaft drive gear
retainer, then camshaft drive gear assembly.
(1) Right Bank
(2) Left Bank
(3) Timing Mark on Retainer
1.Install camshaft drive gear assembly and tighten
three bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
2.Tighten bolt for camshaft drive gear assembly pulley
to the specified torque.
Torque : 98 N·m (10.0 Kg·m/72 lb ft)
3.Tighten sub gear setting bolt.
1. Use the 5–8840–2443–0 gear spring lever to turn
sub gear to right direction until it aligns with the M5
bolt hole between camshaft driven gear and sub
2. Tighten the M5 bolt to a suitable torque to prevent
the sub gear from moving.
4.Install camshaft assembly and camshaft brackets,
tighten twenty bolts on one side bank to the specified
1. Apply engine oil to camshaft journal and bearing
surface of camshaft bracket.
2. Align timing mark on intake camshaft (one dot for
right bank, two dot for left bank) and exhaust
camshaft (one dot for right bank, two dots for left
bank) to timing mark on camshaft drive gear (one
(1) Intake Camshaft Timing Gear for Right Bank
(2) Intake Camshaft Timing Gear for Left Bank
(3) Exhaust Camshaft Timing Gear
(4) Discrimination Mark
(LI: Left bank intake, RI: Right bank intake)
(LE: Left bank exhaust, RE: Right bank
(1) Right Bank Camshaft Drive Gear
(2) Left Bank Camshaft Drive Gear
(3) Timing Mark on Drive Gear
(4) Dowel Pin
(1)Right Bank
(2)Left Bank
(3)Alignment Mark on Camshaft Drive Gear
(4)Alignment Mark on Camshaft
(5)Alignment Mark on Retainer
3.Tighten twenty bolts on numerical order an one
side bank as shown in the illustration.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
5.Install cylinder head cover RH.
DRefer to installation procedure for CYLINDER
HEAD COVER RH in this manual.
6.Install cylinder head cover LH.
DRefer to installation procedure for CYLINDER
HEAD COVER LH in this manual.
7.Install timing belt.
DRefer to installation procedure for TIMING BELT in
this manual.
8.Install crankshaft pulley.
DRefer to installation procedure for CRANKSHAFT
PULLEY in this manual.
9.Install accelerator pedal cable.
Cylinder Head
1.Remove engine hood.
2.Disconnect battery ground cable.
3.Drain radiator coolant.
4.Drain engine oil.
5.Remove crankshaft pulley.
DRefer to removal procedure for Crankshaft Pulley in
this manual.
6.Remove timing belt.
DRefer to removal procedure for Timing Belt in this
7.Remove cylinder head cover LH.
DRefer to removal procedure for Cylinder Head
Cover LH in this manual.
8.Remove cylinder head cover RH.
DRefer to removal procedure for Cylinder Head
Cover RH in this manual.
9.Remove common chamber.
DRefer to removal procedure for Common Chamber
in this manual.
10.Remove cylinder head assembly.
1. Loosen eights bolts for tight cylinder head.
2. Remove cylinder head assembly.
(1) Cylinder Head
(2) Cylinder Head Bolt
(3) Camshaft
1.Install cylinder head assembly to cylinder block.
1. Put cylinder head gasket on the cylinder block.
NOTE: There is discrimination mark “R” for right bank
and “L” for left bank on the cylinder head gasket as shown
in the illustration.
Do not reuse cylinder head gasket.
2. Align dowel pin hole to dowel pin on the cylinder
3. Tighten two bolts temporarily by hand to prevent
the cylinder head assembly from moving.
4. Using 9–8511–4209–0 cylinder head bolt wrench,
tighten bolts in numerical order as shown in the
illustration to the specified torque.
NOTE: Do not reuse cylinder head bolts.
Do not apply any lubricant to the cylinder head bolts.
Torque :
Temporary : 29 N·m (3.0 Kg·m/21 lb ft)
Final : 64 N·m (6.5 Kg·m/47 lb ft)
2.Install common chamber.
DRefer to installation procedure for Common
Chamber in this manual.
3.Install cylinder head cover RH.
DRefer to installation procedure for Cylinder Head
Cover RH in this manual.
4.Install cylinder head cover LH.
DRefer to installation procedure for Cylinder Head
Cover LH in this manual.
5.Install timing belt.
DRefer to installation procedure for Timing Belt in this
6.Install crankshaft pulley.
DRefer to installation procedure for Crankshaft
Pulley in this manual.
7.Install accelerator pedal cable.
Valve Stem Oil Controller , Valve Spring and Valve Guide
1.Disconnect battery ground cable.
2.Drain engine oil.
DDrain engine coolant.
3.Remove cylinder head assembly.
DRefer to removal procedure for Cylinder Head in
this manual.
4.Remove camshaft.
DRefer to removal procedure for Camshaft in this
5.Remove tappets with shim.
NOTE: Do not damage shim surface.
6.Remove valve springs using 5–8840–2446–0 valve
spring compressor and 5–8840–2547–0 valve spring
compressor adapter then remove upper valve spring
seat and lower seat.
7.Remove oil controller using 5–8840–0623–0 oil
controller remover, remove each valve stem oil
8.Remove valve guide using 5–8840–2549–0 valve
guide replacer.
1.Install valve guide using 5–8840–2442–0 valve guide
2.Install oil controller using 5–8840–0624–0 oil
controller installer.
3.Install lower valve spring seat, valve spring and upper
valve spring seat then put split collars on the upper
spring seat, using 5–8840–2446–0 valve spring
compressor and 5–8840–2547–0 valve spring
compressor adapter to install the split collars.
4.Install tappet with shim.
5. Install camshaft assembly.
DRefer to installation procedure for Camshaft in this
6.Install cylinder head assembly.
DRefer to installation procedure for Cylinder Head in
this manual.
7.Fill engine oil until full level.
8.Fill engine coolant.
Piston, Piston Ring and Connecting Rod
(1)Cylinder Head
(2)Crankcase with Oil Pan
(3)Oil Pipe
(4)Oil Strainer
(5)Oil Gallery
(6)Piston with Connecting Rod Assembly
1.Remove cylinder head assembly.
DRefer to removal procedure for Cylinder Head in
this manual.
2.Remove crankcase with Oil Pan.
DRefer to removal procedure for Oil Pan and
Crankcase in this manual.
3.Remove oil strainer fixing bolts, remove oil strainer
assembly with O-ring.
(1)Oil Pump
(2)Oil Strainer
(3)Oil Gallery
(4)From Oil Filter
(5)To Oil Filter
4.Remove three fixing bolts, oil pipe with O-ring.
5.Remove eight fixing bolts, oil gallery.
6.Remove piston with connecting rod assembly, before
removing the bearing cap, remove carbon on the top
of cylinder bore and push piston with connecting rod
out from the top of cylinder bore.
1.Install piston with connecting rod assembly.
DApply engine oil to cylinder bore, connecting rod
bearing and crank pin.
When installing the piston, its front mark must face
the engine front side.
DThe bearing cap number must be the same as
connecting rod number.
DApply engine oil to the thread and seating surface of
each nut.
DTighten nuts to the specified torque.
Torque : 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
DAfter tightening the nuts, make sure that the
crankshaft rotates smoothly.
NOTE:Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces
and connecting rod bearing fitting surfaces.
(1)Piston Front Mark
(2)Piston Grade
(3)Connecting Rod Front Mark
2.Install oil gallery and tighten the bolts in two steps, in
the order shown in illustration.
Torque :
1st step : 29 N·m (3.0 Kg·m/21 lb ft)
2nd step : 55°–65°
3.Install oil pipe with O-ring.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
4.Install oil strainer assembly with O-ring.
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
5.Install crankcase with Oil Pan.
DRefer to installation procedure for Oil Pan and
Crankcase in this manual.
6.Install cylinder head assembly.
DRefer to installation procedure for Cylinder Head in
this manual.
Crankshaft and Main Bearings
(1)Engine Assembly
(2)Crankshaft Pulley
(3)Timing Belt Cover
(4)Timing Belt
(5)Crankcase with Oil Pan
(6)Oil Pipe
(7)Oil Strainer
(8)Oil Pump Assembly
(9)Cylinder Body Side Bolt
(10)Oil Gallery
(12)Rear Oil Seal Retainer
(13)Connecting Rod Cap
(14)Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
(15)Crankshaft and Main Bearing
1.Remove engine assembly.
DRefer to removal procedure for Engine Assembly in
this manual.
2.Remove timing belt.
DRefer to removal procedure for Timing Belt in this
3.Remove oil pan and crankcase.
DRefer to removal procedure for Oil Pan and
Crankcase in this manual.
4.Remove oil pipe with O-ring.
5.Remove oil strainer assembly with O-ring.
6.Remove oil pump assembly.
DRefer to removal procedure for Oil Pump in this
7.Remove cylinder body side bolts.
8.Remove oil gallery.
9.Remove flywheel.
10.Remove rear oil seal retainer.
DRefer to removal procedure for Rear Oil Seal in this
11.Remove connecting rod caps.
12.Remove crankshaft main bearing caps.
13.Remove crankshaft and main bearings.
1.Install crankshaft and main bearings.
DInstall main bearing in the cylinder block and main
bearing cap respectively.
Apply new engine oil to upper and lower main
DDo not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
DMake sure that main bearings are in correct position.
DInstall crankshaft with care.
DApply engine oil to the thrust washer.
DInstall thrust washer on No.3 journal.
DOil grooves in thrust washer must face the
2.Install crankshaft main bearing caps.
DApply engine oil to the thread and seating surface of
each bearing cap fixing bolt.
DDo not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
DInstall bearing caps in the order of numbers, starting
with cylinder block front side.
DTighten main bearing fixing bolts to the specified
Torque : 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
DAfter tightening the bolts, make sure that the
crankshaft rotates smoothly.
3.Install connecting rod caps.
DThe cap number must be same as connecting rod
DApply engine oil to the thread and seating surface of
each nut.
DTighten nuts to the specified torque.
Torque : 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
DAfter tightening the nuts, make sure that the
crankshaft rotates smoothly.
4.Install rear oil seal retainer.
DRemove oil on cylinder block and retainer fitting
DApply sealant (TB1207B or equivalent) to retainer
fitting surface as shown in illustration.
DThe oil seal retainer must be installed within 5
minutes after sealant application before the sealant
(1) Around Bolt Holes
(2) Around Dowel Pin
DApply engine oil to oil seal lip and align a dowel pin
hole in the cylinder block with that in the retainer.
DT ighten retainer fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 18 N·m (1.8 Kg·m/13 lb ft)
5.Install flywheel.
DClean tapped holes in the crankshaft.
DRemove oil on crankshaft and flywheel fitting
DDo not reuse the bolts.
DDo not apply oil or thread lock to the bolts.
DTighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
6.Install oil gallery.
DClean contact surface of oil gallery and main
bearing cap.
Apply engine oil to oil gallery fixing bolts and tighten
the bolts in two steps, in the order shown in
Torque :
1st step : 29 N·m (3.0 Kg·m/21 lb ft)
2nd step : 55°–65°
7. Install cylinder body side bolts and tighten bolts in
order to the specified torque.
Torque : 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
NOTE: Do not apply the oil to the bolts.
8.Install oil pump assembly.
DRemove oil on cylinder block and oil pump mounting
DApply sealant (TB1207B or equivalent) to the oil
pump mounting surface.
DThe oil pump assembly must be installed within 5
minutes after sealant application before the sealant
DApply engine oil to oil seal lip.
DInstall oil pump in the cylinder block and tighten
fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
(1) Around Bolt Holes
(2) Around Dowel Pin
9.Install oil strainer with O-ring, tighten to the specified
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
10.Install oil pipe with O-ring, tighten fixing bolts to the
specified torque.
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
11.Install crankcase.
DRemove oil on crankcase mounting surface and dry
the surface.
DProperly apply a 4.5 mm (0.7 in) wide bead of
sealant (TB1207C or equivalent) to the crankcase
mounting surface. The bead must be continuous.
DThe crankcase must be installed within 5 minutes
after sealant application before the sealant
DTighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
12.Install oil pan
DRemove oil on oil pan mounting surface and dry the
DProperly apply a 4.5 mm (0.7 in) wide bead of
sealant (TB1207C or equivalent) to the oil pan
mounting surface. The bead must be continuous.
DThe oil pan must be installed within 5 minutes after
sealant application to prevent premature hardening
of sealant.
DTighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque : 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
13.Install timing belt.
DRefer to installation procedure for Timing Belt in this
14.Install engine assembly.
DRefer to installation procedure for Engine in this
Rear Oil Seal
1.Remove transmission assembly (Auto).
DRefer to removal procedure for Transmission
section - manual.
2.Remove flywheel.
3.Remove rear oil seal using a seal remover.
NOTE:Take care not to damage the crankshaft or oil seal
retainer when removing oil seal.
1.Apply engine oil to oil seal lip and install oil seal using
2.Install flywheel.
DClean tapped holes in the crankshaft.
DRemove oil on the crankshaft and flywheel
mounting surface.
DTighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
NOTE:Do not reuse the bolts and do not apply oil or
thread lock to the bolts.
Torque : 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
3.Install transmission (Auto).
DSee Transmission section - manual.
CAUTION:When assembling the engine and
transmission, confirm that dowels have been
mounted in the specified positions at the engine
side. Take care that dowel positions are different
between the manual transmission and the automatic
Otherwise, the transmission may be damaged.
Engine Assembly
1.Disconnect battery ground and positive cable.
2.Remove battery.
3.Make alignment mark on the engine hood and hinges
before removal in order to return the hood to original
position exactly.
4.Remove engine hood.
5.Drain radiator coolant.
6.Disconnect accelerator cable and automatic cruise
control cable from throttle valve on common
7.Disconnect air duct with air cleaner cover.
8.Remove air cleaner assembly.
9.Disconnect canister vacuum hose.
10.Disconnect vacuum booster hose.
11.Disconnect three engine harness connectors.
12.Disconnect harness connector to transmission (left
front side of engine compartment), disconnect shift
on the fly harness connector from front side of front
axle and remove transmission harness bracket from
engine left side.
13.Disconnect ground cable between engine and frame.
14.Disconnect bonding cable connector on the back of
right dash panel.
15.Disconnect bonding cable terminal on the left bank.
16.Disconnect starter harness connector from starter.
17.Disconnect generator harness connector from
18.Disconnect coolant reserve tank hose from radiator.
19.Remove radiator upper and lower hoses.
20.Remove upper fan shroud.
21.Remove cooling fan assembly four fixing nuts, then
the cooling fan assembly.
22.Move drive belt tensioner to loose side using wrench
then remove drive belt.
23.Remove power steering pump fixing bolts, then
power steering pump. Place the power steering pump
along with piping on the body side.
24.Remove air conditioning compressor fixing bolts from
bracket and place the compressor along with piping
on the body side.
25.Remove O2 sensor harness connectors from exhaust
front pipe.
26.Remove three exhaust pipe fixing nuts from each
27.Remove two exhaust pipe fixing nuts from each
exhaust pipe, then move exhaust pipe to rear side of
28.Remove flywheel dust covers.
29.Disconnect two heater hoses from engine.
30.Disconnect fuel hoses from right side of transmission.
CAUTION:Plug fuel pipes on engine side and fuel
hoses from fuel tank.
31.Remove transmission assembly (Auto).
Refer to Transmission section - manual.
32.Support the engine by engine hoist.
33.Remove two left side engine mount fixing bolts from
engine mount on chassis side.
34.Remove two right side engine mount fixing bolts from
engine mount on chassis side.
35.Remove engine assembly.
CAUTION:When assembling the engine and
transmission, confirm that dowels have been
mounted in the specified positions at the engine
side. Take care that dowel positions are different
between the manual transmission and the automatic
If the engine is assembled in the condition that the
dowels have not been mounted in the specified posi-
tions, the transmission may be damaged the trans-
1.Install engine assembly. Tighten engine mount fixing
bolts to frame to the specified torque.
Torque: 41 N·m (4.2 Kg·m/30 lb ft)
2.Reconnect fuel hose to fuel pipe on engine.
3.Install transmission assembly (Auto).
Refer to Transmission section - manual.
4.Reconnect two heater hoses to engine.
5.Install flywheel dust covers.
6.Install exhaust pipe and temporally tighten two (each
bank) rear exhaust flange nuts then tighten three stud
nuts (each bank) between exhaust manifold and
exhaust pipe, finally tighten rear side nuts to the
specified torque.
Nuts: 43 N·m (4.4 Kg·m/32 lb ft)
Stud nuts: 67 N·m (6.8 Kg·m/49 lb ft)
(1) Exhaust Front Pipe RH
(2) O2 Sensor
(1) O2 Sensor
(2) Exhaust Front Pipe LH
7.Reconnect O2 sensor connector.
8.Install cooling fan assembly and tighten bolts/nuts to
the specified torque.
Torque : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft) for fan pulley
and fan bracket.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/88.5 lb in) for fan and
clutch assembly.
9.Install air conditioner compressor to engine and
tighten to the specified torque.
Torque :
M8 bolts : 22 N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft)
M10 bolts : 43 N·m (4.4 Kg·m/32 lb ft)
10.Install power steering pump, tighten fixing bolt to the
specified torque.
Torque :
M8 bolts : 22N·m (2.2 Kg·m/16 lb ft)
M10 bolts : 46 N·m (4.7 Kg·m/34 lb ft)
11.Move drive belt tensioner to loose side using wrench,
then install drive belt to normal position.
(1)Crankshaft Pulley
(2)Cooling Fan Pulley
(5)Air Conditioner Compressor
(6)Power Steering Oil Pump
(7)Drive Belt
12.Install upper fan shroud.
13.Reconnect radiator upper and lower hoses.
14.Reconnect coolant reserve tank hose to radiator.
15.Reconnect generator harness connector.
16.Reconnect starter harness connector.
17.Reconnect bonding cable terminal on left bank
18.Reconnect bonding cable terminal on the back of right
dash panel.
19.Reconnect ground cable between engine and
20.Reconnect harness connector to transmission and
install transmission harness bracket on engine left
21.Reconnect three engine harness connectors.
22.Reconnect vacuum booster hose.
23.Reconnect canister vacuum hose.
24.Install air cleaner assembly.
25.Reconnect air duct.
26.Reconnect accelerator cable and automatic cruise
control cable to throttle valve on common chamber.
(1)Throttle Valve Assembly
(2)Throttle Lever
(3)Idle Air Control Valve
(4)Throttle Position Sensor
27.Install engine hood to the original position.
DRefer to installation procedure for Body section in
this manual.
28.Install accelerator pedal cable.
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head and Associated Parts
(1) Spark Plug
(2) Cylinder Head Bolt
(3) Camshaft Drive Gear Pulley Fixing Bolt
(4) Camshaft Drive Gear Pulley
(5) Camshaft Bracket Fixing Bolt
(6) Camshaft Bracket
(7) Camshaft Exhaust
(8) Camshaft Intake
(9) Retainer Fixing Bolt
(10) Retainer Assembly
(11) Tappet with Shim
(12) Split Collar
(13) Valve Spring and Spring Upper Seat
(14) Valve
DDuring disassembly, be sure that the valve train
components are kept together and identified so that
they can be reinstalled in their original locations.
DBefore removing the cylinder head from the engine
and before disassembling the valve mechanism,
perform a compression test and note the results.
1. Remove camshaft drive gear pulley fixing bolt (3),
then pulley (4).
2.Remove camshaft bracket fixing bolt (5), camshaft
bracket (6), then camshaft exhaust (7), and intake
side (8).
3.Remove tappet with shim (11).
4.Use the 5–8840–2446–0 valve spring compressor
and 5–8840–2547–0 valve spring compressor
adapter to remove the split collar (12), valve spring
with upper seat (13) and valve (14).
5.Remove spark plug (1).
CAUTION:Do not remove the spark plugs when the
head and plugs are hot. Clean dirt and debris from
spark plug recess areas before removal.
Cylinder head
Carefully remove all varnish, soot and carbon from the
bare metal. Do not use a motorized wire brush on any
gasket sealing surface.
Inspection and Repair
1.Cylinder head gasket and mating surfaces for leaks,
corrosion and blow–by. If the gasket has failed,
determine the cause.
Insufficient torque on head bolts.
Improper installation
Loose or warped cylinder head
Missing dowel pins
Warped case surface
2.Cylinder head for cracks, especially between valve
seats and in the exhaust ports.
3.Cylinder head deck for corrosion, sand particles in
head and porosity.
DDo not attempt to weld the cylinder head. Replace
DDo not reuse cylinder head bolts.
4.Cylinder head deck, common chamber and exhaust
manifold mating surfaces for flatness. These
surfaces may be reconditioned by milling. If the
surfaces are “out of flat” by more than specification,
the surface should be ground to within specifications.
Replace the head if it requires machining beyond the
repairable limit.
Head surface and manifold surface
Standard: 0.05 mm (0.002 in) or less
Warpage limit: 0.2 mm (0.0079 in)
Maximum Repairable limit: 0.2 mm (0.0079 in)
Head height
Standard height : 133.2 mm (5.2441 in)
Warpage limit : 0.2 mm (0.0079 in)
Maximum Repairable limit : 133.0 mm (5.2362 in)
5.Water jacket sealing plugs seating surfaces.
1.Install Spark plug and tighten all the spark plugs to
specified torque.
Torque: 18 N·m (1.8 Kg·m/13 lb ft)
2.Tighten sub gear setting bolt.
1. Use 5–8840–2443–0 gear spring lever to turn sub
gear to right direction until the M5 bolt aligns with
the hole between camshaft driven gear and sub
2. Tighten the M5 bolt to a suitable torque to prevent
the sub gear from moving .
3.Install camshaft drive gear assembly and tighten
three bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
4.Install camshaft assembly and camshaft brackets,
tighten twenty bolts on one side bank to the specified
1. Apply engine oil to camshaft journal and bearing
surface of camshaft bracket.
2. Align timing mark on intake camshaft (one dot for
right bank, two dots for left bank) and exhaust
camshaft (one dot for right bank, two dots for left
bank) to timing mark on camshaft drive gear (one
(1) Intake Camshaft Timing Gear for Right Bank
(2) Intake Camshaft Timing Gear for Left Bank
(3) Exhaust Camshaft Timing Gear
(4) Discrimination Mark
LI: Left Bank Intake
RI: Right Bank Intake
LE: Left Bank Exhaust
RE: Right Bank Exhaust
(1) Right Bank Camshaft Drive Gear
(2) Left Bank Camshaft Drive Gear
(3) Timing Mark on Drive Gear
(4) Dowel Pin
(1) Right Bank
(2) Left Bank
(3) Alignment Mark on Camshaft Drive Gear
(4) Alignment Mark on Camshaft
(5) Alignment Mark on Retainer
3. Tighten twenty bolts in numerical order on one
side bank as shown in the illustration.
Torque: 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
5.Tighten bolt for camshaft drive gear assembly pulley
to the specified torque.
Torque: 98 N·m (10.0 Kg·m/72 lb ft)
Valve Spring, Oil Controller, Valve, Valve Guide
Valve Spring, Oil Controller, Valve, Valve Guide and Associated Parts
(1) Camshaft Bracket Fixing Bolts
(2) Camshaft Assembly Inlet
(3) Camshaft Assembly Exhaust
(4) Shim
(5) Tappet
(6) Split Collar
(7) Spring Upper Seat
(8) Valve Spring
(9) Oil Controller
(10) Spring Lower Seat
(11) Valve Guide
(12) Valve
1.Remove camshaft bracket fixing bolts (1).
2.Remove camshaft assembly (intake).
3.Remove camshaft assembly (Exhaust side).
4.Remove shim (4) and tappet (5).
5.Use 5–8840–2446–0 valve spring compressor and
5–8840–2547–0 valve spring compressor adapter to
remove split collar.
6.Remove valve spring.
7.Remove valve.
8.Remove oil controller and spring lower seat.
9.Remove the valve guide using the 5–8840–2442–0
valve guide replacer.
Inspection and Repair
Valve Spring
CAUTION:Visually inspect the valve springs and
replace them if damage or abnormal wear is evident.
1.Measure the free height of the springs. The springs
must be replaced if the free height is below the
specified limit.
Standard : 44.6 mm (1.7559 in)
Limit : 43.6 mm (1.7165 in)
2.Measure the valve spring squareness with a steel
square and replace the valve springs if the measured
value exceeds the specified limit.
Limit : 2 mm (0.0787 in)
3.Using a spring tester to compress the springs to the
installed height, measure the compressed spring
tension, and replace the springs if the measured
tension is below the specified limit.
At installed height: 35.0 mm (1.38 in)
Standard: 196 N (44 lb)
Limit: Less than 181 N (41 lb)
Valve Guide
CAUTION:Take care not to damage the valve seat
contact surface, when removing carbon adhering to
the valve head. Carefully inspect the valve stem for
scratchs or abnormal wear. If these conditions are
present, the valve and the valve guide must be
replaced as a set.
1.Measure the valve stem diameter with a micrometer.
If the valve stem diameter is less than the specified
limit, the valve and the valve guide must be replaced
as a set.
Diameter of Valve Stem
Standard : 5.977 mm–5.959 mm
(0.2353 in–0.2346 in)
Limit : 5.90 mm (0.2323 in)
Standard : 5.952 mm–5.970 mm
(0.2343 in–0.2350 in)
Limit : 5.90 mm (0.2323 in)
2.Measure the inside diameter of the valve guide with a
micrometer . Subtract the measured outer diameter of
the valve stem from the measured inner diameter of
the valve guide. If the value exceeds the specified
limit, the valve and the valve guide must be replaced
as a set.
Inside Diameter of the Vale Guide
Inlet clearance
Standard : 0.023 mm–0.056 mm
(0.0009 in–0.0002 in)
Limit : 0.20 mm (0.00787 in)
Exhaust clearance
Standard : 0.030 mm–0.063 mm
(0.0012 in–0.0025 in)
Limit : 0.20 mm (0.00787 in)
Valve Guide Replacement
1. Using Valve guide replacer: 5–8840–2442–0, drive
out the valve guide from the combustion chamber
2. Apply engine oil to the outside of the valve guide.
Using valve guide replacer 5–8840–2442–0, drive in
a new valve guide from the camshaft side, and check
the valve guide height.
Valve guide upper end height: 13.0 mm (0.5118
(Measured from the cylinder head upper face)
3.Check the clearance. If the clearance is less than the
specified value, ream the inside diameter of valve
guide. Using a sharp 6 mm reamer, ream the valve
guide to obtain the specified clearance.
Valve Seat
1.Measure the protrusion of the valve stem when a new
valve is installed in the cylinder head. If the protrusion
of the valve stem exceeds the limit, replace the valve
seat insert or the cylinder head assembly.
Protrusion of valve stem
Standard: 39.32 mm (1.5480 in)
Limit: 39.47 mm (1.5539 in)
Standard: 39.30 mm (1.5472 in)
Limit: 39.45 mm (1.5531 in)
2.Measure the valve seat contact width. Make the
necessary corrections if the seat contact surface is
damaged or rough or if the contact width wear
exceeds the limit.
Valve seat contact width
Standard: 1.1 mm (0.0433 in)
Limit: 1.7 mm (0.0669 in)
Contact Surface Angle on Valve Seat on
1.Measure contact surface angle on valve seat.
2.If the measured value exceeds the limit, replace
valve, valve guide and valve seat as a set.
Valve contact surface angle: 45°
Valve Seat Insert Correction
1.Remove the carbon from the valve seat insert
2.Use a valve cutter to minimize scratches and other
rough areas. This will bring the contact width back to
the standard value. Remove only the scratches and
rough areas. Do not cut away too much. T ake care not
to cut away unblemished areas of the valve seat
Valve seat angle degree: 90°
3.Apply abrasive compound to the valve seat insert
4.Insert the valve into the valve guide.
5. Turn the valve while lapping it to fit the valve seat
6.Check that the valve contact width is correct.
7.Check that the valve seat insert surface is in contact
with the entire circumference of the valve.
Valve Seat Insert Replacement
1.Arc weld the rod at several points. Be careful not to
damage the aluminum section.
2.Allow the rod to cool for a few minutes. This will cause
the valve seat to shrink.
3.Strike the rod and pull it out.
4.Carefully clean the valve seat press–fit section on the
cylinder head side.
5.Heat the press–fit section with steam or some other
means to cause expansion. Cool the valve seat with
dry ice or some other means.
6.Insert the press–fit section into the valve seat
Standard fitting interference: 0.14 mm–0.09 mm
(0.0055 in–0.0035 in)
7.After insertion, use a seat grinder to grind finish the
seating face. Carefully note the seating angle, the
contact width, and the depression.
8.Lap the valve and the seat.
1.Install valve guide (1) to cylinder head. Apply engine
oil to the outside of the valve guide. Using valve guide
replacer 5–8840–2442–0, drive in a new valve guide
from the camshaft side.
2.Install oil controller (3) and spring lower seat (2).
Using oil controller replacer 5–8840–0623–0, drive in
a new oil controller.
3.Install valve to valve guide. Before install valve guide
apply engine oil to the outside of the valve stem.
4.Install valve spring to cylinder head. Attach the valve
spring to the lower spring seat. The painted area of
the valve spring should be facing downward.
5.Install lower valve spring seat, valve spring and upper
valve spring seat then put split collars on the upper
spring seat, using the 5–8840–2446–0 valve spring
compressor and 5–8840–2547–0 valve spring
compressor adapter to install the split collars.
6.Install tappet with shim.
7.Install camshaft assembly.
DRefer to installation procedure for Camshaft in this
Valve Clearance Adjustments
NOTE: To adjust valve clearance, apply engine oil to the
cam as well as to the adjusting shim (2) with the cylinder
head built on the cylinder block, give a few turns to the
camshaft by means of timing pulley tightening bolt, and
measure valve clearance when the nose of cam is just
opposite to maximum cam lift (1) as shown in illistration
(1) Cam
(2) Shim
(3) Tappet
Valve Clearance Standard Value (cold)
Intake: 0.23 mm–0.33 mm
(0.0091 in–0.0130 in)
Exhaust: 0.25 mm–0.35 mm
(0.0098 in–0.0138 in)
Selection of Adjusting Shim
Shim to be selected = (Thickness of removed shim) +
(Valve clearance measurement – Standard valve)
Based on the above formula, the best suited shim should
be selected from 41 sorts of shim (differently thick at
0.02mm (0.0008 in) intervals from 2.40mm (0.0945 in)
through 3.2mm (0.1260 in) thick). Install the shim and
check valve clearance.
Replacement of Shim
Let the cam push down the edge of tappet by using
5–8840–2444–0 valve clearance adjusting tool and push
out the shim with a flat blade screw driver as shown in
illustrations below.
Camshaft and Associated Parts
(1) Camshaft Bracket Fixing Bolt
(2) Camshaft Bracket
(3) Camshaft Assembly Intake
(4) Camshaft Assembly Exhaust
(5) Pulley Fixing Bolt
(6) Camshaft Drive Gear Pulley
(7) Retainer Fixing Bolt
(8) Retainer
(9) Camshaft Drive Gear
(10) Oil Seal
1.Remove fixing bolt (5) for camshaft drive gear pulley
using the 5–8840–2447–0 universal holder.
2. Remove twenty fixing bolts from inlet and exhaust
camshaft bracket on one side bank, then camshaft
brackets (2).
3.Remove camshaft assembly (3), (4).
4. Remove three fixing bolts (7) from camshaft drive
gear retainer (8), then camshaft drive gear assembly .
Inspection and Repair
1.Use a micrometer to measure the cam lobe height
and uneven wear. Replace the camshaft if either the
lobe height or the uneven wear exceeds the specified
Lobe height : 44.709 mm (1.7602 in)
Uneven wear : 0.05 mm (0.0020 in)
2.Use a micrometer to measure the diameter and the
uneven wear of the camshaft journals.
Replace the camshaft if the diameter or the uneven
wear exceeds the specified limit.
Journal Diameter
Standard : 25.972 mm–25.993 mm
(1.0225 in–1.0233 in)
Limit : 25.8 mm (1.0157 in)
Uneven wear : 0.05 mm (0.0020 in)
3.Place the camshaft on V–blocks.
Slowly rotate the camshaft and measure the runout
with a dial indicator.
Replace the camshaft if the runout exceeds the
specified limit.
Limit : 0.1 mm (0.0039 in)
4.Measure the camshaft journal oil clearance.
1. Measure the camshaft bracket housing inside
NOTE: Tighten camshaft bracket (2) to specified torque
before measuring the camshaft bracket inside diameter.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
2. Subtract the camshaft outside diameter from the
camshaft bracket housing inside diameter.
Oil Clearance
Standard : 0.027 mm–0.078 mm
(0.0011 in–0.0031 in)
Limit : 0.11 mm (0.0043 in)
5.Replace the cylinder head and/or camshaft if the
measured oil clearance exceeds the specified limit.
1. Carefully clean the camshaft journal, the
camshaft bracket, and the cylinder head.
2. Install camshaft assembly and camshaft brackets
(2), tighten twenty bolts (1) on one side bank to
the specified torque.
Torque: 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
3. Measure the camshaft thrust clearance with a dial
indicator. Replace the camshaft and/or the
cylinder head if the camshaft thrust clearance
exceeds the specified limit.
Camshaft thrust Clearance
Standard : 0.03 mm–0.08 mm
(0.0012 in.–0.0031 in.)
Limit : 0.12 mm (0.0047 mm)
1.Install camshaft drive gear assembly and tighten
three bolts to specified torque.
Torque: 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
2.Tighten sub gear setting bolt.
1. Use 5–8840–2443–0 to turn sub gear to right
direction until the M5 bolt hole aligns between
camshaft driven gear and sub gear.
2. Tighten M5 bolt suitable torque for prevent
moving the sub gear.
3.Install camshaft assembly and camshaft brackets,
tighten twenty bolts on one side bank to the specified
1. Apply engine oil to camshaft journal and bearing
surface of camshaft bracket.
2. Align timing mark on intake camshaft (one dot for
right bank, two dots for left bank) and exhaust
camshaft (one dot for right bank, two dots for left
bank) to timing mark on camshaft drive gear (one
(1) Intake Camshaft Timing Gear for Right Bank
(2) Intake Camshaft Timing Gear for Left Bank
(3) Exhaust Camshaft Timing Gear
(4) Discerning Mark
LI: Left Bank Intake
RI: Right Bank Intake
LE: Left Bank Exhaust
RE: Right Bank Exhaust
(1) Right Bank Camshaft Drive Gear
(2) Left Bank Camshaft Drive Gear
(3) Timing Mark on Drive Gear
(4) Dowel Pin
(1) Right Bank
(2) Left Bank
(3) Alignment Mark on Camshaft Drive Gear
(4) Alignment Mark on Camshaft
(5) Alignment Mark on Retainer
3. Tighten twenty bolts in numerical order on one
side bank as shown in the illustration.
Torque: 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
4.If the oil seal requires replacement, use the
5–8840–2445–0 to install the oil seal.
5.Tighten bolt for camshaft drive gear pulley to the
specified torque using the 5–8840–2447–0 universal
Torque: 98 N·m (10.0 Kg·m/72 lb ft)
Crankshaft and Associated Parts
(1)Cylinder Head Assembly
(2)Crankcase with Oil Pan
(3)Oil Pipe and O-Ring
(4)Oil Strainer and O-Ring
(5)Oil Pump Assembly
(6)Cylinder Block Side Bolts
(7)Oil Gallery
(8)Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly
(10)Rear Oil Seal Retainer and Oil Seal
(11)Main Bearing Cap
(13)Main Bearing Cap Fixing Bolts
(14)Oil Gallery Fixing Bolts
1.Remove cylinder head assembly (1). Refer to
“Cylinder Head” in this manual.
2.Remove crankcase with oil pan (2). Refer to “Oil Pan
and Crankcase” in this manual.
CAUTION:Take care not to damage or deform the
sealing flange surface of crankcase.
3.Remove oil pipe and O-ring (3).
4.Remove oil strainer and O-ring (4).
5.Remove oil pump assembly (5).
6.Remove crankcase side bolts (6).
7.Remove oil gallery (7).
8.Remove piston and connecting rod assembly (8).
Refer to “Piston, Piston Ring and Connecting Rod” in
this manual.
9.Remove flywheel (9).
10.Remove rear oil seal retainer (10).
11.Remove main bearing cap (11).
12.Remove crankshaft (12).
Inspection and Repair
Set the dial indicator as shown in the illustration and
measure the crankshaft thrust clearance. If the thrust
clearance exceeds the specified limit, replace the
thrust bearings as a set.
Thrust Clearance
Standard : 0.06 mm–0.24 mm
(0.0024 in–0.0094 in)
Limit : 0.30 mm (0.0118 in)
Main Bearing Clearance
1.Remove the bearing caps and measure the oil
2.Remove the main bearing cap fixing bolts in the
sequence shown in the illustration.
Arrange the removed main bearing caps in the
cylinder number order.
Remove the main bearings.
3.Remove the crankshaft.
Remove the main bearings.
4.Clean the upper and lower bearings as well as the
crankshaft main journal.
5.Check the bearings for damage or excessive wear.
The bearings must be replaced as a set if damage or
excessive wear is discovered during inspection.
6.Set the upper bearings and the thrust washers to their
original positions.
Carefully install the crankshaft.
7. Set the lower bearings to the bearing cap original
8.Apply plastigage to the crankshaft journal unit as
shown in the illustration.
NOTE: Do not set the plastigage on the oil hole.
9.Install main bearing caps, oil gallery and crank case
bolts in the order shown, and tighten each bolt to the
specified torque.
NOTE: Do not apply engine oil to the crank case side
Main bearing cap bolts.
Torque: 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
Oil gallery fixing bolts.
1st step: 29 N·m (3.0 Kg·m/21 lb ft)
2nd step 55° 65°
Crank case side bolts
Torque : 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
NOTE: Do not allow the crankshaft to rotate.
10.Remove the main bearing caps in the sequence
shown in the illustration.
11.Measure the plastigage width and determine the oil
clearance. If the oil clearance exceeds the specified
limit, replace the main bearings as a set and/or
replace the crankshaft.
Standard : 0.019 mm–0.043 mm
(0.0007 in–0.0017 in)
Limit : 0.08 mm (0.0031 in)
12.Clean the plastigage from the bearings and the
Remove the crankshaft and the bearings.
Crankshaft Inspection
Inspect the surface of the crankshaft journal and crank
pins for excessive wear and damage. Inspect the oil seal
fitting surfaces for excessive wear and damage. Inspect
the oil ports for obstructions.
Inspection and Repair
1.Carefully set the crankshaft on the V–blocks. Slowly
rotate the crankshaft and measure the runout. If the
crankshaft runout exceeds the specified limit, the
crankshaft must be replaced.
Runout : 0.04 mm (0.0016 in)
2.Measure the diameter and the uneven wear of main
journal and crank pin. If the crankshaft wear exceeds
the specified limit, crankshaft must be replaced.
Main journal diameter : 63.918 mm–63.933 mm
(2.5165 in–2.5170 in)
Crank pin diameter : 53.922 mm–53.937 mm
(2.1229 in.–2.1235 in.)
Uneven wear limit : 0.005 mm (0.0002 in)
Crankshaft Bearing Selection
When installing new crankshaft bearings or replacing
bearings, refer to the selection table below. Select and
install the new crankshaft bearings, paying close
attention to the cylinder block journal hole.
1.Diameter size mark (1) and the crankshaft journal.
2.Diameter size mark (1).
The diameter size marks are stamped on the No.1
crankshaft balancer as shown in the illustration.
NOTE: Take care to ensure the bearings are positioned
(1) Number 1 and 4 main bearing upper and lower
(2) Number 2 and 3 main bearing upper
(3) Number 2 and 3 main bearing lower
1 Size
Mark Main Bearing
Bore Diameter Crank Shaft Main
Journal Diameter 2 Size
Size Mark
Size Mark
Oil Clearance
68.994-69.000 63.918-63.925
(2.5165-2.5167) 2 Blue Blue 0.030-0.049
(2.7163-2.7165) 63.926-63.933
(2.5168-2.5170) 1
68.987-68.993 63.918-63.925
(2.5165-2.5167) 2
(2.7160-2.7163) 63.926-63.933
(2.5168-2.5170) 1
68.980-68.986 63.918-63.925
(2.5165-2.5167) 2
(2.7157-2.7160) 63.926-63.933
(2.5168-2.5170) 1 Yellow Yellow 0.026-0.045
DInstall the main bearings to the cylinder block and
the main bearing caps.
DBe sure that they are positioned correctly.
DApply new engine oil to the upper and lower main
bearing faces.
NOTE: Do not apply engine oil to the main bearing back
DCarefully mount the crankshaft.
DApply engine oil to the thrust washer.
DAssemble the thrust washer to the No.3 bearing
journal. The oil grooves must face the crankshaft.
2.Rear oil seal
DRemove the oil from the cylinder block and the
retainer mounting surface.
DApply sealant (TB–1207B or equivalent) to the
retainer mounting surface, following the pattern
shown in the illustration.
The retainer must be installed within 5 minutes after
sealant application befor the sealant hardens.
(1) Around Bolt Holes
(2) Around Dowel Pin
DApply engine oil to the oil seal lip.
DAlign the cylinder block dowel pin holes with the rear
retainer dowel pins.
DTighten the rear retainer fixing bolts. New bolts
should be used when installing rear retainer.
Torque: 18 N·m (1.8 Kg·m/13 lb ft)
NOTE: Be very careful not to disengage the oil seal garter
spring during installation of the rear retainer.
If the seal was removed from retainer for
replacement, apply engine oil to the oil seal lip and
install the oil seal using 5–8840–2286–0 oil seal
1. Thoroughly clean and remove the oil from the
threads of crankshaft.
2. Remove the oil from the crankshaft and flywheel
mounting faces.
3. Mount the flywheel on the crankshaft and then
install the washer.
4. Hold the crankshaft to prevent from rotating then
install the bolts in the order shown to the specified
Torque: 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
NOTE: Do not reuse the bolt and do not apply oil or thread
lock to the bolt.
4.Piston and connecting rod assembly (8)
DApply engine oil to the cylinder bores, the
connecting rod bearings and the crankshaft pins.
Check to see that the piston ring end gaps are
correctly positioned.
(1) No.1 Compression Ring
(2) No.2 Compression Ring
(3) Oil Ring Side Rail Upper
(4) Oil Ring Side Rail Lower
(5) Piston Front Mark
DInsert the piston/connecting rod assemblies into
each cylinder with the piston ring compressor. The
front marks must be facing the front of the engine.
DMatch the numbered caps with the numbers on the
connecting rods. Align the punched marks on the
connecting rods and caps.
DApply engine oil to the threads and seating faces of
the nuts.
DTighten the nuts.
Torque: 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
After tightening the cap nuts, check to see that the
crankshaft rotates smoothly.
NOTE: Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
5.Install oil gallery (7) and tighten the bolts in 2 steps, in
the order shown.
1st step: 29 N·m (3.0 Kg·m/22 lb ft)
2nd step: 55° 65°
6.Cylinder block side bolts
DTighten all the bolts to the specified torque in the
order shown.
NOTE: Do not apply engine oil to the crank case side
Torque: 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
7.Install oil pump assembly (5), refer to “Oil pump” in
this manual.
8.Install oil strainer and O-ring (4).
9.Install oil pipe and O-ring (3) and tighten the bolts.
Torque: 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18 lb ft)
10.Install crankcase with oil pan.
1.Completely remove all residual sealant, lubricant
and moisture from the sealing surfaces. The
surfaces must be perfectly dry.
2.Apply a correct width bead of sealant (TB—
1207C or its equivalent) to the contact surfaces of
the oil pan. There must be no gaps in the bead.
3.The crankcase assembly must be installed within
5 minutes after sealant application to prevent
premature hardening of the sealant.
4.Tighten the bolts and nuts to the specified torque.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
(1)Portion Between Bolt Holes
(2)Bolt Hole Portion
11.Install cylinder head assembly, refer to “Cylinder
head” in this manual.
Piston and Connecting Rod
Piston, Connecting Rod and Associate Parts
(1)Cylinder Head Assembly
(2)Cylinder Head Gasket
(3)Crankcase with Oil Pan
(4)Oil Pipe and O-Ring
(5)Oil Strainer and O-Ring
(6)Oil Gallery
(7)Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly
(8)Piston Ring
(9)Piston Pin
(11)Connecting Rod
(12)Connecting Rod Cap
1.Remove cylinder head assembly (1). Refer to
“Cylinder Head Removal” in this manual.
2.Remove cylinder head gasket (2).
3.Remove crankcase with oil pan (3). Refer to“Oil Pan
and Crankcase” in this manual.
4.Remove oil pipe and O-ring (4).
5.Remove oil strainer and O-ring (5).
6.Remove oil gallery (6).
7.Remove connecting rod cap with connecting rod
lower bearing (12).
8.Remove piston and connecting rod assembly (7).
NOTE: Before removing piston and connecting rod
assembly, measure thrust clearance.
DRemove any ridge or carbon build up from the top
end of the cylinder.
9.Remove the piston rings (8) with a piston ring
expander. Arrange the removed piston rings in the
cylinder number order.
10.Remove the piston pin (9) using 5–8840–0551–0
piston pin service set and piston support with a press.
NOTE: Keep the parts removed from each cylinder
separate. All parts must be reinstalled in their original
positions. Heating the connecting rod will permit easy
removal of the piston pin.
(1) Press Ram
(2) Piston
(3) Connecting Rod
(4) Piston Pin
11.Piston (10)
12.Connecting rod (11)
Inspection and Repair
Carefully clean away all the carbon adhering to the piston
head and the piston ring grooves.
NOTE: Never use a wire brush to clean the pistons.
Damage will result. Visually check each piston for
cracking, scoring, and other signs of excessive wear. If
any of the above conditions are found, the piston must be
Piston Diameter
1.Measure the piston outside diameter with micrometer
at the piston grading position and a right angle to the
piston pin.
Piston grading position (from piston head)
Piston grading position : 43.0 mm (1.6929 in)
The size mark (1) for piston outside diameter is
represented as shown in illustration below.
Outside Diameter
Size Mark A : 93.360 mm–93.370 mm
(3.6756 in–3.6760 in)
Size Mark B : 93.371 mm–93.380 mm
(3.6760 in–3.6764 in)
Size Mark C : 93.381 mm–93.390 mm
(3.6764 in–3.6768 in)
Measure the cylinder bore inside diameter (refer to
“Cylinder Block” in this manual).
Piston Rings
Any worn or damaged part discovered during engine
overhaul must be replaced with a new one.
1.Ring end gap measurement
DInsert the piston ring into the bore.
DPush the ring by the piston, at a right angle to the
wall, into the point at which the cylinder bore
diameter is the smallest.
DMeasure the ring end gap.
Compression Ring
1st ring
Standard: 0.300 mm–0.400 mm
(0.0118 in–0.0157 in)
Limit: 1.0 mm (0.0394 in)
2nd ring
Standard: 0.450 mm–0.600 mm
(0.0177 in–0.0236 in)
Limit: 1.2 mm (0.0472 in)
Oil ring
Standard: 0.150 mm–0.450 mm
(0.0059 in–0.0177 in)
Limit: 1.05 mm (0.0413 in)
DPositioning mark (1) is painted as shown in the
Marked T : No.1 Compression ring
Marked T2 : No.2 Compression ring
2.Measure the clearance between the piston ring
groove and the piston ring with a feeler gauge. If the
piston ring groove / piston ring clearance exceeds the
specified limit, the piston must be replaced.
Compression Ring Clearance
Standard : 0.016 mm–0.038 mm
(0.0006 in.–0.0015 in)
Limit : 0.15mm (0.0059 in)
Piston Pin
NOTE: Do not reuse the old piston pin.
1.Use a micrometer to measure the new piston pin
outside diameter in both directions at three different
2.Measure the inside diameter of the connecting rod
small end. If the fitting interference between the small
end and pin does not conform to the specified value,
the connecting rod must be replaced.
Standard : 0.023 mm–0.038 mm (0.0009
in–0.0015 in)
3.Insert the new pin into the piston and rotate it. If the
pin rotates smoothly with no backlash, the clearance
is normal. If there is backlash or roughness, measure
the clearance. If the clearance exceeds the specified
limit, the piston must be replaced.
Standard : 0.010 mm–0.017 mm
(0.0004 in.–0.0007 in)
Limit : 0.040 mm (0.0016 in)
Connecting Rods
1.Check the connecting rod alignment If either the bend
or the twist exceeds the specified limit, the connecting
rod must be replaced.
Bend per 100 mm (3.937 in)
Limit: 0.15 (0.0059)
Twist per 100 mm (3.937 in)
Limit: 0.20 (0.0078)
2.Measure the connecting rod thrust clearance. Use a
feeler gauge to measure the thrust clearance at the
large end of the connecting rod If the clearance
exceeds the specified limit, the connecting rod must
be replaced.
Standard : 0.16 mm–0.35 mm
(0.0063 in.–0.0138 in)
Limit : 0.40 mm (0.0157 in)
3. Measure the oil clearance between the connecting
rod and the crankshaft.
1. Remove the connecting rod cap nuts and the rod
caps (12).
Arrange the removed rod caps in the cylinder
number order.
2. Clean the rod bearings and the crankshaft pins.
3. Carefully check the rod bearings. If even one
bearing is found to be damaged or badly worn, the
entire bearing assembly must be replaced as a
set. Reinstall the bearings in their original
positions. Apply plastigage to the crank pin.
4. Reinstall the rod caps (12) to their original
Tighten the rod cap nuts.
Torque: 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
NOTE: Do not allow the crankshaft to rotate.
5. Remove the rod caps.
6. Measure the width of the plastigage and
determine the oil clearance. If the oil clearance
exceeds the limit, replace the rod bearing as a
Standard : 0.019 mm–0.043 mm
(0.0007 in–0.0017 in)
Limit : 0.08 mm (0.003 in)
7. Clean the plastigage from the bearings and the
crankshaft pins.
Con–rod Bearing Selection
Select and install the new connecting rod bearings,
paying close attention to the connecting rod big end
diameter size mark (1).
NOTE: Take care not to confuse the alignment mark (2)
and the size mark (1) during the installation procedure.
1 Size Mark Big end Bore
Diameter Crankshaft Pin
Diameter Connecting Rod
Bearing Thickness
Color of
Mark Oil Clearance
(2.2439-2.2441) 1.512-1.516
(0.0595-0.0597) Yellow 0.025-0.054
(2.2436-2.2439) 53.922-53.937
(2.1229-2.1235) 1.508-1.512
(0.0594-0.0595) Green 0.027-0.056
(2.2434-2.2436) 1.504-1.508
(0.0592-0.0594) Pink 0.029-0.058
1.Install connecting rod
2.Install piston
3.Install piston pin
DApply a thin coat of engine oil to the piston pin. Try to
insert the piston pin into the piston pin hole with
normal finger pressure.
NOTE: When changing piston / connecting rod
combinations, do not change the piston / piston pin
combination and do not reuse the old piston pin.
DAttach the piston to the connecting rod with the
piston front mark and the connecting rod front mark
on the same side.
DWith 5–8840–0551–0 Piston pin service set and a
press, press fit the piston pin.
NOTE: Heat the connecting rod small end to a suitable
temperature to ensure smooth installation.
(1) Press Ram
(2) Piston
(3) Connecting Rod
(4) Piston Pin
4.Install piston ring with the piston ring expander.
The compression ring must be set with the T mark (1)
facing up.
Marked T : No.1 Compression ring
Marked T2 : No.2 Compression ring
DInstall piston rings in the following sequence.
1. Oil ring
1. Expander ring
2. Upper side rail
3. Lower side rail
2. 2nd compression ring
3. 1st compression ring
DThe compression rings must be set with the T or T2
mark facing up.
Marked T : No.1 Compression ring
Marked T2 : No.2 Compression ring
DAfter installation, apply engine oil to the entire
circumference of the piston rings. Check to see that
all the rings rotate smoothly.
5.Install piston and connecting rod assembly.
DInsert the bearings into the connecting rods and
caps. Apply new engine oil to the bearing faces and
DTighten the connecting rod cap nuts
Torque : 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
NOTE:Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
6.Oil gallery, refer to “Crankshaft and Main Bearing” in
this manual.
7.Oil strainer and O-ring.
8.Oil pipe and O-ring.
9.Install crankcase with oil pan, refer to “Oil pan and
Crankcase” in this manual.
10.Install cylinder head gasket.
11.Install Cylinder head assembly.
DRefer to “Cylinder Head” in this manual.
Cylinder Block
Cylinder Block and Associated Parts
(1) Cylinder Head Assembly
(2) Cylinder Head Gasket
(3) Crankcase with Oil Pan
(4) Oil Pipe and O-Ring
(5) Oil Strainer and O-Ring
(6) Oil Pump Assembly
(7) Cylinder Block Side Bolts
(8) Oil Gallery
(9) Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly
(10) Flywheel
(11) Rear Oil Seal Retainer Assembly
(12) Main Bearing Cap
(13) Crankshaft
(14) Cylinder Block
1.Remove cylinder head assembly.
2.Remove cylinder head gasket.
3.Remove crankcase with oil pan.
4.Remove oil pipe and O-ring.
5.Remove oil strainer and O-ring.
6.Remove oil pump assembly.
7.Remove crankcase side bolts.
8.Remove oil gallery.
9.Remove piston and connecting rod assembly.
10.Remove flywheel.
11.Remove rear oil seal retainer assembly.
12.Remove main bearing cap.
13.Remove crankshaft.
14.Remove cylinder block.
Inspection and Repair
1.Remove the cylinder head gasket and any other
material adhering to the upper surface of the cylinder
block. Be very careful not to allow any material to
accidentally drop into the cylinder block. Be very
careful not to scratch the cylinder block.
2.Carefully remove the oil pump, rear oil seal retainer,
and crankcase assembly installation surface seal.
3.Wipe the cylinder block clean.
4.Visually inspect the cylinder block. If necessary, use a
flaw detector to perform a dye penetrate and
hydraulic (or air pressure) test. If cracking or other
damage is discovered, the cylinder block must either
be repaired or replaced.
1.Using a straight–edge and feeler gauge, check that
the upper surface of the cylinder block is not warped.
CAUTION:Be very careful not to allow any material
to accidentally drop into the upper surface of the
cylinder block. Be very careful not to scratch the
upper surface of the cylinder block.
2.The cylinder block must be reground or replaced if the
warpage exceeds the limit.
Limit : 0.15 mm (0.0059 in)
Maximum repairable limit: 0.15 mm (0.0059 in)
Cylinder Bore
Use a cylinder gauge to measure the cylinder bore
diameter in both the axial and thrust directions. Each
measurement should be made at six points.
CAUTION:Be very careful not to allow any material
to accidentally drop into the upper surface of the
cylinder block. Be very careful not to scratch the
upper surface of the cylinder block.
Cylinder Bore Inside Diameter
Limit : 93.530 (3.6823)
If the measurement exceed the specified limit, the
cylinder block must be replaced.
Grade A : 93.400 mm–93.410 mm
(3.6772 in–3.6776 in)
Grade B : 93.411 mm–93.420 mm
(3.6776 in–3.6779 in)
Grade C : 93.421 mm–93.430 mm
(3.6780 in–3.6783 in)
NOTE:For information on piston diameter, please refer
to the section ”Inspection of the Piston and Connecting
Rod Assembly” in this manual.
DThe ”Grade” mark (1) is stamped at the position
1.Install cylinder block.
2.Install crankshaft.
DInstall the main bearings to the cylinder block and
the main bearing caps.
DBe sure that they are positioned correctly.
DApply new engine oil to the upper and lower main
bearing faces.
NOTE: Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
(1) Number 1 and 4 main bearing upper and lower.
(2) Number 2 and 3 main bearing upper.
(3) Number 2 and 3 main bearing lower.
DCarefully mount the crankshaft.
DApply engine oil to the thrust washer.
DAssemble the thrust washer to the No. 3 bearing
journal. The oil grooves must face the crankshaft.
3.Install rear oil seal retainer.
DRemove oil on cylinder block and retainer fitting
DApply sealant (TB1207B or equivalent) to retainer
fitting surface as shown in illustration.
DThe oil seal retainer must be installed within 5
minutes after sealant application before the sealant
(1) Around Bolt Holes
(2) Around Dowel Pin
DApply engine oil to oil seal lip and align a dowel pin
hole in the cylinder block with that in the retainer.
DT ighten retainer fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 N·m (2.5 Kg·m/18.4 lb ft)
4.Install flywheel
1. Thoroughly clean and remove the oil from the
threads of crankshaft.
2. Remove the oil from the crankshaft and flywheel
mounting faces.
3. Mount the flywheel on the crankshaft and then
install the washer.
4. Holding the crankshaft stationary, tighten the
flywheel bolts in the order shown.
Torque: 54 N·m (5.5 Kg·m/40 lb ft)
NOTE: Do not reuse the bolts and do not apply oil or
thread lock to the bolts.
5.Install piston and connecting rod assembly.
DApply engine oil to the cylinder bores, the
connecting rod bearings and the crankshaft pins.
NOTE: Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
DCheck to see that the piston ring end gaps are
correctly positioned.
(1) No.1 Compression Ring
(2) No.2 Compression Ring
(3) Oil Ring Side Rail Upper
(4) Oil Ring Side Rail Lower
(5) Piston Front Mark
DInsert the piston/connecting rod assemblies into
each cylinder with the piston ring compressor.
DThe front marks (1) must be facing the front of the
6.Install oil gallery and tighten the bolts in 2 steps in the
order shown.
1st step : 29 N·m (3.0 Kg·m/22 lb ft)
2nd step : 55° 65°
7.Install cylinder block side bolts (1) and tighten
crankcase bolts in sequence shown in the illustration.
Torque : 39 N·m (4.0 Kg·m/29 lb ft)
8.Install oil pump assembly. Refer to “Oil Pump” in this
9.Install oil strainer and O-ring.
10.Install oil pipe and O-ring.
11.Install crankcase with oil pan.
1.Completely remove all residual sealant, lubricant
and moisture from the sealing surfaces. The
surfaces must be perfectly dry.
2.Apply a correct width bead of sealant (TB– 1207C
or its equivalent) to the contact surfaces of the
crankcase. There must be no gaps in the bead.
3.The oil pan must be installed within 5 minutes
after sealant application to prevent premature
hardening of sealant.
4.Tighten the bolts and nuts to the specified torque.
Torque : 10 N·m (1.0 Kg·m/89 lb in)
(1)Portion Between Both Holes
(2)Bolt Hole Portions
12.Install cylinder head gasket.
13.Install cylinder head assembly. Refer to “Cylinder
Head” in this manual.
Main Data and Specification
General Specification
Engine type, number of cylinders and arrangement Water cooled, four cycle V6
Form of combustion chamber Pent roof type
Valve mechanism 4-Cams, 4-Valves, DOHC Gear & Belt Drive
Cylinder liner type Casted in cylinder drive
Total piston displacement 3165 cc
Cylinder bore x stroke 93.4mm x 77.0mm
(3.6772 in x 3.0315 in)
Compression ratio 9.1 : 1
Compression pressure at 300rpm 14.0 Kg/cm@
Engine idling speed rpm Non adjustable (750)
Valve clearance Intake: 0.28 mm (0.11 in)
Exhaust: 0.30mm (0.12in)
Oil capacity 5.3 liters
Ignition timing Non adjustable
16° BTDC at idle rpm)
Spark plug K16PR–P11, PK16PR11, RC10PYP4
Plug gap 1.0 mm–1.1 mm(0.0394 in – 0.0433 in)
Torque Specifications
Ignition coil, Spark plug, Crankshaft position sensor and Under cover N·m (Kg·m/lb ft)
Cylinder head cover, Cylinder head, Camshaft bracket, Common chamber, EGR valve and EGR pipe
N·m (Kg·m/lb ft)
Crankshaft main bearing, Flywheel, Crankcase, Oil pan, Timing belt tensioner, Timing pulley, Timing belt
cover, Oil pump, Oil gallery, Oil strainer and Water pump
N·m (Kg·m/lb ft)
Connecting rod and Water pump N·m (Kg·m/lb ft)
Engine mount N·m (Kg·m/lb ft)
Special Tool
Remover; tie rod end
Set Number of Valve
Compressor; Valve
Spring (1)
Adapter; Compressor
Valve Spring (2)
Remover; Oil controller
Installer; Oil controller
Installer; Camshaft oil
Installer; Pilot bearing
Holder; Crankshaft
Seal cutter
Installer; Real oil seal
Cylinder head bolt
Replacer; Valve guide
(set) (1,2)
Installer; Valve guide (1)
Remover; Valve guide
Adjusting Tool: Valve
Lever; Gear spring
Holder; Universal