The vehicle paint colour code (1) can be found on the
identification label which is attached to the right-hand
centre pillar.
NOTE: While the painting procedures are relatively
straight f orward, the correc t steps m ust be followed for
refinishing PUR (polyurethane). Refer to your paint
manufacturer for further information as required.
1. Rem o ve the m ask ing tape fr om the adhesive trac k
on the rear of the side extension.
2. If required, remove any residual paint from the
adhesive track with 80# sandpaper.
Figure 11A-23
3. If the rear bumper fascia has been replaced,
temporarily fit the rear side extension in position
and mar k the two attaching scr ew holes in the rear
bumper fascia.
4. Remove the side extension and drill a 3 mm hole
at each mark.
5. Clean the bonding surfaces of the rear bumper
fascia and side extension with Prepsol or
equivalent and dry thoroughly with a clean, dry
cloth to remove any residue.
6. Immediately before applying the adhesive, clean
the surf aces with the Betaclean 3350 supplied with
the replacement kit, or equivalent.
Figure 11A-24
IMPORTANT: The following steps must be completed
within 15 minutes. Carefully read the directions
provided with the urethane adhesive prior to opening
the package.
7. Using a circular motion, apply a bead of Betalink
K1 urethane adhesive (1) supplied with the
replacement kit, or equivalent, along the track on
the back of the side extension as shown.
Figure 11A-25
8. Fit the side extension carefully onto the vehicle.
9. Press the upper edge of the side extension onto
the rear bum per f asc ia and apply mas k ing tape (1)
across the side extension to temporarily fix it in
NOTE: The use of foam blocks or cardboard packing
(2) will greatly assist in securing edges of the
extension in position against the fascia until the
urethane cures.
Figure 11A-26