Lock plates
1. If a side panel inner was replac ed, drill two 6 mm
holes followed by 9.5 mm holes for each lock
plate as shown.
2. Using a nutsert gun, inser t a M6 nutsert into each
3. Temporarily fit the lock plate, leaving final
adjustment until all of the components are
Figure 5A-11
Rigid tonneau
1. With the aid of an assistant, lift the rigid tonneau
into position. Raise the rear to nearly vertical and
carefully engage the hinges in the hinge plates.
2. Have the assistant support the rigid tonneau and
fit the gas struts as shown in Fig. 5A-5.
NOTE: The struts must be fitted with the cylinder up
as shown to ensure correct operation.
3. Check the operation of the rigid tonneau,
ensuring it seats correctly and does not bind the
front seal.
4. Close each of the locks. Raise the tonneau and
note the amount that the tonneau raises.
5. Lower the locking plate by that amount.
6. Recheck the operation of the lock, ensuring it
does not bind on the locking plate. Readjust as
Urethane protection film
NOTE 1: The following instruc tions mus t be r ead prior
to beginning the installation of the ur ethane protection
NOTE 2: T he urethane pr otection film s hould be f itted
once the rigid tonneau has been installed.
1. Close the rigid tonneau and m ark its per im eter on
the vehicle with a pencil or like. Install the film
within the pencil mark, ensuring the f ilm does not
cover the pencil mark. Also refer to Fig. 5A-8.
2. For best res ults, the f ilm and surf ace to which it is
to be applied should be between 15° and 32°
3. The body surface must be clean and devoid of
surface contaminants. This can be accomplished
by wiping the application area with a 50/50
solution isopropyl alcohol and water, followed
immediately with a dry wipe.
4. Place the film face down on a flat surface.
Remove the liner at an angle of approximately
NOTE: Take care not to touch or contaminate the