The Holden By Design country roo bar is mounted to
a square section bar mount which is attached to the
vehicle via chassis mounts. The chassis mounts are
attached to each front longitudinal with the front
bumper support bracket bolts.
1. From each side, remove the struts attaching the
rear of the bumper facia to the support beam
2. From underneath the bumper facia, remove the
four bolts, nuts and washers (1) attaching the
country roo bar (2) to the bar mount (3).
NOTE: Have an assis tant support the country roo bar
while performing this operation.
3. Remove the country roo bar by caref ully guiding it
through the bumper facia air intake opening.
Figure 5B-4
4. If required, remove the bar mount by removing
the four bolts nuts and washers (4) attaching the
bar mount to each chassis mount (5).
NOTE: The bar mount can be removed with the
bumper facia in situ by removing one chassis mount
and flexing the lower edge of the f ac ia to allow the bar
mount through.
5. If required, remove the chassis mounts by
removing the two bolts (6) attaching the chassis
mount and bumper support beam bracket.