NOTE: The front upper panel seals are adhesive
backed and removal may damage the seal, which
must then be replaced.
1. Carefully prise the front upper panel seal -
centre (1) or outer (2) from the vehicle, taking
care not to damage the seal or paintwork.
NOTE: New seals are supplied in the one piece,
which is to be cut to length as required.
1. Clean the surface of the vehicle where the
seal(s) are to be fitted.
2. If a new seal is being f itted, cut it to length. The
centre seal is to f it between the hinge slot plates
and the two outer seals are to fit between the
hinge slot plate and seal plate each side.
3. Remove the backing paper, or if an existing
undamaged seal is being fitted, apply contact
adhesive such as Quick-Grip or equivalent to
the back of the seal.
4. Install the seal as shown, noting that the lip of
the seal is facing rearward.
Figure 9A-16
NOTE 1: The cap and drain seals are part of the
load compartment area seal kit, available
NOTE 2: The cap and drain seals are adhesive
backed. Removal may damage the seals, which
must then be replaced.
NOTE 3: The centre roof rear cap is affixed to the
vehicle with retainers inserted into nutserts and
double-sided tape. On removal of the cap, the
double-sided tape will be destr oyed and some of the
nutserts m ay be damaged. If required, a centre roof
rear cap repair kit is available which includes these
1. Remove the c entre roof rear c ap (1) by carefully
spreading each end of the cap to disengage the
locking tabs (2), refer Fig. 9A-17.
2. Insert a flat blade screwdriver and clean shop
rag between the lower edge of the centre roof
rear cap and the rear window.
3. Ensuring the lock ing tabs are disengaged, prise
the cap off in an upward and rearward direction.
NOTE: The upper edge of the cap is attached with
double sided tape.
4. Where fitted, disconnect the high mount stop
lamp connector (3) and remove the cap.
5. Remove the screw (4) attaching the side roof
rear cap (5).
6. Rotate the cap rearward to disengage the three
clips and ease the lower end of the c ap forward
to disengage the cap from the side rail capping.