Before performing any service operation or other procedure described in this section, refer to Section 00
Cautions and Notes for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property damage.
The SAT NAV s yst em utilis ed in th e V2 Series is the s am e as the VX Ser ies. Refer to Section 8B VX SATNAV for
V2 SATNAV service procedures except for the following:
• The rear seat and c ushion as semblies of the V2 Series are d ifferent to the VX. W hen rem oving the rear s eats
of the V2 Series, refer to Section 1A7, 2.20 REAR SEAT CUSHION AND BACK ASSEMBLIES.
• The rocker panel covers are different. Refer to Section 1A8, 2.3 INNER ROCKER PANEL COVER AND
INSERT, where any reference in Section 8B is made to the removal and reinstallation of the covers.
• The SAT NAV c om puter ha s diff erent m ounting brack ets attach ing it to th e under side of the parcel she lf due to
the differences between V2 and VX in sheetmetal. Refer to Figure 10A-1. The brackets do not affect the
removal and installation of the SATNAV computer.
Figure 10A-1