3.0L L4 4JX1TC Engine Functions
F0: Diagnostic Trouble Codes
In this test mode, DTCs stored by the ECU can be displayed or cleared. When F0: Diagnostic Trouble Codes is
selected, there are an additional three modes:
F0: Read DTC Information By Priority: All current DTC(s) will be displayed.
F1: Read DTC Information As Stored By ECU: All current DTC(s) will be displayed.
F2: Clear DTC Information: Clears all current DTC(s) in the ECM memory.
F3: Freeze Frame/Failure Records: Freeze Frame is an element of the Diagnostic Management Ssytem which
stores various items of vehicle information at the moment an emissions related DTC is logged in memory and
the MIL is commanded ON.
Failure Records data is an enhancement of Freeze Frame. Failure Records store the same vehicle information
as Freeze Frame, but will store the information when DTC is logged in memory.
F1: Data Display
In this test mode, the TECH 2 continuously monitors and displays all engine data parameters.
F2: Snapshot
In this mode, the TECH 2 scan tool captures data before and after a selected snapshot triggering condition which may
or may not set a DTC.
F3: Miscellaneous Tests
In this test mode, the Tech 2 performs software override commands of the ECM, to assist in problem isolation during
diagnostics relating to the ECM’s output actuators.
F0: Glow Time Lamp: Allows the user to turn the ‘Glow Time’ Lamp ON & OFF.
F1: Exhaust Switching Valve 1: Allows the user to operate Exhaust Switching Valve #1.
F2: Exhaust Switching Valve 2: This test allows the user to operate Exhaust Switching Valve #2.
F3: Throttle Motor Control:This item allows the operator to monitor the effect of varying the position of the throttle
butterfly on engine operation.
F4: EGR Switching Valve: Allows the user to operate the EGR Switching valve.
F5: EGR Regulating Valve Control: This test simulates the commands from the ECM to the EGR Valve.. It allows
the operator to check the basic operation of the EGR system.
F6: Rail Pressure Control Valve: This test is conducted to verify the correct operation of the Rail pressure Control
F7: Injector Balance Test: This test simulates the commands from the ECM to the injectors when the engine is
idling. It allows the operator to check the basic operating efficiency of each injector/cylinder.
F8: Injector Control: In this test the ECM pulses the selected injector 1x per second, allowing audible confirmation
of injector solenoid operation.
NOTE: Many of the above test procedures require the engine coolant temperature to be a minimum of 85°C.
F4: Programming
F0: Read/Store Trim Data: Allows the operator to read and/or store the Injector Trim Data in the ECM
F1: Program: Allows the flow rate of each injector to be programmed into the ECM