The door Lock/Unlock operation can be performed by one of two control units:
• The Cen tral Loc king Control Unit – part of the Driver Side Front Doo r Master Switch Assembly. This c ontrol unit is
only responsible for the lock/unlock operation when the lock/unlock door switches are used.
• The Anti -theft/Ke yless E ntry Con trol Un it – mounte d in the low er cen tre of the i nstru ment panel. Thi s control unit is
responsible for the lock/unlock operation when either the mechanical key or remote keypad is used, and for the
operation of the alarm system.
Using the Mechanical Key
The Keyless Entry Control Unit responds to the change in state of the lock switches when the mechanical key is turned
in either the driver or passenger door locks. The Keyless Entry Control Unit then commands the door lock actuators to
the appropria te LOCK or UNLOCK position. When the doors are locked, the alarm system will be armed. When
the doors are unlocked, the alarm system is disarmed.
Using The Remote Keypad
Pressing the lock or unlock buttons on the remote keypad will transmit a radio signal to the receiver in the Keyless
Entry Control Unit. This unit then commands the door lock actuators. When the doors are locke d, the alarm system
is armed. When the doors are unlocked, the alarm system is disarmed.
Using The Lock/Unlock Switches
The Lock/Unlock switches in the driver a nd passenger door armrests commun icate directly with the Central Locking
Control Uni t and NOT to the Keyless Entry Control Unit. The Central Locking Control Unit commands the lock actua-
tors to lock or unlock the doors and tailgate in response to Lock/Unlock switch operation.
• Failure of the Anti-theft/Keyless Entry Control Unit will render both the Anti-theft and Keyless Entry systems
inoperative, but the central locking system will still function.
• The groun d circuit for the starter motor relay passes through the Anti-theft/Keyle ss Entry Control Unit. Sho uld the
Control Unit be removed or disconnected, the starter motor will be inoperative.
• The Lock/Unlock switches will not have any effect on alarm system status. If the alarm system is active and the
unlo ck switch in the dr iver or passenger do or is operated, the doors unlo ck and the alarm is triggered, result ing in
the in dicators flashin g and the anti-t heft horn so unding inte rmittently for a 30-second perio d. Similiarly, locking the
doors via these switches will not arm the alarm system
• Unlocking is also possible by pulling one of the door snib buttons upwards (to unlock a door). If the alarm was
armed, the alarm will be triggered! It is not possible to centrally lock all doors by depressing one of the door snibs.
Answer-back Function – MY 1998 & 1999
The anti-theft horn performs an ‘answer-back’ function when the remote keys are used. Locking the vehicle will cause
the anti-theft horn to ‘chirp’ once. Unlocking will result in the anti-theft horn ‘chirping’ twice. Should the driver so desire
the anti-theft horn ‘answer-back’ function can be disabled.
Answer-back Function – MY 2000
The anti-theft horn ‘answer-back’ function was deleted, being replaced by a visual confirmation through the hazard
warning lamp system. The hazard lam ps flash twice when the vehicle is unlocke d, once when the vehicle is locked.
When loc king the ve hicle, pr essing the lo ck bu tton a s econd time wi ll caus e the a nti-th eft horn to ‘chi rp’ onc e, provi d-
ing audible lock confirmation. The hazard lamp ‘answer-back’ function cannot be cancelled.
Dome Light
As an additional night-time safety measure, the dome light is turned ‘ON’ for 30 seconds when the vehicle is unlocked
using the remote keypad.