1 Inspection on Quick Heating Operation
1. Disconnect ECT-sensor connection on the
thermostat housing
(1) ECT Sensor
(2) EVRV
2. Connect the circuit tester between glow plug and
engine earth.
3. Inspect the following items with starter switch set to
ON position (but do not start the engine).
1) The glow indicator shall light for about 5 sec.
2) The circuit tester shall indicate power supply
voltage for 9 – 13 sec.
If above specifications are not satisfied, inspect
wire harness, glow relay and ECT-sensor. If
satisfied, inspect glow plug.
2 Inspection on Afterglow Operation
1. Disconnect ECT-sensor connection on the
thermostat housing
(1) ECT Sensor
(2) EVRV
2. Connect the circuit tester between glow plug and
engine earth.
3. Inspect the following item with the engine started.
1) The circuit tester shall indicate about 7 volts
after 360 seconds of engine start.
• If above specifications are not satisfied, inspect
battery voltage, engine earth, wiring harness,
glow plug, and ECM.