Once the test vehicle has been identified an
“Application (Powertrain) Menu" screen appears.
Please select the appropriate application.
The following table shows, which functions are used for
the available equipment versions.
F0: Diagnostic Trouble Codes
F0: Read DTC Info Ordered By Priority
F1: Clear DTC Information
F2: DTC Information
F0: History
F1: MIL SVS or Message Requested
F2: Last Test Failed
F3: Test Failed Since Code Cleared
F4: Not Ran Since Code Cleared
F5: Failed This Ignition
F1: Data Display
F0: Transmission Data
F1: TCC Data
F2: Snapshot
F3: Actuator Tests
F0: Lamps
F0: Check Light Test
F1: Power Lamp Test
F2: Winter Lamp Test
F3: AT Oil Temperature Lamp Test
F1: Solenoids
F0: Solenoid 2-3 Test
F1: Solenoid 1-2/3-4 Test
F2: TCC Solenoid Test
F3: Pressure Control Solenoid (PCS)
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
The purpose of the “Diagnostic Trouble Codes" mode
is to display stored TCM trouble codes.
When “Diagnostic Trouble Codes" is selected an
“Application Menu" screen appears.
Clear DTC Information
The purpose of the “Clear DTC Information" mode is to
command the clearing of stored TCM trouble codes.
When “Clear DTC Information" is selected, a “Clear
DTC Information", warning screen appears. This
screen informs you that by cleaning DTC's, “all stored
DTC information in controller will be erased".
Do you want to clear DTC's (Yes/No).
Press either the Yes or No key when answering.
After clearing codes, confirm system operation by test
driving the vehicle.
Allow the vehicle to shift through all four forward gears
in a manner which attempts to repeat the failure
NOTE: When the trouble has not been repaired and
the trouble code cannot be erased, check the vehicle
DTC Information
When “DTC Information" is selected, an “Application
Menu" appears with a list of DTC information function
keys addressing DTC specifics and their origins.
Function key selections may vary for particular vehicle
and/or system.
Data Display
The purpose of the “Data Display" mode is to
continuously monitor data parameters.
The current actual values of all important sensors and
signals in the system are display through F1 mode.
When “Data Display" is selected an “Application Menu"
next page.
When “Snapshot" is selected an “Application Menu"
When “Transmission Snapshot" application is selected
from the “Application Menu", a “Snapshot Menu"
appears, displaying several options. “Snapshot" options
may vary from one system to another.
“Snapshot" allows a recording of all vehicle
parameters. There parameters may then be replayed
at a future point in time.
This action allows you to focus on making the condition
occur, rather than trying to view all of the data in
anticipation of the fault. The snapshot will collect
parameter information around a trigger point that you
When a snapshot is taken. It is recorded onto the
PCMCIA memory card. When the Tech2 is powered
down. Snapshots are not lost.
Actuator Tests
The purpose of “Actuator Tests" mode is to check for
correct operation of electronic system actuators.
You can operate the lamps by pressing the ON and
OFF buttons.
Preconditions: P or N position
Solenoid S1(1-2/3-4), S2(2-3) and TCC Solenoid
(Torque Converter Clutch)
You can operate the solenoids by pressing the ON and
OFF buttons.
Preconditions: P or N position, no vehicle speed, no
engine speed
Pressure Control Solenoid (PCS)
You can operate the PC Solenoid by pressing the ON
and OFF buttons. ON will command a maximum
current of 1000 mA and OFF a minimum of 200 mA.
Preconditions: P or N position, no vehicle speed,
engine running