0015–0 (J–22912–01) to remove the 2WD–4WD
clutch hub and sleeve assembly (7) and stopper
plate (6). (Shift On The Fly model)
NOTE: Do not reuse the stopper plate. (Shift On The
Fly model)
24. Disassemble the 2WD–4WD clutch hub and sleeve
• Springs (1) (Shift On The Fly model)
• Inserts (2) (Shift On The Fly model)
• Clutch Hub (3)
• Sleeve (4)
25. Use a bench press and the ball bearing remover 5–
8840–0015–0 (J–22912–01) to remove the ball
bearing (4) from front output shaft (5).
26. Remove bearing snap ring (29) from transfer case.
27. Remove the counter gear assembly (28) from the
transfer case (1).
28. Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the snap
ring (20).
29. Use a bench press and the bearing remover 5–
8840–0015–0 (J–22912–01) to remove the ball
bearing (21).
30. Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the snap
ring (27).
31. Use a bench press and the bearing remover 5–
8840–0015–0 (J–22912–01) to remove the ball
bearing (26).
32. Remove the spacer (25).
33. Remove the belleville spring (24).
34. Remove the sub–gear (anti–lash plate) (23) from
the counter gear (22).
Inspection and Repair
1. Make the necessary repair or parts replacement if
wear, damage or any other abnormal conditions are
found during inspection.
2. Wash all parts thoroughly in clean solvent. Be sure
all old lubricant, metallic particles, dirt, or foreign
material are removed from the surfaces of every
part. Apply compressed air to each oil feed port and
channel in each case half to remove any
obstructions or cleaning solvent residue.
1. Inspect all the gear teeth for signs of excessive
wear or damage and check all the gear splines for
burrs, nicks, wear or damage. Remove the minor
nicks or scratches on an oil stone. Replace any part
exhibiting excessive wear or damage.
Front Output Gear Inside Diameter
1. Use an inside dial indicator to measure the gear
inside diameter.
2. If the measured value exceeds the specified limit,
the gear must be replaced.
Gear inside diameter