Audio Installation Guide
92074559 - MONTEREY Page: 2 of 5
11. Remove speaker cover (via clips) and speaker blank (4 screws). Discard blanking plate.
12. Locate vehicle harness and plug into speaker. Mount 4” speaker, using original screws [Fig H] and
refit cover [Fig I]. Repeat for other speaker.
13. Fully turn wheel to left lock.
14. Remove inner guard liner (8 screws and 3 clips)
15. Remove head kit from antenna, leaving aluminium base plate.
16. Mount antenna, via bracket, using 6 X 10 bolt provided.
17. Remove grommet and discard. Feed power cable, then antenna lead through hole and fit grommet.
18. Mount head kit and refit inner guard.
19. Remove centre console (4 screws).
20. Remove radio surround (3 screws and clips).
21. Remove 2 screws securing right hand dash panel.
22. Remove glove box and left-hand dash panel (7 screws and clips) [Fig J].
23. Remove top pocket (2 screws) and discard pocket.
24. Connect antenna power lead to harness and mount earth, via 6 X 10 bolt, to body [Fig L].
25. Plug antenna module into harness and mount module to frame using cable ties [Fig M].
26. Route harness to radio cavity. Connect speaker lead to rear door speaker lead (blue wire
Refer to Installation guide EIG112 (Kit # 92074558). Steps 4, 6 - 8.
Refer to Installation guide EIG109 (Kit # 92074559). Steps 7 – 14.
27. Locate vehicle harness and antenna lead. Connect radio harness to vehicle harness. Feed speaker
wire (yellow wire connection) to drivers side and connect to rear door speaker lead. Cable tie
speaker lead to existing wiring in 2 positions.
28. Plug harness and antenna lead into rear of unit and mount unit using original pocket screws. Ensure
that earth lead feeds behind and below bottom pocket. Connect earth lead to bolt using 6mm nut
provided [Fig K].
Eurovox No. Issue No. Authorised Date
EIG089 3Colin Moreland 10/12/01