Body Dimensi ons Page 1A2–5
Page 1A2–5
1 Using chassis stands (1) support the vehicle at hoist
pad locations.
2 Remove the rear wheels, refer to Section 10 Wheels
and Tyres.
3 Remove the intermediate muffler and pipe assembly
together with the rear muffler and pipe assembly, refer
to Section 8B Exhaust System.
4 From underneath the vehicle, support the final drive
assembly with a trolley jack. Raise the jack slightly to
take some of the weight off the final drive mount.
5 Loosen the M10 bolt (2), three places, attaching the
rear suspension support insulator bracket to the
vehicle, left-hand and right-hand side.
6 Loosen the rear suspension frame assembly M14
attaching bolt (3) left-hand and right-hand side.
Figure 1A2 – 1
7 Loosen the bolt (1), four places, attaching the final
drive rear mount (2).
Figure 1A2 – 2
8 If required, modify the rear crossmember centering tool No CH-46839 (AU458) (1), refer to Figure 1A2 – 3:
Do not attempt to drill the hole in the rear
crossmember centering tool without a drill
press, as the tool will be rendered inaccurate
if the hole is not drilled square to the surface
of the tool.
a) Mount the rear crossmember centering tool in a drill press.
b) Drill a 6 mm hole (2) through the landing on the top surface of the tool, 8.0 mm from the edges as shown.
c) Repeat steps a) and b) for the other end of the tool.