Entertainment System Page 12D–13
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
5 Remove the subwoofer amplifier, refer to 2.2 Sub woofer
Amplifier in this Section.
Check the 10 A fuse located at end of the unit. Replace
if necessary.
Check the wiring connection on the subwoofer amplifier
wiring harness. Repair as necessary.
Using a digital voltmeter, check for battery voltage
between the following terminals of amplifier connector
N6 and a known good gro und. Repair as necessary:
• Terminal X1-4, circuit 1540.
• Terminal X1-11, circuit 1540.
Using a digital ohmmeter, check for continuity between
a known good ground a nd the following terminals of
amplifier connector N6. Repair as necessary:
• Terminal X1-5, circuit 650.
• Terminal X1-12, circuit 650.
Install the amplifier (refer to 2.2 Subwoofer Amplifier in
this Section) and test the audio system again as
detailed in Step 2.
Is the system working?
End of diagnostics. Go to Step 6.
6 Check the wiring connections on the subwoofer speaker
for damage or incorrect connection. Repair as
Using a digital ohmmeter, check for open circ uit
between the speaker circuits and a known good ground
at amplifier connector N6. Repair as necessar y.
Test the audio system again as detailed in Step 2.
Is the system working?
End of diagnostics. Go to Step 7.
7 Disconnect the subwoofer amplifier conn ector N6.
Ensure that the subwoofer speaker connector is firmly
connected to the speaker. Using a digital ohmmeter,
check for continuity between each of the speaker
circuits at amplifier connector N6.
• Left Signal – X1-9, circuit 346 and X1-10, circuit
• Right Signal – X1-3, circuit 17 95 and X1-8, circuit
Is the value as specified?
2 ohms Replace the
subwoofer amplifier.
Refer to
2.2 Subwoofer
Amplifier in this
Go to Step 8.
8 Disconnect the subwoofer speaker connector.
Using a digital ohmmeter, check for continuity between
the speaker terminals.
Is the value as specified?
2 ohms Go to Step 9. Replace the
subwoofer speaker.
Refer to
2.1 Subwoofer
Speaker in this
9 Repair open or short circuit in speaker wiring circuits
346, 1794, 315 or 1795 as appropriate.
Install the amplifier and speaker and test the audio
system again as detailed in Step 2.
Is the system working?
End of diagnostics. Replace the
subwoofer amplifier.
Refer to
2.2 Subwoofer
Amplifier in this
Page 12D–13