Hood, Rear Compartm ent Lid, Liftgat e & Endgate Page 1A4–3
Page 1A4–3
2 Service Operations
2.1 Endgate Latch Bracket and Cable
Assembly, and Endgate Striker
LT Section – 12-685
Disconnecting either end of the cable
assembly will cause the endgate to hang and
interfere with the bumper fascia, which could
result in damage to either the bumper fascia
or endgate. Ensure that the liftgate is
supported at all times during the following
1 Remove the endgate handle and endgate inner panel access hole cover, refer to Section 1A4 Hood, Rear
Compartment Lid, Liftgate and Endgate in the MY 2004 VY and V2 Series Service Information.
2 Unclip the endgate latch assembly retainer and
disconnect the endgate latch assembly (1) from the
endgate lock anchor plate assembly, refer to
Section 1A4 Hood, Rear Compartment Lid, Liftgate
and Endgate in the MY 2004 VY and V2 Series
Service Information.
3 Withdraw the endgate latch assembly and spring (2)
from the endgate latch bracket and cable
assembly (3).
4 Have an assistant support the endgate and remove
the Torx screw (4), in two places.
Figure 1A4 – 1