Front and Rear Door Assemblies Page 1A5–5
Page 1A5–5
Rear Door Power Window Switch
1 From behind the rear door trim panel assembly, press
the tangs and remove the rear door power window
switch (1).
For further information regarding service and
diagnosis of the rear door power window switch,
refer to Section 12J Body Control Module in the
MY 2004 VY and V2 Series Service Information.
1 Ensuring that the rear door power window switch
connector points upwards, press the rear door power
window switch into the rear door trim panel assembly.
Figure 1A5 – 5
Rear Door Armrest Inse rt Assemb l y
1 To allow access to the rear door armrest insert assembly attaching parts, peel back the rear door insulator
assembly from the upper portion of the rear door trim panel assembly, refer to Section 1A5 Front and Rear Door
Assemblies in the MY 2004 VY and V2 Series Service Information.
2 Remove the clips (1), in two places, by sliding them
away from the rear door trim panel assembly (2).
When removing the insert assembly door
armrest nuts, a rotating action may cut off
the shaft. If a shaft is cut off, replace the rear
door insert assembly.
3 Remove the rear door armrest insert assembly
nuts (3), in four places, attaching the rear door armrest
insert assembly (4) to the rear door trim panel
4 Prise the rear door armrest insert assembly away from
the rear door trim panel assembly. Slide the rear door
armrest insert assembly towards the rear of the rear
door trim panel assembly and remove.
Reinstallation of the rear door armrest insert assembly is the
reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following:
1 Check that the rear door armrest insert assembly sits
flush against the entire length of the top contacting
surface of the rear door trim panel assembly.
2 Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Rear door armrest insert assembly nut
torque specific atio n .................................... 0.7 – 0.9 Nm
Figure 1A5 – 6