Sheetmetal and Subfram e Page 1B–18
Page 1B–18
2.5 Subframe Assembly
Any collision that has damaged the subframe assembly to the extent that it needs to be replaced may, have caused
some deformation to the cab structure and a complete thorough inspection and a dimensions check of the cab bodywork
is recommended.
Where a replacement of the subframe assembly is required, ancillary components will need to be removed from the
subframe. In this case it may be more convenient for the technician to remove these components while the subframe
assembly is still assembled to the vehicle.
The vehicle may become unbalanced on
stands or a hoist once the subframe
assembly, rear axle or rear suspension is
removed. Ensure the cab and subframe are
supported sufficiently to avoid injury or
damage before proceeding.
1 If required, remo ve the rear tray body assembly, refer to 2.2 Rear Tray Body Assembly.
2 Disconnect and plug the fuel lines at the connectors located just behind the cab and, if required, remove the fuel
tank, refer to Section 8A1 Fuel Tank.
3 Disconnect the handbrake cable and brake lines, refer to Section 5A Service & Park Braking System.
4 If fitted, disconnect the rear ABS sensor leads, refer to Section 5B ABS.
5 Remove the rear and intermediate exhaust assemblies, refer to Section 8B Exhaust System.
Once the propeller shaft has been removed from
the transmission, it may be necessary to fit a
blanking plug into the rear of the transmission to
prevent any loss of transmission fluid.
6 Remove the propeller shaft, refer to Section 4C Propeller Shaft and Universal Joint.
Removal of the rear suspension and axle
assemblies is not a mandatory requirement for
the removal of the subframe assembly. The rear
suspension and axle assembly may if required,
be removed from the subframe assembly as a
complete unit. If removed, support the subframe
with a suitable jack or lifting crane.
7 If required, remove the rear axle assembly, refer to Section 4B Rear Axle.
8 If required, remove the rear suspension assembly, refer to Section 4A Rear Suspension.
9 Remove the outer trim panel and noise reduction foam from between the subframe mounts and the cab, refer to
Section 1A9, 2.10 Rear Outer Trim Panel and NVH Foam.