Hydra-Matic 4L60-E A utomatic Transm is sion, On–Vehicle Servicing Page 7C4–3
Page 7C4–3
2 4L60E Automatic Transmission
Mass Damper
All rear axle fasteners are important attaching parts as they affect the performance of vital components
and/or could result in major repair expense. Where specified in this Section, fasteners MUST be replaced with
parts of the same part number or a GM approved equivalent. Do not use fasteners of an inferior quality or
substitute design.
Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to ensure proper retention of all steering
Through out this Section, fastener torque wrench specifications may be accompanied with the following
Identification marks:
! Fasteners must be replaced after loosening.
" Vehicle must be at kerb height before final tightening.
# Fasteners either have micro encapsulated sealant applied or incorporate a mechanical thread lock and
should only be re-used once. If in doubt, replacement is recommended.
If one of these identification marks is present alongside a fastener torque wrench specification, the
recommendation regarding that fastener must be adhered to.
2.1 Mass Damper
The following fasteners have either micro encapsulation or incorporate a mechanical thread lock and should
only be used once. If in doubt, replacement is recommended when performing this operation:
#$ Transmission mass damper retainer plate attaching bolts and nuts.
#$ Transmission mass damper retaining nuts
The 4L60E automatic transmission is fitted with a transmission mass damper. The mass damper is attached to the rear
extension housing assembly by a retainer plate and fasteners to reduce the amount of driveline noise transmitted to
cabin of the vehicle.