Hydra-Matic 4L65-E A utomati c Transm issi on Page 7D1–2
Page 7D1–2
1 General Information
The Hydra-Matic 4L65-E four speed automatic transmission general information for MY 2004 VY Regular Cab and MY
2004 VY Crew Cab Models carries over from previous MY 2004 VY & V2 Series Models and MY 2003 VY Regular Cab
Service Information.
For information relating to Hydra-Matic 4L65-E four speed automatic transmission general information for MY 2004 VY
Regular Cab and MY 2004 VY Crew Cab Models not covered in this Section, refer to Section 7C Hydra-Matic 4L60-E
Automatic Transmission in the MY 2004 VY & V2 Series Service Information.