Service and Park B raki ng Syst em Page 5A–2
Page 5A–2
1 General Information
With the following exceptions, MY 2004 VY and V2 Series Service and Park Braking System Information carries over
from MY 2003 VY & V2 Series vehicles. For information not contained within this Section, refer to Section 5A, Service
and Park Braking System in the MY 2003 VY Series and V2 Series Service Information.
• Front suspension strut brace fitted.
A front suspension strut brace is attached to the front suspension towers on certain models. This affects the service
procedures for the master cylinder and brake booster. Refer to Section 1A1 Body for front suspension strut bra ce serv ice
For all Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and
Traction Control System (TCS) information, refer
to Section 5B, ABS & ABS/TCS in the MY 2004
VY and V2 Series Service Information.