LPG System Page 8A2–2
Page 8A2–2
1 General Information
With the following exceptions, MY 2004 VY and V2 Series LPG system information carries over from MY 2003 VY Series
• Euro 2 Mixer
• LPG set-up procedure
• Front service line
To comply with Australian Design Rule ADR79, MY 2004 VY and V2 Series vehicles are fitted with the Impco Euro 2
tamper proof LPG mixer. The fuel mixture settings are set at the factory and should not require adjustment during normal
service. The mixer is a sealed unit, therefore, if a repair is required, the mixer will need to be replaced as a complete unit.
For information not contained in this Section, refer to Section 8A2 LPG System in the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series
Service Informatio n.
1.1 Principals Of Operation
The mixer is installed between the engine intake manifold
and the intake air filter.
When the engine is cranked or running, manifold vacuum is
transmitted through vacuum ports in the air valve (1) to the
upper side of the mixer diaphragm (2). As a result,
atmospheric pressure pushing upwards on the underneath
side of the diaphragm, lifts it against the downward force of
the metering valve spring (3).
The pressure applied to the upper side of the diaphragm
varies with engine speed and throttle position. The pressure
difference betw een atm osp heric pressure act ing on the
underneath side of the diaphragm and the pressure acting
on the upper side of the diaphragm determines the metering
valve (4) position.
The position and the shape of the metering valve
determines, the amount of LPG vapour (5) delivered to the
Maximum fuel delivery is determined by the power valve (6),
which limits the maximum fuel flow. The power valve is pre-
calibrated in the factory and is not adjustable in service. Idle
air by-pass adjustment is provided by the adjustment screw
and once set, the mixture adjusters are sealed off with a
tamper proof blanking plug (7).
Figure 8A2 – 1
For a further description of the KL7 LPG system operation and components not covered in this section, refer to
Section 8A2, 2 Principals Of Operation in the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series Service Inform ation.