Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 1
4C2 – 1
Section 4C2
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints
Before performing any Service Operation or other procedure described in this Section, refer to Section 00
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property
1 General Information ...............................................................................................................................2
2 Service Operations.................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Propeller Shaft ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Reinstall.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Fixed Constant Velocity Joint (Front).................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Plunge Constant Velocity Joint (Rear)................................................................................................................. 7
Remove................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Inspect .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Propeller Shaft and Boot.................................................................................................................................... 9
Constant Velocity Joint....................................................................................................................................... 9
Reassemble.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Method 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Method 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Reinstall................................................................................................................................................................ 12
3 Specifications.......................................................................................................................................14
4 Torque Wrench Specifications............................................................................................................15
5 Special Tools ........................................................................................................................................16
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 2
1 General Information
The front propeller shaft assembl y fitted to all variants of the MY2005 VZ AWD models is a single piece tubular design
that incorporates a constant velocity joint at the front and rear of the propeller shaft.
To allow for slight changes in propeller shaft length that may occur from body twist and/or torque reaction, the rear
constant velocity joint is a plunge type, while the front constant velocity joint is fixed.
Provided the service information contained in this Section is followed, both constant velocit y joints are fully serviceable.
Figure 4C2 – 1 – Front Propeller Shaft Assembly
1 Front Constant Velocity Joint (Fixed Type)
2 Front Constant Velocity Joint to Front Final Drive Pinion
Flange Bolt (6 Places)
3 Front Propeller Shaft
4 Rear Constant Velocity Joint to Transfer Case Front Output
Flange Bolt (6 Places)
5 Rear Constant Velocity Joint (Plunge Type)
6 Transfer Case Front Flange
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 3
4C2 – 3
2 Service Operations
All fasteners are important attaching parts as they affect the performance of vital components and/or could
result in major repair expense. Where specified in this section, fasteners MUST be replaced with parts of the
same part number or an app roved equivalent. Do not use fasteners of an inferior quality or substitute design.
Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to ensure proper retention of all components.
Throughout this section, fastener torque wrench specifications may be accompanied with the following
identification marks:
Fasteners must be repl aced after loosening.
Vehicle must be at curb height before final tightening.
Fasteners either have micro encapsulated sealant applied or incorp orate a mechanical thread lock and
should only be re-used once. If in doubt, replacement is recommended.
If one of these identification marks is present alongside a fastener torque wrench specification, the
recommendation regarding that fastener must be adhered to.
2.1 Propeller Shaft
LT Section No. – 05-050
Fasteners either have micro encapsulated sealant applied or incorporate a mechanical thread lock and
should only be re-used once. If in doubt, replacement is recommended.
Propeller shaft front an d rear attaching bolts.
As the left side exhaust pipe is close to the
front propeller shaft, it is recommended that
the engine be allowed to cool down before
undertaking this service operation.
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 4
1 Raise the front of the vehicle a nd support on safety stands. Refer to Section 0A General Information for the location
of jacking and support points.
2 To enable the propeller shaft to be installed in the
original position relative to the front pini on flange, use
a felt tipped pen or similar (e.g. ' whiteout' pe n) to make
an alignment mark ('A') on the t wo components.
3 With the transmission in the ‘Park’ position, loosen
then remove the six Torx headed bolts (1), using a
T50 Torx bit and suitable socket equipment. Then,
remove the three position washers (2) securing the
propeller shaft front constant velocity joint to the front
final drive pinion flang e.
4 Remove the exhaust pipe bracket, by first removing
the nuts from each side and then the two bolts
securing the bracket to the transfer case adaptor plate.
Remove the loosened bracket from the vehicle and set
to one side.
Figure 4C2 – 2
5 Mark the relative position of the rear co nstant velocity
joint to the transfer case front output flange 'A'.
6 Loosen the six rear constant velocity joint (2) to the
transfer case front output flange (3), Torx headed bo lts
(1), using a T50 Torx bit and suitable socket
7 Release the pa rk brake and select the transmission
Neutral position.
8 Remove the six loosened, Torx headed bolt s (1) and
three position washers (4).
When the front constant velocity joint is
removed from the pinion flange, do not allow
the propeller shaft to hang on the rear
constant velocity joint, as the excessive
angle will damage the boot and/or the
constant velocity joint itself.
Figure 4C2 – 3
9 Rotate the front drive axle pini on flange until one of the three cut-outs are facing downward. Refer to 'B' in Figure
4C2-2. This is necessary to provide sufficient clearance for propeller shaft removal.
10 Push the front constant velocity joint rearward sufficient to clear the front pinion flange, then lower at the front and
support the propeller shaft.
11 Using a brass drift and hammer, tap the rear constant velocity joint to free the constant velocity joint from the
transfer case front flange. Remove the propeller shaft assembl y from the vehicle.
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 5
4C2 – 5
Reinstallation is the reverse of the removal procedure, except for the following items:
1 Use a tap to clean thread se alant from the threads in both the transfer case front flange and the front final drive
pinion flange. Clean any res idual thread sealant from all fasteners.
2 Check that the vent hole in the transfer case front flange is clear and not blocked with mud or other debris.
3 Reinstall the rear constant velocity joint to the transfer case front flange, aligning the marks made before removal.
4 Push the front propeller shaft rearwards, enough to allow the reinstallation of the front constant velocity joint to the
final drive pinion flang e.
5 Apply Loctite 2 42 (or equivalent) thread sealant to the threa ds of the rear constant velocity joint, Allen key headed
retaining bolts before reinstalling, together with the three position washers.
6 After aligning the front constant velocity joint marks, apply Loctite 242 (or equivalent) thread sealant to the bolt
threads, then reinstall, together with the position washers.
7 Select Park and firmly apply the park brake before tightening both the front and rear c onstant velocity joint retaining
bolts to the correct torque specification.
( ) Propeller shaft front and rear
constant velocity joint retaining bolts
torque specification..............................................35 N.m
8 Reinstall the e xhaust pipe bracket to the transfer case adaptor housing bracket and to the exhaust pipe studs.
9 Reinstall a ll fasteners and tighten to the correct torque specificatio n.
Exhaust pipe bracket bolt to adaptor
housing bracket torque specification....................25 N.m
Exhaust pipe bracket nut to
exhaust pipe torque specification.........................25 N.m
10 Lower the vehicle to the ground and road test to establish satisfactory vehicle performance.
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 6
2.2 Fixed Constant Velocity Joint (Front)
LT Section No. – 05-050
The procedure to remove, inspect, disassemble, reassemble and reinstall this fixed constant velocity joint is the same as
that described for the fixed constant veloc ity joint, in Section 4C1 Rear Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints. When
reinstalling the constant velocity joint to the propeller shaft however, the press load must be taken by press plates
supporting the propeller shaft under the pro peller shaft neck at the plunge joint end, refer to Figure 4C2-16, in this
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 7
4C2 – 7
2.3 Plunge Constant Velocity Joint (Rear)
LT Section No. – 05-050
There are two repair kits available for the repair of each constant velocity joint.
a A DUST SHIELD KIT, which contains a cover, dust shield and boot assembly, retaining clamp, circlip and tubes of
grease and sealant (or gasket).
b A CONSTANT VELOCITY JOINT KIT, which contains the same items as in the DUST SHIELD KIT, plus the
constant velocity joint.
1 Remove front propell er shaft from the vehicl e. Refer to 2.1 Propeller Shaft, in this Section.
2 Using side cutting pliers or tin snips, remove the boot
clamp (1) and discard.
3 To ensure correct alignment of parts at reassembly,
use a felt tipped pen a (or correction fluid) to mark the
constant velocity joint (2), the end cover and the dust
Figure 4C2 – 4
4 Clamp the rear constant velocity joint in a vice fitted
with soft jaws (1).
5 Using a brass drift (2) and hammer, dislodge, then
remove the dust shield cap (3) from the end of the
constant velocity joint. Discard the removed cover.
Figure 4C2 – 5
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 8
6 Reposition the constant velocity joint in the vice jaws
and remove the dust seal and boot assembly (1),
using the same procedure detailed in Ste p 5.
Figure 4C2 – 6
7 Wipe the excess grease from the end of the constant
velocity joint.
8 Using correction fluid, apply relationship marks on the
inner race, ball cage and outer race, as shown by 'A'.
9 Using suitable circlip pliers, remove the circlip (1) from
the end of the propeller shaft and discard.
Do not re-use the circlip once it has been
removed. Always fit new parts on reassembly.
Figure 4C2 – 7
10 Slide the dust shield and boot back along the propeller shaft.
11 Support the constant velocity joint inner race (1) with
suitable press plates such as J229 12-01, then press
the propeller shaft from the constant velocity joint,
using a suitable drift (2).
12 Slide the boot and dust shield from the propeller shaft.
If the boot is to be reinstalled, be careful not to
damage the boot on the propeller shaft splines.
Figure 4C2 – 8
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 9
4C2 – 9
Propeller Shaft and Boot
1 Clean propeller shaft splines and boot, using suitable cleaning solvent.
2 Inspect the propeller shaft splines for twisting, cracking or excessive wear. If any of these conditions are observed,
then the propeller shaft must be replaced.
3 Carefully inspect the boot and replace if split, fatigued, cracked or worn.
Constant Velocity Joint
Complete disassembly of the constant
velocity joint is not recommended. The
internal components are a precision fit and
develop their own characteristic wear
patterns. Inter-mixing components could
result in looseness, binding and/or premature
failure of the joint.
1 Inspect grease in joint, and if obviously contaminated
and/or been subjected to dirt ingress, the joint has in
all likelihood suffered damage and should be replaced.
If inspection reveals that the joint has not been
contaminated, clean joint by soaking in a suitable
cleaning solvent.
2 Once grease has bee n removed, inspect internal
components by tilting inner race to one si de to expose
each ball.
Take care not to pivot the inner race too sharply,
as the balls can become dislodged. If this does
occur and the origi nal location of the balls is lost,
then the constant velocity joint should be
Figure 4C2 – 9
3 Replace joint a ssembly if there is severe pitting, galling, play bet ween ball s and the cage windows, any cracking or
damage to cage, pitting or galling or chips in r aceways.
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 10
During the removal, cleaning, inspection or
replacement of a constant velocity (constant
velocity) joint, it is possible for the joint to
become disassembled. Should an inadvertent
disassembly of a constant velocity joint
occur, and notwithstanding the earlier
recommendation, it is possible to reassemble
the constant velocity joint, provided the
following procedure is followed EXACTLY.
The inner race (1) and cage (2), together with
the individual balls (3), must be maintain ed in
their original locations to minimise the
creation of a noisy or binding joint.
As shown in the exploded view of the rear
constant velocity joint, two grooves (4) on the
outer race (5) and the angled ball raceways,
identify this constant velocity joint as a
“plunge” type. Note also the relationship of
the step (6) on the inner race (1) and the
machined recess (7) on the outer race.
Under no circumstances are components
from one constant velocity joint to be mixed
with components from another constant
velocity joint.
Figure 4C2 – 10
Method 1
1 Provided the balls are held captive in the ball cage when installed, insert each into its correct position.
2 While holding the inner race, cage and the six balls in position, reinstall to the outer race by turning the inner
assembly at 90° to the outer race, reinstall the two balls in their raceways, then rotate the inner assembly, to fully
reinstall. Refer to Figure 4C2-9. Check that the relationship marks are aligned, refer to Figure 4C2-7.
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 11
4C2 – 11
Method 2
1 Place the inner race (1) into the cage (2) and position
centrally within the cage, as shown in view ‘A’.
Figure 4C2 – 11
2 Place the inner race and cage (2) into the outer race
3 Align the thick sections (A) on the outer race, with the
narrow ones (B) on the inner race. Note also that the
relationship marks are aligned.
Figure 4C2 – 12
4 Tilt the cage and inner race as shown, and fit one ball
Repeat this process for the remaining five balls.
Figure 4C2 – 13
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 12
5 When assembly of the constant velocity joint is
complete, check for plunge movement of the inner
members (1), indicated by ‘A’. If NO plunge movement
can be achieved, then the constant velocity joint has
NOT been correctly assembled.
If this situation occurs, the constant velocity joint must
be disassembled and the assembly process repeated
until such time that a plunge movement of
approximately 28 mm is achieved.
Figure 4C2 – 14
Reinstallation is the reverse of removal proc edure, noting the following points:
1 Cleanliness of constant velocity joint and associated parts is of prime importance to ensure maximum life of joint
2 Install a new boot clamp over the end of the propeller shaft.
3 Inspect dust shield and boot assembly to check that both are undamaged.
4 Pack the constant velocity joint with the lubricant supplied in either of the two ava ilable Repair Kits. Work joint by
hand to distribute grease onto all surfaces inside the joint.
5 Clean mating surfaces of constant velocity joint, dust shield and end cap.
6 Apply a 2 mm bead of the sealant supplied in the kit or
use Loctite 510 High Temperat ure Gasket Eliminator
sealant or equivalent product (Hold en's Specification
HN 1593) to the dust shield and boot side of the
constant velocity joint, as shown (1). Take care not to
contaminate the constant velocit y joint greas e with
7 Ensure that the alignment marks made on removal,
are aligned, then use three of the attaching bolts to
align the dust shield with the constant velocity joint,
before tapping the shield into place.
Figure 4C2 – 15
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 13
4C2 – 13
8 Support the front propeller shaft with press plates such
as J22912-01 under the front neck (1), in a p osition
where the propeller shaft takes the press load and n ot
the front fixed constant velocity joint.
Figure 4C2 – 16
9 Press constant velocity joint onto shaft using a suitable
size socket or tube (1). Ensure that socket or tube only
presses on inner race (2) of joint.
10 Fit a new circlip to the end of the propeller shaft, using
suitable circlip pliers.
11 Repeat the application of sealant to the end cap side
of the constant velocity joint, refer to step 6 of this
12 Again using three of the attac hin g bolts for alignment,
tap the end cap into place.
Figure 4C2 – 17
13 After locating the boot into the recess in the propeller
shaft, secure with a new clamp (1), tightening with
keystone pliers, Tool No. J 22610 or commercial
Figure 4C2 – 18
14 Reinstall propeller shaft. Refer to 2.1 Propeller Shaft in this Section.
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 14
3 Specifications
Propeller Shaft
Length (Centre to Centre of each constant velocity Joint, in mid-plunge)....................666 mm
Propeller Shaft Tube Diameter ...................................................................................44.5 mm
Constant Velocity Joints
Front (Fixed Design) – Number of Balls..................................................................................6
Rear (Plunge Design) – Number of Balls................................................................................6
Rear Constant Velocity Joint Maximum Plunge Distance (from a central position) ....± 14 mm
Lubrication Quantity
Front Fixed Constant Velocity Joint....................................................................29 ± 2.5 gram
Rear Plunge Constant Velocity Joint ..................................................................45 ± 2.5 gram
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 15
4C2 – 15
4 Torque Wrench Specifications
Fasteners must be repl aced after loosening.
Vehicle must be at curb height before final tightening.
Fasteners either ha ve micro encapsulated sealan t applied or incorpo rate a mechanical th read lock and
should only be re-used once. If in doubt, replacement is recommended.
Exhaust pipe bracket bolt to adaptor housing bracket torque specification..25 N.m
Exhaust pipe bracket nut to exhaust pipe torque specification.....................25 N.m
Front Constant Velocity Joint to Front Final Drive Pinion Flange Bolt ..........35 N.m
Rear Constant Velocit y Joint to Transfer Case Front Flange Bolt ................35 N.m
Front Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints 4C2 – 16
5 Special Tools
Tool Number Illustration Description Tool Classification
Keystone Clamp Pliers
Used to tighten the constant velocity
joint boot clamps. Also released as E
1896 and 3A13.
Previously released
Press Plates
Also released as E6673
Previously released.