Rear Propeller Shaft and Universal Joints Page 4C1 – 7
Page 4C1 – 7
7 If bolts are used to secure the coupling to the transmission output flange, provid ed no thread damage is evident,
the original front propeller shaft coupling bolts may be re-used up to a maximum of ten times:
a Reinstall the three bolts and tighten to the correct torque specification.
Front coupling to transmission output
flange bolt torque specification...........................115 N.m
b If bolts and nuts are used to secure the coupling to the tran smission output flange, install NEW bolts and nuts
and tighten to the correct torque specification.
Front coupling to transmission output
flange bolt and nut torque specification..............115 N.m
c If nuts are used to secure the front coupling to the transmission output flange studs, insta ll NEW nuts and
tighten to the correct torque specification.
Front coupling to transmission output
flange nut torque specification .............................85 N.m
8 Reinstall the exhaust system, refer to Section 8B Exhaust System, for the procedures an d clearances.
9 Lower the vehicle to the ground an d road test to check for correct operation.
For WL Models with a Sliding Front Yoke
1 Clean the sliding yoke bearing surface, inspect for nicks or other damage.
2 If considered serviceable, lubricate the sli ding yoke with the recommended transmission lubricant, reinstall to the
transmission output shaft splines.
3 Lubricate the final drive pinion spigot with a molybdenum disulp hide grease such as an NLGI No. 2 lithium soap
based EP grease with molybdenum disulph id e, such as Shell Retinax HDX2 grease or BP Energrease LMS-EP 23
(or equivalent).
4 While supporting the centre beari ng offer the rear coupling up to the final drive pinion flange and temporarily install
one of the retaining bolts to secure in this position.
5 Raise the centre bearing assembly and install the bolts with spring washers to secure to the underbody
reinforcement. Tighten both bolts to the correct torque specification.
Centre bearing carrier to underbody
reinforcement bolt torque specification ................22 N.m
6 Before installing the rear coupling to fin al drive flange bolts, align the marks made before remova l, refer to
Figure 4C1-3.
7 Provided no thread damage is evident, reinstall the original rear propeller shaft coupling to the final drive pinion
flange, Torx headed bo lts, tightening to the correct torque specification.
Rear coupling to pinion flange
bolt torque specification.....................................115 N.m
8 Reinstall the exhaust system, refer to Section 8B Exhaust System, for the procedures an d clearances.
9 Road test the vehicle to check for correct operation.