Body Control Module Page 12J–3
Page 12J–3
1.1 General Description
The functions and features for the MY 2004 AWD Crew Cab BCM are the same as those features that a pply to MY 2003
VY and V2 Series vehicles, except for the BCM terminals listed belo w that are not used in this vehicle:
BCM Terminal
Identifier Name Acronym Description
X1-7 Rear Wiper On RR_WWPR This input normally activates the rear wiper motor via relay R17 on
a wagon vehicle.
X3-7 Rear Wiper
Request RR_WWPR_R This input normally comes from the rear wiper control switch fitted
to a wagon vehicle.
X3-8 Boot Unlock
Required BOOT_ULK This input connects to the rear compartment release button located
in the front storage compartment of a sedan or wagon vehicle.
X3-14 Rear Washer
Request RR_WWA_R This input normally req uests the rear washer to operate on a
wagon vehicle.
X4-2 Boot Solenoid BOOT_SOL
This output normally rel eases the rear compartment latch on a
sedan or wagon vehicle.
X4-3 Dome Door DOME_DOOR
This output normally su pplies timed battery power to the dome
lamp when the door is opened.
X4-6 Boot Switch BOOT_SW
This output normally indicates when the rear compartme nt lid or
tailgate in a sedan or wagon is open.
X4-21 Dome On DOME_ON
This input normally se nses when the dome lamp s witch has be
moved to the Door position.
X4-24 Stop / tail light
sense STLP_SENS This input normally se nses the amount of current drawn by the
stop and tail lamps.
Refer to Section 12J in the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series Service Information for further details about the functions of the
BCM Wiring Differences
The MY 2004 AWD Crew Cab vehicle has identical BCM related electrica l wiring compared to MY 2003 VY and V2
Series vehicles expect for the follo wing differences:
BCM Terminal Wiring Change Description
Identifier Name Acronym MY 2003 VY and V2 Series MY 2004 AWD Crew Cab
X2-9 Secondary
Serial Data UART_SCD One connection of this terminal
goes to the A37 Brakes/Traction
This terminal now connects to
the A38 Brakes/Traction module
in this vehicle.
X2-9 Secondary
Serial Data UART_SCD A connection from this terminal
goes to the A21 Memory Seats
No wiring exists in the Body
Wiring Harness (BWH) to
accommodate the A21 module.
Inclinometer (P2) Control Illumination
For a detailed description of how the vehicle’s inclinometer illumination system functions and ho w to adju s t its indicators,
refer to Section 12C Instruments in the MY 2004 AWD Wagon Service Information.