Rear Propeller Shaft & Universal Joints Page 4C1–5
Page 4C1–5
Reinstallation is the reverse of removal procedures, except for the following items:
1 Lubricate the transfer case rear output shaft spigot with a molybdenum disulphide grease such as Molybond GA10
or Shell ML10.
2 Clean the threads of the centre bearing carrier to underbody reinforcement bolts and underbody weld nuts, then
apply a thread sealant such as Loctite 242 or equivalent.
3 Reinstall the front of the propeller shaft assembly first, supporting the centre and rear sections.
4 While supporting the rear section, raise the centre bearing assembly and install the bolts and washers to secure to
the underbody reinforcement. Tighten both bolts to the correct torque specification.
( # ) Centre bearing carrier to
underbody reinforcement bolt
torque specific atio n ..............................................28 Nm
5 Slide the rear constant velocity joint assembly forward to allow access to the final drive pinion flange, then slide the
propeller shaft rearward to fully engage.
Take care not to disturb the end cap of the
constant velocity joint. The end cap has a gasket
to prevent contamination by foreign material.
6 Before reinstalling the attaching bolts and locking plates into the rear constant velocity joint and pinion flange, align
the marks on the pinion flange and rear joint, that were made prior to removal, refer to Figure 4C1-4.
7 Clean the threads of the six, rear constant velocity joint to pinion flange bolts, apply a thread sealant such as
Loctite 242 or equivalent, then reinstall with locking plates and tighten to the correct torque specification, using a
T50 Torx bit and suitable socket equipment.
(#) Rear constant velocity joint to the
rear axle pinion flange attaching bolt
torque specific atio n ..............................................35 Nm
8 Secure the front rubber coupling to the transfer case rear output flange, using new retaining nuts and washers,
before tightening to the correct torque specification. When reinstalled correctly, the aligning triangular shapes on
the coupling outer surface ‘point’ to the propeller shaft flange. Refer Figure 4C1-7.
( ! ) Rubber coupling to transfer case
output shaft flange retaining nut
torque specific atio n ..............................................68 Nm
9 Check that the exhaust clearances are as specified in Section 8B Exhaust System in the MY 2003 VY Series, Cab
Chassis Service Information.