Servic e and Park B raki ng Syst ems Page 5A–2
Page 5A–2
1 General Information
MY 2004 VY Series AWD Crew Cab service and park braking systems combine the service and park braking systems
from MY 2004 VY Crew Cab and MY 2004 VY AWD Wagon vehicles.
• For front service brake system service information, refer to Section 5A Service and Park Braking Systems in the
MY 2004 VY AWD Wagon Service Information.
• For rear service and park braking systems service information, refer to Section 5A Service and Park Braking
Systems in the MY 2004 Regular Cab and Crew Cab Series Service Information.
The load sensing proportioning valve is not used
on the MY 2004 VY AW D Crew Cab rear braking
• For master cylinder and brake booster service information, refer to Section 5A Service and Park Braking Systems
in the MY 2004 VY AWD Wagon Service Information.
• For ABS-TCS service information, refer to Section 5B AWD ABS-TCS.
When servicing the service and park braking
systems, do not create dust by grinding or
sanding brake linings, or by cleaning wheel
brake parts with a dry brush or with
compressed air. Breathing in dust that may
contain asbestos fibres can cause serious
bodily harm over a protracted period of time.
A water dampened cloth or water based solution should be used to remove any dust on brake parts. Equipment is
commercially available to perform this washing function. These wet methods prevent brake component fibres from
becoming airborne.