F0: Diagnostic Trouble Codes
In this test mode, DTCs stored by the PCM can be displayed or cleared. When F0: Diagnostic Trouble Codes is
selected, there are an additional four modes:
F0: Read Current DTC: All current DTC(s) will be displayed.
F1: Clear Current DTC: Clears all current DTC(s) in the PCM memory.
F2: DTC Information: All current DTC(s) will be displayed in numerical order.
F3: Freeze Frame/Failure Records: Freeze Frame is an element of the Diagnostic Management Ssytem which
stores various items of vehicle information at the moment an emissions related DTC is logged in memory and
the MIL is commanded ON.
Failure Records data is an enhancement of Freeze Frame. Failure Records store the same vehicle information
as Freeze Frame, but will store the information when DTC is logged in memory.
F1: Data Display
This mode displays data parameters for the system being diagnosed. When entering this mode, there are three
F0: Engine Data: In this test mode, the TECH 2 continuously monitors and displays all engine data parameters.
F1: Misfire Data: In this test mode, the TECH 2 continuously monitors the PCM’s “mis-fire counters”. A current and
history misfire counter are maintained for each cylinder. Engine data parameters relevant to the misfire are
displayed along with the misfire counters.
F2: O2 Sensor Data: The Tech 2 continuously monitors and displays engine data parameters.
In this mode, the TECH 2 scan tool captures data before and after a selected snapshot triggering condition which may
or may not set a DTC.
F3:Miscellaneous Tests
In this test mode, the Tech 2 performs software override commands of the PCM, to assist in problem isolation during
F0: Lamps: The MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) can be commanded on and off.
F1: Relays: The A/C Compressor Clutch relay and the Fuel Pump relay can be commanded on and off.
F2: EVAP: The Cannister Purge Solenoid operation can be commanded between 0% and 99%.
F3: Fuel System: Fuel Trim can be enabled or reset and O2 loop status monitored.
F4: Instruments: Tachometer Control allows the basic operation of the tachometer to be tested.
F5: EGR Control: The EGR Valve operation can be commanded between 0% and 99% in 10% increments.
F6: Variable Intake Manifold Solenoid: Used to command the Variable Intake Manifold Solenoid ON and OFF.
F7:Injector Balance Test: Allows individual injectors to be disabled and the resultant drop in engine RPM to be
F4:System Information
In this mode, the TECH 2 displays the status of the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) and the number of emission
related DTC’s set.
The TECH 2 Functions for the C22NE Engine application are similiar to those applied to the 3.2L 6VD1 Engine.