6. Windshield Glass
Remove the windshield glass, carefully following the steps
listed below :
1) Use a knife to cut through part of the adhesive caulking
2) Secure one end of a piece of steel piano wire (0.02 inches
in diameter) to a piece of wood that can serve as a handle.
3) Use a pair of needle nose pliers to insert the other end o
the piano wire through the adhesive caulk ing m aterial at the
edge of the windshield glass.
4) Secure the other end of the piano wire to another piece o
5) With the aid of an assistant, carefully move the piano wire
with a sawing motion to cut through the adhesive caulking
material around the entire circumference of the windshield
6) Lift the windshield from the body.
7) Clean any remaining adhesive caulking material from the
area of the body, which holds the windshield.
8) Use a soft rag and unleaded gasoline to wipe off any
adhesive remaining on the windshield glass.
7. Engine Hood Rear Seal
Install the engine hood rear seal as shown in the illustration.
1 : Seal
2 : Clip
3 : Rear (windshield glass side)
4 : Front
6. Windshield Glass
1) Clean the windshield glass bonding surface.
2) Use a soft rag and unleaded gasoline to wipe off any
adhesive remaining on the body.
3) Mount the body window glass as shown in the illustration.
Attach spacers at seven (7) locations.