Important Gudielines
The following points should be considered when selecting a vehicle for use with known body or equipment:
Type of Load
All calculations are carried out by the Body Builder ’s Design Engineers assume that, within reasonable lim-
its, the load to be placed in the body will be evenly distributed along and across the body. If the body or
equipment to be mounted constitute an unevenly distributed load, calculations should be made with regard
to axle loads in laden, unladen and part laden conditions.
Body and Payload Weight
The type of body, its weight and the payload capa city required, must be determined.
Performance, Power and Gra deability
Calculations must be carried out to ensure that the complete vehicle meets the customers’ expectations
and requirements with respect to these characteristics. These must be met without interfering with or modi-
fying the base vehicle specifications.
Fuel Tank
A void unnecessary reloc ation of the fuel tank. If relocation is necessary ADR compliance may be aff ected.
The Following Points Should Be Noted:
• Adequate clearance should be maintained between the fuel tank and any other component.
• Use new fuel hoses when lengthening is required
• Care must be t a ken with the locati on o f the f uel t ank f i ller to ensur e t hat the spi llage o f fuel onto exh aust or
electri cal system components cannot occur.
Wheels And Tyres
Adequate clear ance must be provided bet ween the rea r tyres and the under side of the body. The clearance
must allow the axle to reach its maximum bump travel without the tyre fouling on the body.
Operating Mass: (GVM & GCM).
To ensure a Holden Rodeo performs satisfactorily and reliably, it is most important that the manufacturer’s
specified Gross Vehicle Mass and Gross Combination Mass for the specific vehicle are not exceeded.
The maximum GVM and GCM mass limits are specified on Sales Specifications sheets available from
Authorised Holden Dealerships. GVM is also stamped on the safety compliance plate affixed to t he vehicle.
GVM: Gross Vehicle Mass is the total weight that a vehicle is allowed to weight when fully loaded. This
must include luggage, passengers and a full tank of fuel. The maximum allowable GVM for the 1997 and
later model Holden Rodeo 2WD vehicles is 2730kg. and 4WD is 2740kg.
GCM: Gross Combination Mass is the maximum allowable combined weight of a vehicle (with passen-
gers, luggage and full tank of fuel) plus the weight of a loaded trailer or caravan. If the trailer or caravan is
fitted with brakes initiated by the driver (NOT over-run operated brakes) then the maximum allowable GCM
for 2WD is 3730kg. and 3740kg. for 4WD vehicles.
Note – if the trail er or caravan is not fitted with dr iver i nitiated br aking the maximum legal al lowable GCM for
2WD vehicles is 3230kg. and 3240kg. for 4WD vehicles.