Oil Leak At Front
Axle 1. Worn or defective oil seal.
2. Front axle housing cracked. 1. Replace the oil seal.
2. Repair or replace.
Oil Leak At Pinion
Shaft 1. Too much gear oil.
2. Oil seal worn or defective.
3. Pinion flange loose or demaged.
1. Correct the oil level.
2. Replace the oil seal.
3. Tighten or replace.
Noises In Front Axle
Drive Shaft Joint Broken or worn drive shaft joints and
bellows (BJ and DOJ) Replace the drive shaft joints and
"Clank" When
Accelerating From
1. Loose drive shaft joint to output shaft
2. Damaged inner drive shaft joint.
1. Tighten.
2. Replace.
Shudder or
Vibration During
1. Excessive drive shaft joint angle.
2. Worn or damaged drive shaft joints.
3. Sticking spider assembly (inner drive
shaft joint).
4. Sticking joint assembly (outer drive
shaft joint).
1. Repair.
2. Replace.
3. Lubricate or replace.
4. Lubricate or replace.
Vibration At
Highway Speeds 1.Out of balance or out of round tyres.
2. Front end out of alignment. 1. Balance or replace.
2. Align.
Noises in Front Axle 1. Insufficient gear oil.
2. Wrong or poor grade gear oil.
3. Drive pinion to ring gear backlash
4. Worn or chipped ring gear, pinion
gear or side gear.
5. Pinion shaft bearing worn.
6. Wheel bearing worn.
7. Differential bearing loose worn.
1. Replenish the gear oil.
2. Replace the gear oil.
3. Adjust the backlash.
4. Replace the ring gear, pinion gear or
side gear.
5. Replace the pinion shaft bearing.
6. Replace the wheel bearing.
7. Tighten or replace.
Wanders and Pulls 1. Wheel bearing preload too tight.
2. Incorrect front alignment.
3. Steering linkage loose or worn.
4. Steering gear out of adjustment gear.
5.Tyres worn or improperly inflated.
6. Front or rear suspension parts loose
or broken.
1. Adjust the wheel bearing preload.
2. Adjust the front alignment.
3. Tighten or replace.
4. Adjust or replace the steering gear.
5. Adjust the inflation or replace.
6. Tighten or replace.
Front Wheel
Shimmy 1. Wheel bearing worn or improperly
2. Incorrect front alignment.
3. Worn ball joint or bush.
4. Steering linkage loose or worn.
5. Steering gear out of adjustment.
6.Tyres worn or improperly inflated.
7. Shock absorber worn.
1. Adjust or replace.
2. Adjust the front alignment.
3. Replace the ball joint or bush.
4. Tighten or replace.
5. Tighten or replace.
6. Replace or adjust the inflation.
7. Replace the shock absorber.