Condition and Cause Correction
Poor Brake Action
Master cylinder faulty Correct or replace
Power cylinder faulty Correct or replace
Level of brake fluid in reservoir too low Replenish and bleed
Air in hydraulic circuit Bleed
Front disc brake caliper faulty Clean or replace
Rear brake wheel cylinder faulty Clean or replace
Water or oil on brake pads or linings Clean or replace
Brake pads or linings hardened Replace
Brake pads or linings in poor contact with rotor or brake drum Correct
Brake pads or linings worn Replace
Brake disc or drum rusted Grind or replace
Check valve in vacuum hose faulty Correct or replace
Brake Squeak
Brake pads or linings worn Replace
Brake pads or linings hardened Replace
Brake pads or linings in poor contact with rotor or brake drum Correct
Brake disc(s) warped, worn or damaged Grind or replace
Disc brake anti-squeak shims fatigued Replace
Front hub bearings loose or preload is incorrect Adjust or replace
Brake disc or drum rusted Grind or replace
Brake Pull
Tire inflation pressures unequal Adjust
Front wheel alignment incorrect Adjust
Water or oil on brake pads or linings Clean or replace
Brake pads or linings hardened Replace
Brake pads or linings worn excessively Replace
Brake drum or rotor worn or scored Grind or replace
Front or rear wheel cylinder or disc brake caliper malfunctioning Clean or replace
Front hub bearing preload incorrect Adjust or replace
Brake pad or lining clearances unequal Adjust or replace
Brake Drag
Parking brake maladjusted Adjust
Brake pad or lining clearance insufficient Adjust
Brake pedal free play insufficient Adjust brake pedal height or power cylinder operating rod
Piston in master cylinder sticking Clean or replace
Pistons in disc brake caliper sticking Replace piston seals
Pistons in rear brake wheel cylinders sticking Clean or replace
Brake pads sticking in caliper Clean
Return springs weakened Replace
Parking brake binding Overhaul rear brakes
Front hub bearing preload incorrect Adjust or replace
Rear brake shoes not returning Correct or replace brake back plate, check automatic adjuster and
replace as necessary
Obstructions in hydraulic circuit Clean
Rotor warped excessively Grind or replace
Rear brake drum distorted Grind or replace
Piston cups swollen Replace brake fluid and piston cups
Check valve ; vacuum hose faulty Replace
Parking cable sticking Clean or replace
Rear disc brake over adjust Adjust or overhaul rear brakes
Excessive Brake Pedal Travel
Air in hydraulic circuit Bleed hydraulic circuit
Level of brake fluid in reservoir too low Replenish brake fluid reservoir to specified level and bleed hydraulic
circuit as necessary.
Master cylinder push rod clearance excessive Adjust
Leakage in hydraulic system Correct or replace defective parts
Rear disc brake autoadjuster malfunction Overhaul rear brakes