1. Connect the batteries in series.
2. Measure the battery power (Voltage).
Battery Power V
20 – 26
3. Connect the circuit tester (or voltmeter V2) as shown
in the illustration.
4. Set the variable resistor (3) to zero.
5. Slowly increase the resistance of the variable resistor
toward the build-up point.
Measure the voltage between E and F.
As long as the resistance is below the build-up point,
the voltage reading should be stable and less than two
When the resistance exceeds the build-up point, the
voltage reading should be two volts or greater.
If the voltage does not exceed two volts after reaching
the build-up point, the IC regulator must be replaced.
6. Return the variable resistor to zero.
7. Connect the circuit tester (or voltmeter V1) as shown
in the illustration.
8. Measure the voltage at terminals S, L, and E.
9. Slowly increase the resistance of the variable resistor.
Note the point at which the voltage quickly builds up to
between 2 and 6 volts.
This will indicate the point at which the voltage
regulator begins to function.
If the measured voltage is outside the specified range,
the voltage regulator must be replaced.
10. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 to measure the voltage
between terminals B, L, and E.
Refer to the illustration.
The regulator voltage should be between 0.5 and 3
volts higher than the measured voltage.
If the regulator voltage is outside this range, the
voltage regulator must be replaced.
Check the rear cover oil seal bore for oil leakage.
1. Use a screwdriver to remove the oil seal from the rear
cover side.
Take care not to damage the oil seal bore.
2. Discard the used oil seal.
3. Use the oil seal installer to install the new oil seal.