Inspection And Repair
Make the necessary adjustments, re pairs, and part replacements if excessive wear or damage is discovered durin g
inspection. Note that the quoted pressures ar e Absolute Pressure.
Turbocharger pressure check
(1) Remove the pressure switch connecting hose from
intake duct.
(2) Connect the pressure gauge.
(3) Start the engine and gradually increase the engine
speed (the vehicle must be stationary with no load
applied to the engine).
(4) Check to see that turbocharger pressure rises to
approximately 141.3 kPa (1060 mmHg).
Pressure Gauge : 5-8840-0075-0
Waste gate operation check
(1) Remove the hose between the waste gate and the
intake pipe.
(2) Connect the pressure gauge.
(3) Check to see that the rod begins to move whe n a
pressure of approximately 118 kPa (885 mm Hg) is
applied to the waste gate.
Do not apply a pressure greater than 150 kPa (1125
mm Hg) to the wastegate during this check.
Unit Inspection (Remove Turbo. from engine)
Check that the pressure required to stroke the control rod
c is at the correct value. kPa / mm Hg
4JB1-TC 147.7 / 1108
4JH1-TC 134.8 / 1101
Safety valve check
Operate the valve with your hand to check its operation.
Check the valve seal are for excessive wear or dama ge.
Contact the “ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED” Dealer service
department or “IHI SERVICE FACILITY” for major repairs
and maintenance.
Important wheel shaft end play and bearing clearance
standards and limits are included below for your