Draining and Refilling Cooling System
Before draining the cooling system, inspect the system
and perform any necessary service to ensure that it is
clean, does not leak and is in proper working order.
The engine coolant (EC) level should be between the
“MIN" and “MAX" lines of reserve tank when the engine
is cold. If low, check for leakage and add EC up to the
“MAX" line.
There should not be any excessive deposit of rust or
scales around the radiator cap or radiator filler hole,
and the EC should also be free from oil.
Replace the EC if excessively dirty.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being burned, do
not remove the cap, hoses or drain plug while the
engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and
steam can be blown out under pressure.
1. Place a suitable container beneath the vehicle and
completely drain the cooling system by opening the
drain plug at the bottom of the radiator.
2. Remove the radiator cap.
3. Disconnect all hoses from the EC reserve tank and
remove the tank. Scrub and clean the inside of the
reserve tank with soap and water. Flush it well with
clean water, then drain it. Install the reserve tank
and hoses.
4. Refill the cooling system with coolant to Holden
Specification. Refer Section 0B.
Procedure for filling with coolant (in case of full change)
• Make sure that the engine is cool.
• Open radiator cap and pour coolant up to filler
• Pour coolant into reservoir tank up to “MAX" line.
• Tighten radiator cap and start the engine. After
idling for 2 to 3 minutes, stop the engine and
reopen radiator cap. If the water level is lower,
WARNING: When the coolant is heated to a high
temperature, be sure not to loosen or remove the
radiator cap. Otherwise you might get scalded by
hot vapour or water. To open the radiator cap, put a
piece of thick cloth on the cap and loosen the cap
slowly to reduce the pressure when the coolant has
become cooler.
fter tightening radiator cap, warm up the engine at
about 2000 rpm. Set heater adjustment to the
highest temperature position, and allow the coolant
to circulate into the heater system.
• Allow the engine to reach operating temperature
and ensure the thermostat has opened.
• When the engine has cooled, carefully remove the
radiator capo and check filler neck for water level
and replenish if required. Should an extreme
shortage of coolant be found, check the cooling
system and reservoir tank hose for leakage.
• Pour coolant into the reservoir tank up to “MAX"